What are some kino cigarettes? Pic unrelated.
What are some kino cigarettes? Pic unrelated
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I smoked like 4 packs of these when I was in my 20s.
I don't smoke anymore. Stupid habit and cloves are the reddit of cigarettes.
i remember that the biggest faggots and mall goths would smoke these at starbucks after school
>i remember that the biggest faggots and mall goths would smoke these at starbucks after school
So what did they taste like?
Bali Hai and Super were better Djarum smokes.
They had a slight sweet taste to them. They smelled good and lasted long. Worth it, in my opinion. I don't smoke anymore, but if I did, they would be my go to choice of smokes. .
for me? it's the perique
>cloves are the reddit of cigarettes
>Clove cigarettes
>M65 field jacket (tailored)
>Ingmar Bergman and Werner Herzog movies
>iPod classic full of post-rock all day
>Camus' L'Etranger in pocket
Those were the days, lads.
bonds street blue
I don't smoke.
>not smoking cigars like our lord and savior Arnie
What's your go-to cigar, teevee
I think CAO golds are right along the edge of the bang for buck line. I have some Romeo y Julietas put aside for when I want something a little spicier.
I can deal with smokers but vapers are giant faggots and I hope they get cancer, okthxbye
Camel menthol WIDES.
Next Blue, or Belmont's. If you're drinking a lot, bump it up to Next Red.
you smelly fucks need to quit so i dont have to vomit everytime i walk past you stupid cunts