How you holding up, Sup Forums?
/HUG/- Holding Up General
i'm not
pretty bad right now :(
I'm alright. Just trying to get my OCD under control and get out my head and stop thinking so much.
I'm doing fucking badly
kill yourselves and record it like the /r9k/ faggot
And your other recording
I'm going to commit suicide
Not all that well. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what I want to do with my life. I'm currently going to a community college and grinding out general ed credits, but I'm sort of falling behind in my classes because I can't really be bothered to do a lot of my work.
I'm filled with so much anger and hate, it's like emotional poison. I don't know how to make it go away.
I just got a job at a tire shop. Starting tomorrow on Monday
I've been a neet for 3 years. The owner is really nice and knows my father. I hope I don't fuck this up.
kill yourself faggot
My cat wants out of the caravan but I won't let it because there are snakes and stuff outside, oh I forgot to mention I'm 41 and a wizard and I live in a caravan that was built in 1971 and whew did I fail at life lol
Post cat
i'm awake at 4 AM waiting to watch starcraft
so... not good
Pretty bad. I think I might have a blood clot but I can't go to a doctor because this is america.
I'm good but a sad good if that makes sense.
OP is redditor newfag, desgustang
let it out and shout
come on bros you just gotta be yourself
I'm fine, I don't know why you fucks whine so much
I got shut down by a fat ugly girl!
What the fuck!
I'm not even ugly, I'm consistently more good looking than all his exes by a mile!
This shouldn't happen. I hate this
>his exes
yeah yeah, her exes, whatever
I got an eye infection that’s swollen my right eye almost shut and I’d give my left nut to get out of the job that my dad’s forced me into (I sweep up the floors at his paintless dent repair place) but other than that I can’t complain. I have friends that I can trust and a roof over my head, and enough money to buy food when I need it.
The job is my biggest issue. If I can find a seperate source of income and leave once and for all I’m set.
Your dad makes you mop the floor of his office? Wtf lol
Sometimes. When I’m not doing that I spray cars with windex and wipe them down.
He does actual work sometimes but like half the time he’s there I see him playing darts or watching basketball with the other guys that work there
Sounds like a chill guy.
Im starting my 8th semester at uni tomorrow and I just forgot how to sleep
He is. Probably an alcoholic tho
I watch the Blu-ray Mad Max Fury Road Black and Chrome edition more or less every day, wishing I may some day be riding on the fury road myself, or be a warboy, or be slave being impregnated against my will.
I've got some nizoral shampoo into my eye earlier and it stung like hell/got discolored to pink and when i woke up everything seemed grainy and blurry as shit (still persisting rn) and also had a headache so i took some ibuprofen
But otherwise i'm comparatively fine, gonna check up w/the pals and take dogger for a walk l8er on
Girl on Tinder I'm really into has stopped replying to my messages.
Good luck man I'm sure you'll do fine, just pay attention and give it your best.
>tfw even the ugly people don;t want ya
Yet again disappointed I didn't die in my sleep.
I've hit a rough patch, Sup Forums. Why the fuck is it that when shit goes bad it all goes bad at once? I just want this month to be over already, fuck.
What makes you think the next month is gonna be any different?
Good good, but at one of my jobs my boss HATES me so now I have to look for another job which sucks. It's probably for the better since I currently work with my ex there, what a fucking nightmare
I can get my car fixed, at least.
Don't worry about her dude, you'll find someone else. it's better than dating someone who doesn't really like you
This. I've been in a relationship for six year after my high school and when I came out of it I realized now even ugly cunts have the right to be picky.
What the actual fuck, this isn't fair
Currently in a rough patch with elevated anxiety levels, feels like I'm constantly on the verge of a panic attack.
i've been severely depressed since the end of december. dissolved two of the best friendships i had because of my anxiety issues, abruptly quit my job and ive generally been extremely unproductive and apathetic about everything. the time that elapsed has helped somewhat but ill never not regret what happened with my friends. all i want to do is ask them how they are and i know they dont want to hear from me ;_;
mate, function words are important. english may not have many gendered words but his and her are gendered and it's important that the distinction is made.
I hope things get better for you user.
Cheers man, so do I.
but why did you ask her out if you think she's ugly? maybe she saw that you were desperate.
Are you sure they don't want to talk to you or are you just assuming that? Also start doing more positive things however generic this sounds. Clean your room/house, cook a nice meal, do some exercise, it does help.
Kill yourself
Based cat
So rude
Mentally strong and healthy but in a bad situation atm.
>also lonely
How are you OP?
it ended in a sour manner and i wasn't very mindful/respectful of their feelings. i guess im assuming they dont want to talk to me but i dont know, i feel like im atoning for what i did, punishing myself. ive been trying to engage in more proactive stuff like exercise and extracurricular activities like working on my screenwriting and music, it really is so easy to reside in those disturbed thoughts though
Hope you dont get TIRED of it
[111] [3]
Kill yourself
No one cares hole
one day you will, shiny and chrome
Fuck off
good luck nigga be smart and you will slowly suceed
getting warmer, only -10 celsius
I hope i fix my bike and roll out soon
That meme implies we'll never reply to each other again on this board or on any other board. :/
I've never in my life cut myself, but for some reason recently I've been feeling the urge as a way to release tension. I'm in my mid 20s I thought this was a teen thing.
that could be quite a possibility, don't you think?
Sup Forums is like rain, all drops are indistinguishable
Yeah you are your own worst enemy when it comes to your thought but trying to distract yourself with positive stuff is good. Maybe try and reach out to them, the worst than can happen is your assumptions are validates right?
>there's a general for an off-topic spam thread
I fucking hate this board so much
Pretty good, ever since I lost my virginity last month I'm getting better with women. Probably going to get laid again this week or the next one.
kys, hug is based
Doesn't seem like a bad idea what with the mods hiding in their bunkers
Its nigger
is the ninja two fiddy good for a beginner or should I just get an SV six fiddy
Maybe your personality is just shit.
/hug/ is better than /reylo/
whatever man, I'm not judging
Sup Forums is all off topic all the time, fuck off you dumb newfag, go back to whatever subreddit you crawled out of
Kill yourself queer
It's more fun to ride slow bike fast than to ride fast bike slowly
Also bc you probably have no exp I would advise 250 or 300
I hope your mother gets cancer
pic related is the only thing keeping me alive these days
Fuck off hole
Kill yourself reddit.
no u kek
Reddit filth
Really want to Google painless suicide methods, but I don't want to get NSA'd.
my gf wants to come over but I fell out of love and just want out, but I dont have the balls to do it, because she's depending on me at this stage of her life and I'm quite invested in her personal life and her family
Fun catch up with mates at a bar last night. A cheeky pint at home now.
No one will miss you
>I'm quite invested in her personal life and her family
Youre the women. Fucking queer.