Says it shouldn't be literally illegal to not refer to trannies by "xhe" or whatever

>says it shouldn't be literally illegal to not refer to trannies by "xhe" or whatever
>is worshipped by the altright and portrayed by the mainstream media as the next hitler

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's an unexceptional intellectual who manages to attract lunatics and he maintains his composure every time. It's bizarre, really.

how does he do it?

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you people are idiots who worship some 3rd rate professor at a Canadian university of all things who literally wrote a top ten list help book.

I don't like Liberals either but that shit is pathetic.

The whole idea of claiming to be a right winger and needing self help advice from a secular souce is laughable and quite hypocritical.

Peterson is a Christian though

Did you get your $10's worth from that personality test?

free marketplace of ideologues

>is worshipped by the altright
No he isn't.

>ITT people who cannot attack Peterson on what he says so they have to use adhom

This is deeply sad. The envy of the left for not being able to debate the man is just sad.


>this intellectual is not as brilliant as everyone says they are
>the fans of this intellectual are pliable fools
>I am dumbfounded by this intellectual's success and influence

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>if you're right wing you have to be religious

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I don't think there's very many people on this site who disagree with him as far as his "anti-left" stances go.

The only reason he's well known is because of the loonies who debate him. His own philosophy is nothing noteworthy. Not that there's anything wrong with being average.

am I supposed to know who this is?

did you have this response pre-typed?

there was only 3 posts before you

Alt-Right hates him for being a good goy.

he's a college professor not someone associated with the church, dumbass.

If you need self help as someone on the right go to a priest or pastor. Not some idiot trying to sell you a book so you feel better about being an asshole.

I took the time to listen to some of his lectures and he's a good educator, gets his points across easily and makes things stick. I can see why he's popular.

are you calling me a shill for not loving your youtube celebrity who gives you permission to not like people?

I haven't heard a single thing from this so called academic that would qualify as insightful and he certainly get's posted a lot.

Considering his is an abnormal psych professor who wrote a top 10 tips book, have you idiots considered that you may be the abnormal audience he is trying to appeal to?

sam harris poops on this guy

The whole point about being on the right, is that you can do whatever, talk to whoever, or read whatever the fuck you want for your own self help
Look up the definition of secular and shut the fuck up

>everyone right wing should be big and stronk and need no help

freudian slip? did your NRA donating dad fuck you in the ass as a boy?

That's the goal of shills like op. To make you know, so you can buy his rugs. This is the way of the e-celeb fags.

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>3rd rate
i dont care for peterson much, but what is your idea of a first rate professor? he taught at harvard

perfect addition to my clean room, I'm finally a man

thank you dad- I mean based JP

he said alt-right but he meant nazis

how can one man be so based. Every roastie I know hates him and now hates me.

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Fake tweet

he's literally a con man riding the tails of this anti pc movement. I think pc culture is stupid too but i dont need to listen to some kermit sounding faggot tell me about it 30 times over in a lecture hall, on the news, and on podcasts like holy fuck how has this guy not run out of material yet?

Well, i guess as long as there is no shortage of low hanging fruit, he can keep saying basic statistics, backing down and saying "i dont know" when asked about solutions, and then go on tangents and start talking about archtypes.

100%. sam turns peterson into a rambling schizo

Nazis don't worship this anti-white cuck.

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This guy is a real demagogue. He knows exactly what to say to appeal to the masses.

>starts tearing up when mentioning young white men
Seriously? Is there any white man delusional enough to think that he is the victim?! LMAO, you guys are pathetic, ruling everyone in this sexist and patriarchal society while still crying about being oppressed.

>lecture hall
The point of lecturing is repeating and teaching the same material over and over again, literally repeating it every single year to new students. It's not his fault that you're an obsessed faggot who follows everything he does, I wouldn't even know who to fuck this guy is if it wasn't for Sup Forums.

>taking seriously a guy that sounds like a puppet frog

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some """intellectual""" that appeals to sad white bois because he tells them they're not actually a waste of genetic information(they are)

you are correct he was a non tenured adjunct assistant professor (they call them lecturers there).

That usually puts you on the track to teach at a run of the mill state school in a tenure-track position which is what he has.

To specifically answer your question, a first rate professor would have changed something in his field in a significant way or changed the way his discipline is taught to the student body.

Peterson just got famous because he told SJWs to slow their roll. Before that he was lost in the back bench of a good but not great university's weaker departments.

This weak bait is nothing but bloody postmodernism. How can you expect to troll if you can't even clean your room?

Sort your shitposting out.

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I don't understand the hatred some people have for him. He gives good advice for people who don't have their life in the best of states, and a high proportion of his viewers clearly benefit substantially from his lectures. So, why dismiss him as a self-help guru or a pseud. If you personally don't benefit from his channel, then fine, but why constantly disparage the people who do?

Because they actively want males to be doing poorly. Only women are allowed to succeed.

because they can't shut about it and try to convince everyone else that his basic bitch advice is like the second coming.

>basic bitch advice
what do you mean by that?

repeating surface level redpills when you literally cant come to a rational stance on what "truth" should be, should barely qualify as lecturing.

>clean your room
>be urself
literally, basic bitch advice

He's the very definition of an obscurantist faggot AKA he spews banalities but does so in vague, pompous terms in order to cloak the fact that he really has nothing of value to say. If I were mean I'd call him the stupid man's intellectual. He sounds smart to people who are not well read enough. He profits from desperate, angry people who want to find meaning.
Here's a pro tip: do yourself a favor and go read real right wing intellectuals like Julius Evola.

the bill he got famous for opposing says nothing about pronouns. he built a straw man to spread FUD. i do kind of like him though.

Damn, senpai you straight retarded. You can’t even criticize a person correctly.

sam harris is fucking retard user. pls stop shilling for that bozo.

Dont know anything about canadian universities but it's ranked 1st in canada and 22nd in the world here

In fact the research in the psychology department was ranked 2nd in the world, so he's in the most prestigious department in the university

Individualism is code for genocide

He wasn't against pronouns, he was against compelled speech.

>his fans are retards so he must be retarded too

This. You can agree or disagree with this psychiatrical analyses of men and Western society - it's his interpretation and there's plenty to debate there.
Don't just cry 'muh Alt-Right!' and try to shut him down based on guilt by association. His views on free speech and university campus culture are quite praiseworthy.

are you just reposting redit comments?

Remember when this place used to be Sup Forums and was all about film and television?

> says it shouldn't be literally illegal to not refer to trannies by "xhe" or whatever
> says it should not be not legal to not refer

US education lol

huh? please post something of his you disagree with. I find him to be really rational.

okay ill step in

how about the fact that he once said "proof requires an axiom (as goddel provided) thus believe in god is a prerequisite for proof"

I'm warning you, don't go down a rabbit hole of trying to defend this. I have smacked down every single psued who tries to make sense of this gobbledygook

>Harris describes himself as a liberal, and states that he supports raising taxes on the very wealthy

>During the 2016 United States presidential election, Harris supported Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party presidential primaries against Bernie Sanders,[49] and despite calling her "a terribly flawed candidate for the presidency", he favored her in the general election and came out strongly in opposition to Donald Trump's candidacy.[50]

Before you ask, no I'm not in the tank for Trump. He's a dipshit but less awful than Clinton.

You really cannot fault someone for choosing one over the other. One is an obvious retard the other is a psychotic shadow reptile. I can't find fault with what he says on this because it mostly comes down to whichever you personally find less bad

>I'm warning you, don't go down a rabbit hole of trying to defend this. I have smacked down every single psued who tries to make sense of this gobbledygook

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dont make fun of me

>You really cannot fault someone for choosing one over the other.
You absolutely can. Hillary Clinton represented the status quo. Nothing would change; government would continue to grow in all spheres. Under Trump we have a de-regulatory environment, one of the first in decades, the repeal of obnoxious policies like NN and tax cutting. That Trump has failed to repeal Obamacare and raised spending to obscene levels is regrettable, but Clinton would have done none of the good and perpetuated all of the bad.

They were both truly terrible choices, but only a simpleton would think there was no difference. Gary Johnson would have been my choice, but he ran a sloppy campaign and was repeatedly sabotaged by forces without and within (Bill Weld).

He said the state should not force you to use xhe but if someone asked him to that he would.

>Gary Johnson would have been my choice

He'll be everyone's choice as Trump fucks up more and more spectacularly, user. By the time it ends there'll be so many people untruthfully professing to have voted for him that if it translated into support when and where it had actually counted he'd be president now.

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The guy who literally didnt know what aleppo was?

>le open borders dude weed guy

I don't disagree with a lot of what Peterson says (mainly because I don't give a shit about culture war bullshit) but I find it kind of sad how a certain segment latches onto him so tightly.

Reminds me of pic related. Just kind of sad how these people let themselves be taken advantage of like this.

And because I can hear your furious little fingers typing even before I hit enter: yes, this is a problem on the left too.

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Opinion discarded.

dr peterson's much misunderstood. not exclusively by slobbermouthed neckbeards who want to believe "based ?ourguy/ we got intellectel perstige now" but mostly by them and certainly to the most medacious effect

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>a bunch of trump supporters holding up a fag who takes black cock
>one of them is even a shitskin

christ the world is a fucking parody of itself

>I find it kind of sad how a certain segment latches onto him so tightly.

You think *you've* got problems?

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i've only seen one user post links with a discussion about the points of his they disagree with. it was youtube garbage, of course. everyone else just parrots the contrarian meme, because they don't understand anything that's being discussed in the first place. you're part of the second group. funny shit.

>thinking this wasn't a hit-job on johnson
His mistake was going on MSNBC. They are sharks and they smelled blood in the water. Mike Barnicle could have asked him what he would do about SYRIA, but the goal was to discredit Johnson. Translating his inability to think on his feet into being unfit for the Presidency is laughable when we have a serial liar who does not know basic facts in office.

Libertarian movement is pretty much dead at this point. Sad to say as I am a libertarian and will be going into the ground without seeing a fundamental change in binary politics.

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Gary Johnson killed Gary Johnson's campaign.

The man was a fucking moron. Think about the fact that he was such a shitty candidate Trump didn't even mention the guy during the campaign.

it's useful to restate your opponents argument in an argument to make sure they agree with the way you understand it

I think I wouldn't have a problem with Trump being President if some of his voters weren't such faggots.

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Why would you bother casting shade on a non-factor? The Reps and Dems have this game rigged tight. Notice how he was never invited to debate despite running one of the strongest campaigns for a 3rd party candidate. The whole con is to keep 3rd parties locked out of the televised debates and on the sidelines.

>it shouldn't be literally illegal to not refer to

Jesus christ could you have written this more stupidly?

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Half of this thread is copypasta from a discord raid.

The man didn't know what Aleppo was, arguably the biggest news story at the time beyond the actual campaign.

He was a joke and Trump would have eaten him alive on stage. I don't even like Trump and I'll admit that. I don't like libertarians either but they could have run anyone in his place and done better.

That said, it's a moot point. He made such a fool of himself that the Libertarian Party would never put him up front again.

Just admit to everyone that you don't know what the fuck you are on about so we can all move on thanks.

She didn't understand anything.

honestly its not asking much to have your candidate know a specific place that has been all over the fucking news that month. Please dont pretend is was some hit job

yes this is a problem, but affirming your opponents stances in concise, easy to attack terms (especially when they fucking ramble like Peterson) is a useful tool. The anchor in question was a fucking retard though.

Not as pathethic at that shitty Sup Forums memer priest though

Because Peterson has an inability to stay in his own lane. That's why I personally dislike him. I don't really know enough about psychology to analyse that, but I assume he knows what he's talking about when it comes to that subject, lobster hierarchies perhaps being an exception. The reason I personally dislike Peterson is his influence on philosophy. The man misinterprets Nietzsche and has a poor understanding of postmodernism. And as a result of his unqualified philosophical rambling every time I try and discuss certain subjects I have to listen to a couple of his fans talk about how smart he is and proceed to parrot his talking points.
Peterson is to philosophy as Chomsky is to history. Brilliant in their own field but embarrassing and taken too seriously by their fans in another.

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>The man didn't know what Aleppo was, arguably the biggest news story at the time beyond the actual campaign.
But he DID know. He was just caught flat-footed. And consider why this was so news-worthy, despite responding after being told Aleppo was the capital of Syria. So what if he flubbed a single question? It became a circus because it was useful to the two-party system to discredit him entirely. He was a spoiler for both parties, in essence: he could have flipped the popular vote either way, and neither Republicans nor Democrats wanted him around, because he was effectively courting voters from both sides.

That you refuse to see that he was sabotaged, that there is little daylight between the two major parties and that they collude to keep third parties out is either willful ignorance on your part, or deliberate shilling.

How embarrassing.

Every attempt to ''debunk'' JP was based on straw mans and misrepresentations of what he said.
The guy is literally unstoppable at this point.

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>specifically categorizing anything anybody says on an extreme basis to prove your own point

Holy fuck, it's like I'm in phil 101 again.

> has a poor understanding of postmodernism
all interpretations of what postmodernism is are equally valid.

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i strongly advise you to watch this all the way through. Once you do, please tell me which parts were uncharitable or unfair to peterson.

Where was he rambling?

thats very post modern of you