
The #1 news show in the country is about to run with this. Its over, CTR.

Other urls found in this thread:


I was gone for a week, wtf is spirit cooking?

the satanic illuminati is real now

Elites fucking & eating kids.

Occult ritual that Podesta was involved in along with some Serbian woman who looks very semitic.

fuck off CTR nerd virgin

Illuminati is real. The elites are demons.

You ever seen Eyes Wide Shut?

Basically that but with more cum and blood

no fucking way

Just some avant-garde bullshit everyone is thinking was an occult blood sacrifice.

This is an example of Saul Alinsky / Hillary Clinton tactic - projection.

Literally a demon cult ritual

It's real go to twatter #spiritcooking

In Spirit Cooking, Marina uses pigs blood (which most resembles human blood) as a medium to connect the spirit world with the material world. The ritual takes place in the kitchen, which is considered the heart of the home. The goal of the ceremony is to convert matter into energy so spirits can feed on it. Marina "...derives her inspiration from the popular belief that the spirits still need food even though it is no longer solid, but in the form of light, sound, and emotions."[14][15]

Source: everipedia.com/spirit-cooking-marina-abramovic/#ixzz4P3vIubKu

tl;dr Podesta is literally sacrificing blood and semen to demons


Something sperglords are promoting to discredit the email leaks.

nerd virgin

Some bat-shit crazy performance artist sent an email to Podesta about a "spirit cooking" dinner invite. He forwarded the email to his brother, obviously not knowing what spirit cooking meant. It's a non-story, but funny as hell.

Marina isn't an occultist. She's an edgy avant-garde artist.

You people know nothing of the occult and confuse these theatrics with actual spirit work.

>Reptilians and the illuminati are real guys
>Projecting this hard

Nice try, CTR

Marina Abramovic has said that the context in which a ritual performed in is what defines its intention.[13] If it is performed in a gallery, then it is art. Yet, if its performed in a private setting then it is much more intimate and spiritual. []

Source: everipedia.com/spirit-cooking-marina-abramovic/#ixzz4P3xMkVxk

Note that the discussion with Podesta was a private invitation.

I need help looking for this painting that hangs on the wall in John Podesta's office

It was also talked about in this Times article

Also this


And it was an invitation which Podesta forwarded to his brother. So what?

>The elite pedophilia scam is going to be uncovered.

I think the elites are just feeding a head to the plebeians. This is rampant among most of them I suspect. And not just kiddie diddling, but probably child murder too and sadism.

The depravity of these people is almost incomprehensible. I choose to see them as non humans though. Kind of like a monster from the witcher. Easier that way. Now I know why that David Icke guy got into the whole lizard thing. He probably went partially insane from understanding what these people do, and started to associate them as non humans because of the level of depravity.

Thing is, they are human. But the good news is pedophilia is genetic, hence we can select for genetic clusters to exterminate in these people.

Interesting. I will see if I can dig up anything.

Also this painting that John Podesta hangs in his office is "on loan" from his brother's, Tony, private collection.

Daily reminder that David Icke was right about former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath being a child molester SEVENTEEN YEARS before the London Police were investigating claims that Ted Heath molested children in August of last year. If Icke was right about that (and he WAS, of course), he's right about interdimensional shapeshifting lizard-people. Truth is stranger than fiction. Check this out:


Theres a pic of Lady Gaga and Abramovic doing this exact same thing.

Let me look for it

Best. Election. Ever.

I saw it and the Abramovic video where they serve cake in the form of naked women at some gala in NYC

>Marina isn't an occultist.

>Her twitter literally has the 666 number on it

found it

The fuck

I wasn't talking about this one
>This is new
But this one

That video is weird as fuck. Anyone know any of this mythology? What is this supposed to symbolize?

I think the problem is really that the so-called elites may be subject to the same confusion.

jews eating white women/children

just when you thought (((they))) couldn't get any worse

the fuck is this shit?!

Jesus these people are disgusting and creepy.

My local Fox syndicate radio host talked about it a half hour ago




>performance art
>Podesta not Clinton
>no proof Podesta actually went

You guys are way too autistic for words

I honestly forgot that based Hannity is 4 times more popular than CNN.
This will get YUUUGE tomorrow, for Halloween aswell :^)

they'll probably just dismiss it. keep digging.

>Worked in Ucraine
>Manafort not Trump
>No proof Manafort was an russian agent

You guys are way too autistic for words.

>Having Satanic Rituals near you when you need black and hispanic voters.


It's going mainstream faggot

>defying the autist's calls to dig

>MFW crackpot conspiritards on YouTube like Mark Dice and Alex Jones finally have some hard evidence on occult magic and weird/disgusting rituals.

>Cuck trying to make a point
>Cuck fails
>Cuck gets mad
>Cuck calls people autistic

Oh and Weiner isn't in Witness Protection
>not in the conventional sense


>he thinks this is first bit of evidence

You faggots realize that IF this stuff turns out to be true, that even normies will literally go 1488 and there will be executions in the streets, right? People from across party lines would be teaming up. I'm talking French Revolution, decapitation of all involved persons in the streets.

You faggots really want this? We should quit while there's still time to put this kek back into the box. While there's still hope for peace. While there's still hope for a semblance of normality. We can still turn back, chalk this up to wild conspiracy theories, and pretend like we never saw it.

The absolute best case scenario: it's all true. You are momentarily vindicated for a few days after the dumb ape you nominated loses the election. Obama sends party vans to all your houses, brands you as sex offenders, then sticks you in a federal pen or executes you.

There is no timeline in which it is beneficial to investigate this avenue.

Thing is, if Hannity is running with this, then I say again, we are meant to infer that he, as not an elite, but an insider with access, has already heard the worst, the stuff that isn't possible to say on the air at this point.

There have been so many leaks. So many people--notably, the Democratic strategist and longtime Clinton aide/supporter Doug Schoen, who are suddenly, sharply disassociating themselves from the Clintons and openly saying they will not vote for her. To me, that says the most, says it without being explicit, but very clearly nonetheless.

The ride WILL get bumpier and crazier at this point.

I've told several of my friends, "this is the year I'm discovering that most of the classic conspiracy theories turned out to be true." Not reptilians or aliens, yet, but I have a feeling the ayy lmao theories are getting close.

Buckle up.

>nice pasta


I don't even know man. This shit is moving fast. I guess it has something to do with cooking with menstrual blood?

Interesting picture on Podesta's office wall


Aliens are literally just demons, bruh.
You have to go deeper. It gets worse as you go and far less sci-fi.

the ayy lmao's are the next level. just wait...

The source of the global conspiracy exists outside of this dimension.

Fucking KEK burgers


He gonna fuck dat horse.

Pic related is likely an Illuminati invincibility cheat

How can we get this information to the latino and black communities.

Im sure they fucking love the idea of the Presidents henchmen being rich hedonistic edge lords.

Fuck him and fuck all these pedophiles.

We don't fear these monsters anymore. They're not even fucking human, not really. They're a bunch of depraved lunatics, and fearing autists is silly. Who cares if they try to take us out for exposing them, I'd rather be dead than have the world run by pedophile cannibal child murderers.

Holy fuck. That's his life now, huh?
That's the face of a defeated man. I dislike Weiner, but, God, this is depressing.

Lmao this is the story the CTR shills are sending out...

Most half assed repudiation of the allegations ever.


go to church on sunday and tell everyone there

The fact that they concern trolled us to try and stop this from coming out, and now have articles for shills to fire back with shows this shit is legit. We make this the #1 story and they lose all religious support

We need to get that to the religious devote communities that the Dems rely on.

let them decide

Can tards get the attention of some black pastors with it?

Maybe print out some copies of that sign and put them around Black and Latino Churches?

Im white so all of the people at my church will watch Hannity.

The Black and Latin communities are the ones who wont see it.


go to black church or latino church and spread the word

Yeah you first.

Black Baptist Pastors have to have twitter right?

Also I think they have radio channels that take callers?

what the literal fuck is going on with this election

I don't know, Finnbro. It's a colossal clusterfuck that's making my head spin.

black church is fun as fuck dude

wear a fly as fuck bright colored suit and go redpill some brothers. youll enjoy it

don't ever change, Sup Forums
Greatest entertainment ever.
Worthless politics, but great entertainment.

>pedophile cannibal child murderers
You forgot crack addicts

Just the happening we always deserved

our boy Paul Joseph Watson is onto it boys

No, in the forwarded email, Tony refers to Marina by her first name and refers to the spirit cooking dinner as just a dinner (and invites his wife mary).

This implies he knows what Dinner at Marinas means.

What a dumb story to cover
Kek wills against it im sure.

baby steps user, we'll deal with clinton not getting elected....that shit comes next!

Almost, ctr


Were not even in the ride yet were still in line n our turn is coming up on nov 8 u get in the seat n buckle up because its a never ending ride

just put it in this fucking thread

CTR on suicide watch you shills might as well sacrifice yourselves to Moloch now





Shadilay and checked

Have we actually changed the course of this election?

I love you all brothers MAGA and SHADILAY

no I want mine to grow too

in pt-br "americans are really better at everything... even when it comes to electing some fucked up woman as president they got one who is a satanist and shit"

anyone seem anything in spanish?

then stop cross posting and trying to slide this fucking thread

I've been working all day so far to find this fucking painting in Podesta's office. That shit is a big fucking connection to John Podesta directly with the #SpiritDinner shit from his brother Tony.

Every fucking thread I post it in either gets slid or 404'd. It's obvious now that all the fucking "Don't look into it - it's a CTR white rabbit" threads are in fact CTR shill threads to scare the newfags away from weaponizing their autism.

do it like I do bro, spread around, always works

What about the weird picture of the asian girl too?

Yes. I want CNN to talk about this lol

Thisfucking britbong shithead

>not knowing what it was

That's what we're going with now? They didn't know....

I can see that, but I hope some are just critters from other planets. Friendly ones with good cuisine.

I can't wait. Seriously.

That wouldn't surprise me at all. Sometimes I think the elites aren't human, and not because I can't cope with their creepiness or evil. I mean, some seem neutral or even benevolent. But not human, really.

What? It was in one of the early threads. Podesta has a creepy painting of an asian girl in his house.