Treat women with respect
ok varg
anything else varg?
thank you varg
I really dislike how cucked Christians go on and on about respecting women. The Bible doesn't say shit about "respecting women." St. Paul says "wives obey your husbands," and "husbands, love your wives." If anything it's the other way around. Women should respect men.
If you don't respect your women then how can you expect having a traditionalist redpilled wife? You will be an average drunk husband, nothing more.
I respect women.
I disrespect whores.
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
Will do.
Now treat the unborn with respect.
Clean your pants of sharts and come back when you have an argument.
Well if you find women in Walmart, that's what you're doing wrong.
If you also want to beat the fuck out of your wife, I suggest you to move into a Muslim country, Tyrone.
beat your woman
the key with women is not money, good look or even education (just look at your typical nigger); is just personality and spending a lot of time with them.
Jesus came to be a servant. Matthew says to love your wife as Jesus served the church. Your wife should obey you and you should serve her.
idk who started this meme but it fucking slays me every time
If she's a proper woman I'll respect her, if she's a whore then no. Its as simple as that kids.
Stop watching porn.
So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)
I never respect those who requires me to do so.
>mom i posted it again
What kind of logic is that?