user, why are you emotionally vested in the doggo? it's just an animal, after all.
User, why are you emotionally vested in the doggo? it's just an animal, after all
>implying dogs weren't domesticated over thousands of years to the point where they look at the left side of your face before the right because that side shows your true emotions at any given time
>user, why are you emotionally invested in the doggo?
Actually i prefer investing it altogether, twice to be absolutely certain.
Fuck pitbulls and dog owners
Why do you elect death cultist?
>implying pigs aren't also domesticated
Pigs are tasty. I don't care if you eat a dog but it's not for me
user, why are you emotionally vested in the doggo? it's just an animal, after all.
Because culture tells me so. Doggos got nice fur too, pigs do not.
dogs were bread to help our ancestors hunt and protect us from other predators.
Pigs were bread for food.
How hard is that?
That being said if I was starving and no pigs were present I would eat dog meat.
im not.
in fact the only reason i dont shoot the annoying dog in my neighbors backyard are the backwards ass man-made consequences of said action.
fuck dogs and fuck normies
Vegans are mentally ill and should be treated as such.
My dog is perfectly healthy mentally and thus I see it as being above vegans. It eats pork too.
Compassion for dog is for white only prease understand
i am only emotionally invested in pedigree cats
if i see a mongrol tomcat i trap it and send it to the pound because killing it is too messy
It's "invested" Kim, not "vested"
Muhammad please go back to your cuntry.
Dogs eat pigs, but dogs do not eat humans.
Humans eat pigs, but do not eat dogs.
It's almost like there is some kind of tendency here.
Dogs are the only animals capable of displaying loyalty to their owners because they see a relationship thats beneficial for them and us
Fuck off you shitskin
Stop eating dogs, worst Korea.
Dogs can be trained and made useful
Pigs are pigs
>doggos have nice fur
so you skin dogs??????
you people keep dogs inside the house. dogs are originally bred to be guarding the house from outside, not getting all cuddly with the owner.
>vested interest
Fucking leaf
also pigs eat humans
Now that's a good pupper right there
not to the point of dogs. pigs are fun pets too, though.
>dogs were originally
Things change.
And also smell like shit
I'm not.
Animals are all flesh automatons who exist only to serve humanity and deserve no rights.
Because they're basically the same as a 2-3 year old child. Pigs might be too for all I know but they get fat and are perfect for livestock.
I actually hate all things pork except bacon and ham. Beef is where it's at.
I love my dog so much. He's like a son that never grows out of his cute phase even though he's 2 years old and 110 lbs.
We can barely love each other let alone ourselves, yet you're asking me to "love" animals and give up the one pleasure in life of eating meat? Fuck you.
My gf gets me all the dank pups
>Asian wondering why white people don't eat dogs.
You can't make this shit up.
>cutting the pigs throat to slaughter it
fucking muzzies piss off with your halal bullshit
It really simple, I don't love animals, I love dogs in particular.
because we grew up with wolves in europe
kill ours and we kill you
because a good dog will kill an enemy for me, when i command it, and even when i dont if i'm in danger.
that's loyalty that deserves reward.
and dogs weren't originally domesticated doggos, they were fierce wolves. my point is that different people have different plans for the doggo, and what they do shouldn't be an issue for each other.
I think pigs like to keep things sanitary, read in some article.
>He's like a son
yeah there's the problem.
Yeah pigs are generally as smart as dogs
But I'm not giving up no meat
I'd eat a dog too, but unfortunately we have no Yulin festival
>I hate all things pork
supplementing ground beef with ground pork is where it's at. It's cheaper, tender, and lighter. Next time you have a recipe that calls for 2 lbs of ground beef, do 1 lb ground beef and 1lb ground pork. You'll be converted.
>Ching Chang pig is just rike dog
>Dey all food
Fuck off, Japanese Target Practice.
>i think pigs like to keep things sanitary
They roll around in shit
They eat shit
They are literally disgusting shit animals thats only purpose is to give me bacon and ham
Y'know, at least some europeans do it the same way though. Pig blood makes for mad sausages.
Poor pupper.
Once he gets to the bottom he's all
>Fuck how'd I get here?
Dogs are hunting companions. Barn cats remove small rodents. There are reasons things are the way they are. They at first performed a function for us, and now they're here for vanity and comfort. If you want to have a pet pig then by all means have one.
I'll give it a shot I guess. Not gonna get my hopes up.
Dogs and cats chose to hang around humans, not the other way around.
Keep telling yourself that Ching Chong.
When we're gone, you'll revert to the worldwide standard: where people also consider eating each other.
>trying to justify eating canid meat when it's some of the worst possible meat you can pull off any animal short of eating your average American
Why are Asian delicacies always objectively garbage food?
>burger cant into logic
>resorts to insult
Fuck you asians. You are worth less than dogs. You are even worse less than refugees. I hope your hordes of free child labour will forever be slaves to white western men.
You're preaching to the choir lad
It amazes me how people will taste black pudding and love it then turn their nose up when you tell them what's in it
What the fuck does that even mean
I'm vegan. AMA
personally have never tried it and never will have a desire to but by all accounts dog meat very tasty.
>but dogs do not eat humans
but they do and will if given no other choice. the same goes for pigs. we are all carnivores and if it came down to it humans, dogs and pigs would have no qualm about eating each other.
i will bite OP. i'll be one of the few anons here that will admit i have a double standard favouring dogs which is why i wont eat them. i wont try to bullshit you with an idiotic rationalization and dumb mental gymnastics to feebly try to explain why dogs are different from pigs when in the most general respects they aren't. they're both animals, happy?
>I think pigs like to keep things sanitary, read in some article.
The reason why so many old religion banned eating pigs is because they are so unsanitary and disease-ridden that it kills people. They didn't understand germs and bacteria back then so they thought it was cursed meat. It's very difficult to rationalize that pigs are naturally clean.
But bacon
>whites live in a world where eating doggo is comparable to eating humans
keep telling yourself that senbai
I don't consider 20,000-calorie shitfests you make over there """food""". so there you go
>because we grew up with wolves in europe
Dogs were first domesticated in North Africa and the Middle East.
Everyone in Europe is mixed with kebab to some extent already since MENA farmers migrated there 10'000 years ago and "bred" with native women. (Very similar to what's happening today)
Retard. Wolves just wanted to steal our food then we tamed them. Cats domesticated us for the free food tho
I beat the shit out of some old guy here for beating a dog and I was about to get him arrested too but he said sorry so I forgave him. Dogs are based.
Pic related Europe without dogs
I would eat my dogs if I absolutely had to.
did he died :(
>I don't consider 20,000-calorie shitfests you make over there """food""". so there you go
I don't think anyone tries to pass off American cuisine as rare delicacies that will give you a bigger stiffy as is the norm in continental Asia.
Its rich you used the term shitfest when all Asian food does to keep people skinny is give them uncontrollable diarrhea
Pigs are terrible at be body guards, then again all prey seems to be that way
Husky is tasty desu.
Bitch who drew this probably is pro-choice
korean bbq and kimchi is best food
>farmer drives tractor through vegetable field
>kills 237 rodents
>nobody cares
>farmer raises and kills 237 pigs
>you're a murderer!!!
>see image
>check flag
Of course it's worst korea.
Did you enjoy your last ban?
and no, we're not going to let you eat our dogs, don't care how hungry you are.
Did the 8 Goddesses give you permission to use this website?
Pigs are way smarter than dogs.
Pigs eat humans.
Also, what the fuck does any of it matter? Regardless of which animal it is, it is not wrong to kill animals. You just shouldn't kill for the sake of killing and it just so happens that our culture have chosen the dog as our companion which is why killing a dog would decline you from the categorical imperative.
The big difference here is that we danes are actually decent enough humans to treat animals well before we kill them. Much unlike the asians who treats all animals like shit. This is why asians deserves genocide and hiroshima bombings.
The chain of command is as following:
- Nords
- Animals
- Southernes
- People from the east
- People from middle-east
I made this for you
>Is vegan
>Is pro-choice
Pick... both?
post your doggos
most legit reason so far
Wipeout lol
I'm a health nut so I only eat red meat once a week or so
Chicken and fish pretty much every day though
shit yeah thats true.
Dogs are terrible creatures
I'm not afraid to admit my biases. I don't really care for any animals. They're just livestock. Living stock. The exception for me is Cats. Cats (all kinds) turn me into a blithering baby man who just wants kitty cat snuggles.
pigs have eaten their owners before Chang
Dogs would follow their master into certain death, because of that trait people who respect that dont eat Dogs. Pigs run away at any signs of danger.
Also pork tastes fucking amazing while dog tastes gamey so fuck you you peta faggot.
Vegan master race reported in. Vegan for 25+ years. Feels good man. Carnie cucks are pathetic limp dicked faggots
>chicken so low on the deliciousness scale
call me black but chicken is delicious mi famiglia
>dog meat is almost as good as chicken
mmmmmm.... Tasty bacon
Ah. My bad - must have confused hallal with kosher there. Not that I know much about either.
I would kill dogs, cats, horses, pigs, sheep, cows, goats, etc. I would also keep any one of them as a pet. I don't see a conflict here.
vegan shilling should be bannable. save it for every single person around you, like all vegans do.
How many gallons of semen per day do you consume?
sleep tight porker
Cause doggos are amazing
Humans and Dogs co-evolved for millenia to empathize with each other, we can understand their emotions just like they can understand ours. In fact, Dogs tend to be good judges of character when raised properly. Who knows though, these days I wonder if maybe it was just Whites and select other groups who have that evolutionary bond and other races just fake it thinking that it isn't actually a real thing.
doggos are friends
They were my kids before I had kids
You know what animal is underrated? Fucken chickens. I use to hate the idea of them, they looked annoying and brainless and I was never a fan a big birds.
I ended up working on a farm that raises chicken and it turns out they are just as good as dogs in a lot a ways. Yeah they're fucken stupid but, they pretty amusing and feeding them is really fun and once they get use to you, they'll follow you around. Plus they're really gentle and easy to hold, take care of and they mind their own business.
It still doesn't stop me from eating chicken and I refuse to ever eat dog. I'm a giant hypocrite but, why should I care if I'm self aware of it?
Also, fuck cats. Worst pets by far.
Good thread