Just started watching, what am I in for

Just started watching, what am I in for

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Nukekino classic

Somehow one of the most comfy movies around.

seems okay, but the accents are atrocious

Pol tier shitshow

Misery porn. Nothing more than that

I love this movie

Yeah, brits sounds weird

Just wait til the chaos really gets underway

you're in for scaremongering misery porn that overdoes how bad a nuclear exchange is


It's good but your pic doesn't show up once in the movie.


when they're distributing food

he shows up exactly once though


A great film, there is no happiness to be found in it.

Nah he is the guard of some makeshift prison facility

Post film depression.

When the wind blows
The War Game

Wait, why did they drop bombs over UK? I thought it was just USA and Russia that were having problems in Iran

it's speculative sci-fi

Why did Britain have the foolish notion that they would survive more than a few seconds into a thermo nuclear war?

I suspect all these 80s bbc nuke shows were just Anti-thatcher propaganda that aimed to scare the public into thinking Thatcher was leading them to war and that somehow pursuing another (of course more left wing) path wouldn't result in a nuclear hellscape.

Well guess what, history proved you wrong, the USSR lost, and Thatcher is remembered as the 2nd greatest British leader of the 20th century.

Why don't we have someone based like Thatcher in power anymore ? ;_;


wtf i LOVE having no industry now. Now all Britain does is launder money for Arabs and Russians and put interesting things up for sale for Qataris

Remainer detected.

>if you don't like being turned into an American puppet that exists as a tourist destination you must be a remainer
Simpled minded reddit right detected. You should go watch some videos by a #BasedBlackman or something lmao

>wtf i LOVE having no industry now. Now all Britain does is launder money for Arabs and Russians and put interesting things up for sale for Qataris

What was the alternative? To continue to have government subsidized coal mines?

Are you pining for the days where you could work your entire life in a north england hellhole and bob around in Blackpool for a couple weeks a year?

There wasn't a national security reason to keep those mines open and prop up the lazy north. If your industries were competitive or the products top notch they would still be made.

How do we save the north of England? What do they do/make now that the coal industry is dead?

stop it and watch a superior version instead

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From what I see they are essentially a worse off Rust Belt. They're asset is that they are so depressed in wages yet have a skilled workforce that you can cheaply start a business there for half the cost of london.

Salty much, Remainer?

>wtf i LOVE having no industry now. Now all Britain does is launder money for Arabs and Russians and put interesting things up for sale for Qataris
Blame the post-war tards who wanted to try socialism-lite.

That’s 1980’s nuclear war for ya, when one bomb goes they all go.

Pictured: The First.

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>brit film
>perfect enunciation, actually pronounce their T's

>yank movie

i'm not sure an exchange of nuclear warheads can be downplayed

Thatcher is less to blame for that than your nobles indenting themselves to Jews for literally centuries.

You obviously have not watched even the first 5 min of this film

Please, there's no need to get hysterical. Just keep calm and carry on.


>Why did Britain have the foolish notion that they would survive more than a few seconds into a thermo nuclear war?

They don't think that. It's why they guarantee MAD by having hidden submarines somewhere in the Atlantic.

high suggest if you like nuke kino, then watch this 100%

its just as good as threads and i would say better because its more of a docu than a drama, doesnt focus on some families but more of a show of life in general, as well as far more in-depth portrayal of post nuclear attack britain rather than indulging in mad max Britain for 20 minutes

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