Since we in Pakistan are taught that China is our best friend in the international community, i thought i'd ask some Chinese peeps what they think about us.
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pakis fucking stink.
******END THREAD*******
Chinese here, disregard flag
We hate you, please nuke us and start nuclear genocide
Hi Mr. Cho, please don't fire me when you buy up my city.
>anyone's ally
People only care about pakistan because it's a nuclear power on the edge of becoming a failed state
They think whites are beneath them. I shudder to think what they think of you brownie muslims. Probably as beneath insects, worse than subhuman.
At best they will pump and dump you in 50 years.
At worst, they'll completely take over and enslave you to work in mines forever.
Do not trust the Chinese. The Anglosphere is your friend. Britain gave you independence. America gives you entertainment. Don't forget that.
This post is definitely not a psyop.
I'll admit our leaders suck. the people here are too dumb to realize what's happening.
they think everything is either to be blamed on India, USA or Israel.
Chinese vacationing in WA here.
You're fucking worthless muzzie scum.
>probably Muslim
>hence be an asshole
What's up with you guys focusing on my religion?
Open your minds dudes.
As a country with a disproportionally high chinese population, I can say with extreme confidence that literally no one likes Pakistan in the International community.
>Sheltered Osama Bin Laden
>Weak government could be overthrown by Taliban any day now
>Irresponsible sandniggers with nukes
>Large terrorism recruitment base
>huff and puff at India (a country that would literally poo you into oblivion) every 6 months to retain a miniscule piece of international relevancy
>BTFO by India and Australia in every format of cricket
Fuck Pakistan
We dislike you (you personally) because of your religion because your religion mandates you to either convert or kill us. Fuck Islam. Fuck Pakistan.
it doesn't actually say that but okay.
so no one likes us.
that's fucking depressing.
Your girls are hot. Fucked plenty in London.
Nothing besides this
You are an embarrassment.
well you've fucked more Pakistani girls than i have.
Sorry my dude. The source of the problem is Islam, like most issues in the Middle East. If you have shitty laws which the rest of the world moved past, whilst also pushing your shitty laws into other countries through immigration - it gets a little irritating.
Also, why do muslims rape so much?
well you've fucked more Pakistani girls than i have.
>coming to Sup Forums looking for chinks
how fucking retarded r u
Oh and I almost forgot, you hide extremists in your immigrants too.
Its actually hard to find positives about Pakistan. Your women are indeed hot once they have been westernised and aren't wearing culturally offensive and ugly shitty muslim clothes. And Shahid Afridi used to be a good cricketer
>every format of cricket
How many are there?
t. Amerifat
Test Cricket - Stereotypical 5 day game
One-Day - 50 overs per team, goes for about 8 hours
20/20(T20) - 20 overs per team, less tactical but more exciting, good for getting newcomers into the game
about 3
>test match 5 days long
>one day match 100 overs long (i over =6 bolls or pitches )
>T-20 (40 overs long)
Guys like you are's the conspiracy-theorist, "blame everything on the USA" fanatics we don't like. People also aren't too thrilled with an "ally" government that helped bin Laden, either.
Remember that you're posting on a forum that's basically for crazed racists, so that's going to affect the responses.
Well those people pushing laws are assholes. Islam actually commands us to obey the laws of any foreign land we're in as long as it lets us practice our religion (which all western countries do). So idk where they're coming from.
And the rape thing.. idk man i think thats a Syrian thing.
pakistan is a pretty abysmal country desu
the only 'news' coming out of pakistan are stuff like
>yet another attack by taliban insurgents in pakistan
>woman in pakistan stoned due to accusations of blasphemy
>large-scale violent protests in pakistan after (random public figure) allegedly disrespected muhammad
>pakistani radicals fuel insurgency in neighboring afghanistan
the only thing pakistan is known for is being inhabited by extremely backwards muslims who regularly sperg out about their religion.
also a very weak government and everyone is poor as fuck.
but i think the food is nice, so that's a plus
I always though cricket was just baseball with a flat bat, now I wanna watch some just to get the just of it
Who are you calling a crazed racist, nigger.
Considering what your kinsmen are doing in my country are you suprised?
Is this about some people who claim they want to turn India into a Sharia state? it's not gonna happen dude. Even Pakistan isn't a Sharia state.
As for the Chinese, I'm not Chinese but have dealt with the Chinese extensively...suffice it to say that they simply don't care about countries like Pakistan. Such countries exist only as potential allies or economic development opportunities for their government...ordinary people have no interest at all - there's no love, no hate, no feeling either way. That said, they do generally dislike Muslims and feel that people from the subcontinent are beneath them in general.
There's like a grand total of three or four countries that Chinese people care about at all, honestly.
There are people in the UK that are fighting to have entire counties be governed by Sharia Law. Is Sharia Law not the perfect practice of Islam? In fact, isn't that exactly what I said muslims were doing in western countries?
Muslims have a 100% track record for ruining countries that their population swells in.
Check out a few compilation videos on jewtube of both batting and bowling. There is quite a lot of skill and adrenaline to be had in the game
>no Chinese flags in this thread
I don't know what I expected considering it's 2 in the fucking morning over there
the majority of people here is illiterate. they don't know much about the world and/or the religion and just go after these so called religious leaders who see profit in war
No. It's about this.
Hamid Gul is based as fuck
>There's like a grand total of three or four countries that Chinese people care about at all
let me guess
>love mainland china
>hate taiwan, s. korea, japan, india
> gets told he has to work weekend shift in the mines by emu overseer
don't take it out on me dude
>i thought i'd ask some Chinese peeps what they think about us.
This shit is blocked in China you idiot. China censors the fuck out of the internet.
how exactly are they planning to achieve that? the problem with Muslims is they can be easily bought. hence the current state of most Muslim countries.
It was just a prank bro
dirty fucking pakis
So Muslims are like Jews then?
Basically, from my experience, although they seem sort of ambivalent on India. They also pay attention to the USA, but without particularly liking, hating, or understanding it.
Both dirty pond scum
yeah but they use proxies. some of the first replies.
Indians are ok an they know about poo in loos
>being in different country
Regular paki everyone
Jews are smart. We Muslims have destroyed ourselves.
Its quite simple really.
>Have 3-4 wives
>Have 6-8 children per bride
>grow the islamic loyalist population
>British welfare state makes you a millionaire
>use millions to fund political career
>FF 20 years, muslims have outbred everyone
>islamic majority
>muslims only vote for muslim politicians because they have as much knowledge for critical thinking as women who blindly support HRC
>get elected
>introduce many islamic laws etc
I should mention that leftists would accelerate this process (look at Sadiq Khan in London)
yeah different people have different opinions. The newer generation though has me a bit optimistic.
Have a (You).
Those guys are liars pretending to be Chinese for a laugh. Real Chinese don't give enough of a shit about the rest of the world to read forums like this or post in threads - they're even more insular than us Americans. Unless it relates directly to a Chinese territorial claim, WW2 grievance, or random US or Korean pop culture, they really don't care. From what I've observed, anyway.
I think you people are really overthinking this whole thing. Thats one Pakistani mayor. Has he done anything to indicate he wants to pass Sharia Law?
you indemnify with a globalist cult, you have destroyed yourself. You complain about colonialism, and at the same time adopt Arabian colonialism to form a state.
You don't deserve anything. It's best if you were to disappear from this world.
Dang. You're a cool guy for you
>had the chance to be successful
>war-monger with the neighbors
>elect tin-pot dictators to office
>suck up to the turkroaches, and saudi sandniggers
>antagonize the west, suck up to the chinks
No respect for you islamist fucks
Why won't you acknowledge this?
This is why we hate you. I suggest you have a good read of it.
That's what your brothers are doing in my country.
You need to not be so short sighted and look at the big picture. The big picture is what Sup Forums is built on.
Hes blocked fashion labels from advertising in public (outside of magazines) because seeing a womans exposed shoulder is haram.
spoiler alert: They're not wrong, but that's just because you're completely fucked.
China only likes you because you help legitimize their territorial claims against India, and also occasionally ship them American military hardware to copy. China cares about nobody, not even flag-waving members of the Han ethnic majority. They will abandon you in a heartbeat because they feel loyalty to no one and obligation to nothing but their own well-being.
Unfortunately, your country has nothing of value to offer the rest of the world, insists on riling up old tensions, demanding gibs and threatens to accidentally allow a nuclear weapon to fall into the hands of terrorist groups. Literally you are only propped up as much as is necessary to stop the entire middle east from going boom, and nobody will do anything to help you beyond what is absolutely necessary.
You would've been better off if you had just supported the crown and/or agreed to be part of India and/or just fucking let India have Kashmir, but you couldn't, and now you're shit.
This After Muhammad's initial campaign, which failed in most places outside of the Middle East, Muslims learned to incrementally take over a region. The usual process, if the invader was smart, was:
1. Take area over, but change nothing. Convince the people their lives will not change in any way.
2. Eventually introduce a jizya, hit people in their pocket books. Those who cannot spare the money or care more about money than their faith convert to avoid the tax.
3. Gradually increase the tax to put financial strain on the population. More people covert. Finally, in a generation or maybe two, when many have converted, start conversions by the sword. Many more will convert to avoid death.
4. Kill the few who would not convert even under the threat of death. Congratulations, enjoy your new Muslim state.
Except now, they have Western "tolerance" to exploit, so the "moderates" shield themselves behind the radicals. "Hey, I don't support those extremist's actions, but you should maybe stop criticising them and their motives, and just accept our ways of life over your society. The more you criticise and fight back, the more terrorists we create! Hahaha". Then people like Khan come in and implement shit like his advertising ban, to incrementally get people used to the changes.
It's hard terror with violence and soft terror with propaganda, working together to achieve the same goal, exploiting Western empathy.
Wow. there's no such law here. women and billboards and what not
Also, contrary to popular belief, women aren't generally forced here to dress a certain way. most women i know don't even wear a hijab or anything, and the ones that do, decided to do so themselves.
but there ARE communities where these things do happen. these are mostly either remote rural areas, or the ghettos.
Also what this ^^^ user said.
Look at how they treat their own people, the conditions they make then live in. The Chinese government does not give a shit about anyone but themselves and the party, and that's only because the party is their vehicle to maintain power.
Talk to anyone who was born and raised in the PRC, moved to a Western country, and had children in the West. From my experience, having children and thinking about their own experiences as a youth in China compared to their children's in the West, really opens their eyes to the flaws of their native country. Most still love their heritage at that point, but they realise how much of a soulless, dilapidated shit show the PRC really is.
Then why do you think that woman was killed few months ago and was claimed honor killing
Qandil or something
You guys didn't like that she wore short clothes and said things against your country in her videos
You really think the average Muslim supports all that these radicals are doing?
I just want to take the opportunity to say how Fucking much I hate pakistan and Pakistanis.
You "people" are the hands down worst muslims in the world.
We should just nuke your entire country and give the clay to isis. They would be better allies than you paki fucks.
Fuck Pakistan
are you okay, dude?
Qandil Baloch belonged to a ghetto community. We have people (esp women) standing up and talking out against the government all the time. it's nothing new. neither were her clothes.
She met her unfortunate end because of her class and community.
If you would rather live under western law than Sharia law, more than a billion of your "brothers" would have you beheaded for apostasy. Its as simple as that. You are either lying or a cheap-ass muslim
The fact that your religion and government condones a "class and community" that executes women for being free thinkers, says enough about Islam and Pakistan.