Conservatives: "My party said they are good for the economy, they can't be lying to me :'D"
Democrats are better for the economy
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Fuck off merchant
It's true though, and it makes sense if you think about it.
>Believing a Jew when they talk about economics
Kek. I've been fiscally liberal forever, Jews aside. Can you give a real reason why right wing economics are better? And don't just bitch about handouts either.
>Working under the assumption that GDP is a good measure of welfare when worker productivity has risen 6.6x more than worker wages
Democrats say the same thing, retard heeb.
>jews manipulate economic data for democrats
Yes, we knew that already Chaim.
Real wages have increased under Obama and Clinton. Not under Bush. And how do you expect the Republicans to bring real wages up? Ignoring the workers and letting the market take over has not worked and it won't.
Wait Wait it was with a Republican Congress. Check your facts again douche
So why havent leftist policies worked in 50+ years?
Dont bitch about handouts? Ya because you know it's bullshit and you have defense against it.
God damn, I wish leftist retards like you could just be zapped out of existence.
Let the big boys handle the money, there, scooter.
You leftists should stick to lol umm "community" and finger paintings.
Ah yes the "you have to buy insurance goys" have been so helpful to the working people.
In some of those examples, yeah. Not all of them. Care to explain your reasons why you think that Republican policies are better?
economics don't have political leanings, you can either make them work for your country and benefits or somebody just comes in and rigs it making it unsustainable
If real wages have increased, then why are there more poor people in the US than ever and record number of people on assistance?
Borrowing money doesnt work forever and Keynesian policies take too long to show any results, too many other things happen waiting for it's policies to actually make a difference.
people vote in right wing parties in recessions
Notice the libtards scatter when the hard questions are asked.
aaaaand thread
>implying this isn't the result of neoliberalist policy that started under Raegan
The poverty rate isn't any higher than normal. Sheer volume maybe, but not the poverty rate.
Wages have long been stagnating, but less so under liberal administration.
Wonder how much of that was with a Republican House :^)
I don't care how good the economy is if I'm displaced for third world shits
None of these are really arguments. These policies HAVE worked forever, GDP growth was great under liberal rule until Regan showed up. The rest isn't arguments, it's name calling.
The economy is great for the top 20%
The economy is o.k. for the next 30%
The economy is horrible for the bottom 50%
The enemy of my enemy might be my friend.
>Democrats are better for the economy
they are better for everything.
conservatives are constantly too afraid to do anything.
Conservatives are a group of people who create a mess and then are too afraid to fix it.
>"Conservative Presidents"
Nah thats neo-liberal bullshit
Only real conservative we have had was Coolidge who boosted the economy like a real nigga
>Liberals Create Jobs
Correlation =/= Causation you stupid International Jew
The most Jobs created under obama's presidency we're in the big oil market, a market that the nigger has been trying to regulate
ESPECIALLY in north Dakota, and look at their GDP.
So fuck off you Kike, real conservatism hasn't been around since the 1920's, it's just been budget deficits and slow growth due to awful austrian economics.
If we opened our borders and imported 50million more people, our GDP would double, doesn't mean fuck all.
B. Clinton gets mad props for the economy during his presidency, but it's not because of anything he did. He just happened to be lucky and sitting in the oval office at a time when an emerging technology (the .com's) caused an economic boom. They could have had a retarded monkey in office at that time, the economy would still have been great.
This is all true. But the argument must be rephrased
>"real conservatism hasn't been around since the 1920'"
>"muh socialism has never been tried before"
Well good thing Trump isn't a true conservative then amirite, he's a proven business man, and will be good for the country. :^)
Regan wasn't conservative? Or Bush?
You can say correlation doesn't equal causation but then bring up Coolidge. Economic growth under him was due to the post war boom, his polices didn't help anyone.
Oil prices collapsed, if you don't remember. Growth was still fine. How do you explain that?
Ya, no, you're wrong.
lol, you're a fucking idiot.
Lefitst policies are a joke and ruin every city they touch.
Not an argument, policies have no worked forever. Actually try proving it.
Really got my neurons firing.
go to detroit and tell me that
cleveland, baltimore
the entire Rust Belt (rust isnt good....)
>blaming poor economic performance on the president with the best economic growth in the last 40 years
What a shit study. Most economic decisions are not felt until after the president leaves office. You can't draw any conclusions from this data.
Another thing is that GDP doesnt mean shit if your country lives like shit.
China's GDP is great but their standard of living in the majority of the country besides their showcase cities is shit.
Obama is also the only president to not obtain at least a 3% GDP growth.
Fucking retard.
All you've done is complain about semantics. You still keep saying the policies don't work without proving any evidence. I've put forth my argument, surely you have at least something?
Left wing economics are all about deception, just like everything they do. They "create context" with a whole bunch of statistical categories that don't hold up under the scrutiny of actual real world context. Essentially, they frame the objectives, then institute policy to achieve the objectives, then claim their policies are successful. In some ways, they are inevitably relatively successful. If you throw darts all day, you will hit a few bulls' eyes. What they don't show you, is the damage done by all the interventions that miss. Essentially, every time they "protect" somebody through market intervention, it creates a butterfly effect that hurts the general population. Think of the economy like a ball filled with air, if you press on one part of the ball, you create force against the pressure of the air in that spot, but you increase the pressure evenly throughout the rest of the ball. If you artificially decrease the price of rubber, you decrease the wages of tire-makers. The thing to remember is that, as a general rule, the last people to be affected by economic control are the people with the most power to resist it. Your wages are going to stagnate and you're going to lose your job and the price of the goods you buy and the rate at which your saving deteriorate due to inflation are going to fuck you over while those on top stay on top. They don't care. They want the government to step in because they own the government. They figured this out years ago. If you create a government agency to oversee an industry, the largest corporations will eventually co-opt that agency into an extension of their will. The only way left-wing economics works is if either the government controls the entire economy, which is proven to not work because the government will inevitably become corrupt with control and even if it didn't, it can't possibly account for enough factors to properly control a diverse and strong economy.
So what are libtards who enable niggerism?
You say policies work and havent showed any evidence.
The cities standing today like Detroit and Chicago are proof of that.
Also, not an argument.
Raegan's tax policys were the start of the pilferring of our federal budget and exploitative business culture
Leftist ideology is incompatible with economics.
TLDR: they create problems to implement their shitty solutions in hopes of a later time when they can say "HA TOLD YOU SO" even if thats 100 years later.
Reagan's tax policy significantly increased federal revenue.
Lovely. Carter makes a showing on the list because of the GDP %. Except we all have to forget the horrible inflation at the time.
We haven't had a largely free economy in like 100 years. Even Reagan was a sponsor of corporate welfare, one of the worst actually.
No real conservatism HAS been tried before, and it fucking worked.
Roaring 20's for a reason
Reagan wasn't conservative, he was a big government spending guy
he also gave out subsidies and gibs like a dem does
Also no, its not conservative to overreach with gubment and force banks to give loans to shitty people in the name of diversity
>Economic growth under him was due to the post war boom, his polices didn't help anyone.
>thinks a post war boom came out of nowhere
Umm no, he was a non interventionalist in the economy, he slashed taxes so much it allowed businesses to make good investments for booms, especially in the manufacturing and automotive industry at the time.
He DIDNT give subsidies to farmers and other stupid areas because he knew they wouldn't generate much growth. He put money where it needed to go.
Economic growth was pretty great under Hoover too. How'd that turn out?
Conservative policies result in deficits and wealth pooling at the top. This results in financial crashes
Obamas GDP growth has been slow because the United States is a developed, aging country recovering from a recession, one caused by bush, with an obstructionist congress. The economy isn't gonna do well for a while.
Also you ignore the fact that real wages recovered too under Obama. Not to mention he is far from the only president to not achieve 3% growth.
Of course, see
It doesn't matter, though
This election was stolen from Americans by foreign powers with an amazing disinfo campaign.
Lol are you really this dumb? Maybe you're leafposting but Reagan was not a neoliberal in practice. He never walked the walk. He lowered taxes and cut back on regulation, but he did not stop state-corporatism, he actually increased it. All of this is essentially the result of market interventionists, going back to FDR. Once they got the ball rolling, we have never been able to stop it. Now its snowballed into the situation we have today and they want the last piece of the pie, that is why the only solution you ever see pushed is socialism. Socialism=endgame state corporatism, that is why "communism has never been tried" and it never will.
It's unsustainable
Short term highs followed by super lows
See what happens to country's economy when all the parties are economically leftist. Look at Canada house of cards economy based on a single resource and the cards are starting to fall
So the post World War Two boom didn't come out of nowhere? The war boom didn't come out of nowhere, that's partially right. It came out of huge government investment in industry and the ensung industrial book from us government buying up military equipment.
That government spending grew the economy. The collapse afterwords was due to his failure to raise taxes to counteract it.
Is that why we are in a failed recovery as we speak. You ignored everything else I said too. GDP doesnt mean shit if your HDI is shit.
Obamas GDP growth is slow because Keynesian economics multiplier leaves out too many expenditures that change over time to even allow Keynesian policies to take affect.
Just stop, little boy.
No it definitely is higher than normal for what a first world country should be
They might have a few good economic things some of the time
But they're total and complete fuckups everywhere else
too bad gdp doesn't indicate the health of an economy. You could have 0 wealth and blow a trillion dollar loan on rainbows and farts and say you have a gdp of a trillion dollars.
The fuck are you retarded? Can't you see that literally all those trends start under Bush? And they skyrocketed/crashed right around the time of Bush's economic collapse?
Sorry buddy, you can't invent facts to prove your argument. The poverty rate is 14%. It's 15% in Germany, 13% in Denmark, and 16% each in Japan and the U.K. We're about normal.
GDP=\=better living standards to the workers
The globalist CEOs have more money to put in their foreign banks
>So the post World War Two boom didn't come out of nowhere?
>It came out of huge government investment in industry and the ensung industrial book from us government buying up military equipment.
Thats true, thats why I state that an austrian perspective would not have made that possible, but it was also because after ww2 they had recovered thousands of documents from Germany, who was technologically advanced and ahead of america in certain aspects
With the new discoveries they were able to make proper investments, not like the shitty ones into welfare and fucking loans for minorities.
>It came out of huge government investment in industry and the ensung industrial book from us government buying up military equipment.
I agree coolidge made proper rerouting of the budget and was able to grow the economy
However, HOOVER was an idiot and forgot what the budget was like under Coolidge, and failed to raise taxes to the proper amount while he was raising govt spending.
My point is, Coolidge's way of conservatism is real conservatism, invest in NEEDED things when NEEDED, otherwise, get the govt to fuck off.
Don't know about the rate but I do know whenever I drive through the IS half of it looks like a third world or second world country
Can you provide stats showing how horrible he economic recovery is? Mine say it's fine. And our HDI is one of the world's highest.
Forgot to finish.
The other way left-wing economics almost works is if everybody is exceptionally intelligent, educated, aware, and vigilant about the government. Then if the governmental system, along with other societal factors, is designed in such a way as to allow that to actually matter. Lastly, everybody also needs to be highly equitable in their abilities and with very similar goals. Essentially, left-wing economics only works in a leftist utopia, who would have guessed.
Literally because of the economic collapsed. That graph is great because it shows that the deficit skyrocketed under Bush and has declined every year under Obama.
Fact: Greatest terrorist attack in our countries history happened under Bush.
Fact: One of the greatest economic failures in history happened under Bush.
> obstructionist congress
I wish this meme would die.
Actually literally just [sage] in 2016
>raise taxes
And who the fuck pays for that? Not the fucking 1%
Hmm. I see some of your points here.
I agree the government shouldn't intervene too much. Also yeah welfare is a shit economic policy. I do support things like investments in infrastructures, science, and education. I think having those things is more imporant than lowering taxes.
>I have a source
>doesnt provide it
Currently our HDI is fine, but continuing policies like these will make it worse, and the increase in poverty, dependence on assistance has proved that in the last 8 years.
Obamas failed recovery in 9 charts.
>((((GDP)))) growth.
Anyone who cites GDP growth as an indicator of economic prosperity either does not know that government spending factors in or is too stupid to understand why that makes GDP a worthless figure only useful for political hacks to pretend their government is doing a good job.
In my perfect world economically, you wouldn't pay taxes until you make 6 figures. We would tax the rich to pay for infrastructure investments and such.
Democrat economics is to spend money to fix things transiently and leave a mess for the Republicans to deal with. Republican economics is long term and always gets fucked up when a dem holds office. Also just so you know there are more red states than blue states it's just that blue states have more population. The second graph aligns more with population if you look at California and Texas and New York
Really good for the economy.
Thank You
I am glad we can have an actual discussion here.
As for the obama administration, I think he has made some good decisions but some havent worked because he tried to implement austrian economic policies which are only good in a more than stable economy, and he can't do that with what happened in 2008.
Oh yeah, Democrats are amazing people!
Thanks for this article, I'm even more confident in trump now since everything he said was laughable bullshit.
>muh illiterate Mexicans gonna turbo charge the economy
Lol k
Now post the deficit under democrats and how much the debt increases
Dem presidents get lucky. Low oil prices, the internet gets invented, WWII happens, etc. Not to mention the policies that presidents implement take time to go into effect. The dems benefit from the policies of republicans, then fuck everything up before they leave. Democrats caused the 2008 crash and the great depression through the federal reserve and stock market fuckery.
Since 2014 The US Has Added 547,000 Waiters And Bartenders And Lost 36,000 Manufacturing Workers
Thanks, fugly king nigger obongo.
The economy does better when Neale Shon's afro is more glorious.
Can't refute th correlation.
You do remember that govs do shit like build a ton of stuff that everybody is too poor to use just to increase that magic number, right?
We recently had our biggest manufacturing output ever, think it would have been higher if we kept those goys?
>literally all those trends start under Bush
>Food Stamps rise
>Federal Debt skyrocket
>Money Printing spike
>Healthcare Cost spike
>Largest dip in Labor Force Participation
>Largest spike in Black Inequality
>Largest drop in Median Family Income
Try reading the thread, retard.
Democrats are good at managing money
>adds 10 trillion to the national debt
Yeah calling someone a retard is sure gonna help you in a debate
List a source or your argument is invalid
No we didnt.
We are a service industry so where did one of the biggest manufacturing outputs come from?
Sorry king nigger was wrong.
you're an insufferable faggot
please go stare at yourself in the mirror until you can understand why everyone in your life hates you
Nice argument
That graph still doesn't list a source
I could make the same argument with an MS paint pic
What the fuck
I thought we did have a high output
TYT did a whole video about it...