/reylo/ Thread

Slowmo Edition

Will we have any official content in 2018/19?
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (march)
>TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 13/27th)
>TLJ Novelization (ITS OUT)
>The Last Jedi Graphic Novel Adaptation Coming in May
>Expected days left for reconciliation ~ 648

Based content from Footnotes user:

Some links:
Some Reylo quotes from directors and co. :imgur.com/a/cLeu7
Adam interviews Daisy (for real, not a fanfic):vmagazine.com/article/driving-miss-daisy/
Rian confirms Reylo to a fan:instagram.com/p/Bd1voS8nPBy/

Short videos:

Long videos:


[Thread can also be used for TFA/TLJ meta-disscuion]

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you motherfucker. Go back to tumblr

kys fag

*blocks your path*

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I'm based

Remember to sage, lads

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sneed faggots and faggotinas btfo

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He doesn't even remember what the characters look like, anymore. He drew Daisy with tits! x)

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your not in charge here

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Fuck off

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>thread devoid of reylo posters in american dead hours
reylofags confirmed to be amerifats


I thought the main ringleader was a bong

they always get btfo during aus hours

There are more mods during those hours

You know it's a women because they're so petty about this general. Sad. You won't ever be loved by a man or a women when you act like this

Attached: sneedie.png (382x367, 146K)

Theres only one faggot pedo mod who protects this shit.

And they are awake during NA hours. Why do you think this stays up during AUS hours?

its real nigga hours here in usa so you know we party rockin

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SNEED formerly reylo

Sage you dumb fuck


If you cant do it right kill yourself youngfag

I always sage kiddo

/Snuck/ thread

>be Rian "The Schlock" Johnson
>write and direct the film equivalent of a bathtub full of piss

>"What, you were expecting a bubble bath with water in it? EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED!"
>"There's water IN piss anyway, retard!"
>"Come on, we all know you like taking baths, so you HAVE to like this one I drew for you."
>"Psh, you're just mad because I hired some strong females and POC's to piss in this tub with me. Fucking racist, misogynist bastard."
>"Oh yeah? Well this bath wasn't excreted for you anyway! Fuck you!"

Attached: 09-rian-johnson.w600.h315.2x.jpg (1200x630, 56K)