I accidentally knocked up my gf

>I accidentally knocked up my gf
>She wants to keep it

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if this is true you are FUCKED mate

Punch her womb.
Works every time.

>yfw the baby is several shades darker than you

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It's true, all of it.

>Implying there is anything better than parenthood

Why did you have sex without a condom?

because otherwise you don't really have sex


enormous if veracious

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lmao, name the baby hiro moot

happened to me except i had only been with her for like 6 weeks.
Now im 31 and havent done anything interesting with my life for the last 6 years. Run while you still can

>he doesn't know about the magnificence of orange juice
I just saved your ass. Thank me in a few months.

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There is an exactly same thread you made on Sup Forums like 10 minutes ago, kys

if she's at least 6/10 then there's nothing you should do

Enjoy your niglet, then.

keep what

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This is an English-speaking board.

>he didn't get a vasectomy

>Can’t use a condom because my sensitive uncut dick gets soft when touching rubber
>I pull out everytime but my anxiety makes me worry
I might stop talking to this girl because I don’t love her and I don’t want to risk being trapped with her

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kill yourself nigger

This isn't video games.

>tfw gf is a radical feminist and makes me wear a trump mask and kicks me in the balls to vent her frustration over the current administration

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You fucking retard do you know what pre-cum is? You're going to get this bitch knocked up

>She wants to keep it
So you have 0 say in the matter?
She probably knows her clock is ticking and even if the baby ruins you financially she will find many other beta orbiters to spend cash on.
What a fucking cunt.

Just buy plan b and put it in her orange juice.
fucking cunt.

It has to be fresh orange juice.

Unpasturized foods are one of the most common foods pregnant women are told to avoid during their pregnancy. The reason we must keep our distance from such foods is due to the fact that they are prone to harbour the bacteria, listeria, which is threatening to a fetus. Listeria causes Listeriosis which is an infection. It may not cause obvious symptoms for a pregnant woman, but may cause a serious infection in the fetus leading to miscarriage or stillbirth. It can also cause preterm delivery and life-threatening fetal infections.

Foods that are easily infected with listeria are unwashed fruit and vegetables, cooked deli meats, unpasturized dairy products and smoked seafoods. In fact, freshly squeezed orange juice is at risk of harboring the bacteria as it is unpasteurized juice. It may contain harmful bacteria from the raw fruit used to make the juice leading to food poisoning.

Ordinarily, pasturization kills off the bacteria making food safe for pregnant women to eat. Always check the label to ensure the item you are buying is pasturized and avoid squeezing your own juice.

if a woman wants to keep a pregnancy then she should be solely responsible for the child. i don't understand why we still do not implement this

>having sex without getting a vasectomy

I thought she was on birth control
I like her a lot but I don't want kids, at least not now

Women are scum younfags. I gf i had in my 20s ended up admitting her own mother convinced her to stop using birth control to trap me. Luckily she had some kind of issue down there and didnt get pregnant. Last i heard she gets beaten by her black boyfriend. Things work themselves out.

pusy pics?

can't feel shit with a condom on, get limp 5 minutes in

Women aren't inherently scum. You just got the bottom of the barrel.

Go ask about this on reddit, normalfag.

>Unpasturized foods are one of the most common foods pregnant women are told to avoid during their pregnancy. The reason we

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>ended up admitting her own mother convinced her to stop using birth control to trap me.

I have no idea who even thinks like that anymore these days. Divorces are common as fuck and no child will keep a couple together in happy marriage if it just doesn't work.

Always wear a condom, birth control or not.

feminists are the subs of subs in bed

>god i wish there was me.jpg

>She wants to keep it
if you're white, good.
if not, bad.


Pre cum doesn't have any sperm in it. The only time it might is if someone recently ejaculated and some sperm may still be in the urethra

>tfw gf got the implant
what if it's not an implant and just a bruise?

I mean, good luck explaining to your GF you got her pregnant on a TECHNICAL reason.

Good, abortion is degenerate

I'd say irrensposible parenthood is even worse.

>friend works at a factory for barely above minimum wage
>wife doesn't work
>they have a child and expenses will only ramp up

He's going to start breaking his back working construction part-time soon because he just can't survive on what he earns at the factory. Sadly, he's the type that was indoctrinated to get married and start a family ASAP no matter what.

How the fuck is this shit still up. Are janitors really this inept?

what was his modus operandi?

On a scale of 1-10 how much does this thread upset you?


Hole detected

This scenario genuinely terrifies me. It's a reason I stay single.

Roastie getting toastie

This is how you know it's not yours, mate. She's found some alpha Chad somewhere and fucked him, got knocked up and will probably never see him again. She knows this and wants his baby, so there ain't no way that QUEEN (Yassss!!!) is getting rid of her miracle baby. If it were yours, she wouldn't give a shit and she'd kill it, knowing that she can get a meagre portion of your beta seed anytime she wants. Congratulations, you are now a cuck!

>holding back

Immediately shit.

Fuck you, OP. Normalfag idiot. Kek

why do you like fat ugly unhappy girls? whats the appeal?

Because there's totally not a thing like a fatherhood test.

>me in the middle of those thighs

RIP in pieces, you dumb fucking normalshit.

>fatherhood test
Can they do those before you can legally get it aborted?
Also in some cucked US states, if you are co-habiting with a pregnant woman, you are expected to support her even if its not yours.

Something like, if you were living with her whilst she was pregnant, you are expected to support her afterwards or something like that. even if the kid isnt yours.

A judge won't even ALLOW you to do a paternity test. That's how rigged it is against you in Scotland. If you partner with a woman and she gets knocked up and you have doubts -- tough! Fuck roasties, fuck the world and fuck the (((justice))) system.

Fuck that sounds ugly

Mix something poisonous into her food

This change your city, job and phone number. Good luck user.

>Now im 31 and havent done anything interesting with my life for the last 6 years.
Sounds like me except I have no good excuse for it

I came inside my gf on the last day of her period (yesterday). No BC lel.