Why would anyone want a sex slave this ugly?
>Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright said that Kala Brown, the woman rescued after spending two months chained up inside a metal container, was in good spirits and looked good considering her ordea
Why would anyone want a sex slave this ugly?
>Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright said that Kala Brown, the woman rescued after spending two months chained up inside a metal container, was in good spirits and looked good considering her ordea
Oh fuck she's ugly as shit. Not even a neet as desperate as me would fuck her.
What if she likes anime?
She also had a bf and a sex offender orbiter
Daily reminder that women cannot be robots
as long as you have a vagina someone is going to want to fuck it. its not the same if you have a dick
I don't even like anime.
this, not getting laid as a woman requires a commitment
this is why female virginity is worthwhile right here
>as long as you have a vagina someone is going to want to fuck it. its not the same if you have a dick
I'll fuck dat boi pussy tho
you say that now
Oh well.
I pity you desu.
Guys last. name was koheill or something Jewish sounding. Served fifteen years in prison for kidnapping got out it 2001 became real estate agent. Guess the ethnicity of hi benefactors... Wonder why he was able to afford really nice fencing around 100 of his own private acres?
maybe he was into ugly women
i think it was some kind of sex games thing where she wanted to be tied up like a dog. Then once the police found out all the sudden she claims shes a victim and the media eats it up.
If she was pretty people would miss her.
That's probably true.
looks pretty to me. don't know what you guys are talking about
eh she certainly isn't pretty but, I wouldn't call her ugly. Just looks like an average girl. Least she isn't fat.
Lol you consider that average? No wonder ugly women think they are hot on dating websites.
She got set free just in time to cast her vote for Hillary!
Why wouldnt you vote for Hillary though?
Maybe she's got a great ass
1st post ur photo then call other people ugly