In all seriousness can we give this man some credit? He's been saying this for years and they've all turned out true.
Half-human chimeras
Clinton's hanging out with pedophiles
Globalists being satanists
Hillary being sick
In all seriousness can we give this man some credit? He's been saying this for years and they've all turned out true.
Half-human chimeras
Clinton's hanging out with pedophiles
Globalists being satanists
Hillary being sick
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a Pussy Bitch. I don't trust fat fucks. A man who can't control his own gluttony and his own emotions is a blue pilled faggot if I've ever seen one. Also Alex Jones is afraid to say fuck on his shows so you know he's a giant fucking pussy. Fuck this pussy bitch
Jeez, Russia why the hate?
I hate weak men.
Right all along
Turned off because of his over the top emotions
He has yet to name the jew but I still like him.
He is right about fat people tough, never ever trust a fat person.
Ignore CTR shill posts
He looks like a pretty tough guy tbó ‡¦h.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
Post your pic to show your manly.
>He didn't know Jones was right the whole fucking time
People like you are why America sucks right now
Yes, that's what controlled opposition does. He gives some things so people would tune in and then spout whole lot of bullshit so he would make his listeners a bunch of idiots.
he's named the jew before several times
sigh, if you fall too deep in the everyone is against me conspiracy hole you start to sound like a moron
way to control your emotions you fat fuck
Daily reminder that alex jones is a true blue shill/sensationalist
Bill Cooper called this faggot out years ago.
Fuck off shill, he got exposed. I bet you haven't seen his debate against Duke
Well wait now.
Bill Hicks is, supposedly, an FBI plant. But now we're finding out that parts of the FBI are working against those parts of the establishment that think they're above the law. It could be that Bill Hicks is a double shill on multiple levels; playing controlled opposition when the tall guys are looking, but slipping in nuggets of truth for his followers.
The mind fuckery is deep this decade, no matter what you want to believe.
Why you guys hating on bill hicks.
Doesn't change the fact that he was right faggot.
It's almos entertaining how a lot of what you would call conspiration theories 10 years ago got topped by reality meanwhile.
Doesn't change the fact that he was right all along faggot.
Nah, he may be fat but he's not a lard
He has actual dad-bod where you can tell he used to be fit as fuck
>complains he can't control his emotions
>uses expletives gratuitously and vitriolically despises someone for superficial shit
>is a faggot
I think you've got him beat on all counts boyo.