Why do American kinos always portray world war 2 as some heroic "good war" or a fun adventure with goodies vs baddies, instead of some horrible disastrous tragedy which was entirely avoidable and unnecessary, and where everyone on all sides suffered immensely for no good reason?
Why do American kinos always portray world war 2 as some heroic "good war" or a fun adventure with goodies vs baddies...
Because Europe spent years of getting fucked up the ass so Americans wouldn’t have to.
Say it with me, kids: “Military Industrial Complex.” Hollywood’s been part of the propaganda machine since day one.
Picture not related? There are war crimes and normal guys in hard situations depicted on both sides.
If this were true, then it'd mean that grandpa died for nothing, protecting the interests of the ruling class.
>dude why didn't they just let Hitler invade 15 countries lmao? he was just trying to protect the white race by getting hundreds of millions of white people killed
Because the war wasn't fought on American soil.
>why didn't they just let Danzig and the border areas hold a referendum and let Germany build a highway across the polish corridor for German citizens to freely travel
Literally could have averted world war 2
Why didn't they show the massive raping from the good GI goys (especially blacks)?
Cause da Nazis were bad
Pic related and Dunkino bucked the trend in that regard.
>protecting the interests of the ruling class.
If you knew anything about history you'd know the "ruling class" got entirely fucked by both world wars.
Although yeah they were protecting the ruling class in a way, along with the middle class, and working class. Protecting them from a goddamned Nazi invasion.
>protecting from Nazi invasion
>end up selling out half of Europe to the Communists thanks to Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
So you'd rather the Allies do nothing, and sell out half of Europe to the Nazis instead?
>Protecting them from a goddamned Nazi invasion.
kek, my grandfather was a mason in occupied France, and he worked very well under german invasion, thank you for nothing, Bob. The only time my grandparents were in danger was because of the "allies" bombing the fucking city.
Well at least now I have chewing gum and multiculturalism.
As a Christian, I'd rather live under Nazi rule than communist rule. Communist rule persecuted Christians far worse than Nazis persecuted Jews and killed tens of millions of more people.
Because Americans did not suffer in this war.
More so, Americans in general never experienced an actual horrible war on their territory, that is why they think of war as an adventure or a way to make money.
Why did the sniper shoot the old man instead of Brad Pitt?
>Why do American kinos always portray world war 2 as some heroic "good war" or a fun adventure with goodies vs baddies
Because the USA along with the rest of the Allies were fighting a totalitarian governmental system that would have exterminated certain sections of human population. It also would have resulted in limiting the freedom of individuals worldwide.
For once the US fought on the side of liberty.
The USA has not since then and has betrayed its most sacred principles.
And that is why the US will ultimately fail.
>B-but Pearl Harbor
>More so, Americans in general never experienced an actual horrible war on their territory,
B-but the American civil war
I think you mean “The Campaign of Northern Aggression.”
Point is many Yanks and Southerners bought it.
And it left deep scars on the American psyche.
Shouldn't have let Petain the ultimate cuck surrender and form Vichy France then. Could have continued the fight indefinitely.
Because our culture (shared, the UK is guilty too) of is lacking in male role models and heroes, and we have to go all the way back to WWII to find them. If you tried to make a movie about a hero in the Korean conflict, or the Vietnam war, the critics and the liberals would set out to destroy you, because in their version of history, it was impossible to be heroes.
There's also always going to romanticization of history.
You sound like you've only seen one WW II movie in the span of your entire fucking life.
Coz it's not World War I.
Because from the American point of view it was a just war. We were fine staying out of it until the dirty Nips bombed Pearl Harbor. At that point their ass was forfeit, sadly they were allied with Germany so we had to go kill some Jerrys as well.
You fucking lost. Get over it. It's assblasted hicks like you that I wish Sherman would've burnt the entirety of the south to the ground.
Actually Churchill drew up plans to invade Russia and continue WW2, just stop communism right away.
Everyone had lost their stomach for war by then so he couldnt pursuade any allies to join.
If youre being serious youre retarded...
Pearl Harbour was a single attack on a mi
you need to learn the difference between war films (a fun adventure with goodies vs baddies) and anti-war films (some horrible disastrous tragedy which was entirely avoidable and unnecessary, and where everyone on all sides suffered immensely for no good reason). both exist but anti-war films are rarer because they are usually no fun to watch.
>entirely avoidable and unnecessary
It was entirely avoidable and unnecesary. If the winners of WWI castrated every single German male and beaten German women to death with rusted pipes, the destruction of the Europe would be prevented. They should have done it hundred times before in history, but no, let German off the hook and he pokes his head out, see that there are people having good time and think 'Hmmm, how to fuck it up this time, militarily or culturally or religiously?'
'I am German, thus I ruin.' - every German, every day, every morning after he opens his yes
>Why didn't they just cut throat of every wurst and be done with them?
Literally could have averted WW2
If you think Hitler would ever have been cool with letting France have Alsace-Lorraine you're either stupid or genuinely deluded.
The ONLY way WW2 could have been averted was with a concerted French push into the Saarland and the Ruhrpott in 1939.
Jewish mythology
You do know that Britain and France declared war on Germany, right?
Yeah and then proceeded to do absolutely nothing for half a year whilst Hitler leisurely conquered Poland and moved his forces west. The French literally went 5km from the Maginot Line before turning around and retreating back behind it.
cause to Americans most wars are heroic "good war" or a fun adventure. why are Europeans always salt since vietnam. Stop being mad you didnt get a disneyland in your base.
But the Americans shown in the movie aren't being "heroic" at all.
They openenly kill/torment prisoners, "rape" locals, and butcher the opposing side. Everything in the movie is told from the perspective of the Americans, so the Americans must be the good guys right? But the only character who showed any real sign of being "heroic" or "good" was the German boy who let the American go at the end of the film. After finding the American squad who killed over 300 of your countrymen, he did the right thing and let the lone American soldier escape.