You guys set my expectations really low for this but I really liked it. I found most of Sup Forumss criticisms invalid...

You guys set my expectations really low for this but I really liked it. I found most of Sup Forumss criticisms invalid, except Scourge's pay-off being underwhelming and Odin's death being a bit underplayed. The script was comedic and lighthearted but I think Waititi offset that with some really effective directing to maximise the effectiveness of the emotional scenes where they were needed. Loki and Thor had some great development, Loki was better than he was in the Avengers for sure.

I feel like this is as good as a movie can get under the Marvel formula.

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Its fun.

The jokes weren't really that funny. But it's probably more to do with my general dislike on how they do modern comedy

i think it was really smart to lampshade how silly all the outerspace stuff is in the marvel universe but did anyone else get a distinct venture brothers vibe from this movie?


i was happy when Meek didn't actually dies.

This movie is objectively trash. The script is fucking shit: for example, the villain gets no introduction at all, and she literally pops out of nothing 30 seconds after being mentioned for the first time.

BUT I still found it quite funny, but I thank the director for this, the guy has a great sense of comedy.


i was sad when 3-headed dude was kill tho

>I feel like this is as good as a movie can get under the Marvel formula.
Seriously? This "film" is awful from a visual standpoint, and with films like 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Marvel proved they can do better. Every single fight scene in this movie is terrible, not immersive whatsoever and just felt like Hemsworth playing around in front of a green screen. Having great music playing in the background doesn't fucking trick me into thinking the fight I'm watching is actually good. Pic-related is just an example of how badly the visuals are handled.

Korg (that rock bloke) was the only well-executed comedy and pretty much the only thing I enjoyed.

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the cinematography was really flat. literally talking in front of a greenscreen, the movie

Reminded me of Flash Gordon but instead of being a campy fun movie it was a cynical cash grab made by a soulless film factory

Some of it fell flat, but the overall tone isn't detrimental. Every character got a few laughs from me, and the overt comic relief characters like the rock guy made me laugh at every intended punchline (that might have been helped by the Kiwi accent though)

I don't like the Venture Bros but I did like the simultaneous self-awareness and embracing attitude of the weirdness that the fantasy/space location allowed (undead giant wolves, three headed men, circular rooms that are magical circles just because even though a normal circular room would have worked fine, etc)
Honestly I knew the scene was about to receive some levity and it still made me laugh like a retard, how great is the rock dude

She herself explains why she's unexplained, are you dense? You can't keep track of the exposition in a Marvel movie?

Not even a heroic death, wtf

>Having great music playing in the background doesn't fucking trick me into thinking the fight I'm watching is actually good.
They did this twice, with the same song for thematic purposes.

Yeah this is a legit argument, but they green screened in some amazing backgrounds. In hindsight that kind of blinded me to how flat the cinematography was, except for the first Thor v Hulk fight it was really flat. Sometimes (like the BiFrost fight) it worked really well though.

>She herself explains why she's unexplained, are you dense? You can't keep track of the exposition in a Marvel movie?

I'm not talking about plot holes, you humongous retard, but about the fact that the movie wasn't even bothered about giving any build up to the villain but just throws it at you.

Why are the fags who feel the need to reply to every post in the thread always idiots?

>I found most of Sup Forumss criticisms invalid
that usually applies to almost any movie posted here.


Yeah, it was good. It wasn't funny but it also wasn't unfunny.


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>comedic wideshot
Your WebM is unironically stylistically meant to be that way. I think you have autism.

are you fucking blind? or just retarded?

Really showed me how right you were with those insults bud. Want to try again?

Norbit >>>>Thor 3

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Do you know what a green screen is? Do you know how actually good films utilise green screens in an appropriate manner that doesn't make it blatantly obvious? Do you know what cinematography is? Do you know what good cinematography is? Did you know wide shots especially should have good composition?

Now fuck off, you moron.

This but unironically.

>I found most of Sup Forumss criticisms invalid
Well, that's nothing new.

>the movie wasn't even bothered about giving any build up to the villain but just throws it at you
Okay so as part of a franchise, the emotional concept of Ragnarok is explored in The Dark World (which is summarised at the beginning of the film because it was shit and Waititi didn't expect you to watch it) and Age of Ultron in a dream sequence that is explained here. You might have missed this part but Hela didn't actually cause this; she was what's called a "catalyst" for a story (you probably need to look that word up, judging by your comments) and overall isn't super important in her revelations or personal connections to the heroes besides her being locked away by Odin

I usually find Sup Forums knows it's shit. There's hyperbole but it can usually indicate whether a movie is enjoyable or not.

>Do you know how actually good films utilise green screens in an appropriate manner that doesn't make it blatantly obvious
Arguably 300, Gone Girl, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Marvelshit, LOTR, probably a ton of historical films that I can't think of use green screen to the effects they intend. CGI can be subtle or overt depending on the feel of the movie. If you were looking to be convinced that Asgard is real you probably need to go outside some more.

It was alright.
Perfectly serviceable disposable entertainment.

>If you were looking to be convinced that Asgard is real you probably need to go outside some more.
Damn you're fucking dumb.

When I watch ANY film I expect IMMERSION, and awful use of green screen like that kills any possibility of that instantly - especially if it's done over and over again like in Ragnacock. I'm not against the use of green screen nor CGI, but I am against such lazy and unimaginative use of it.

I'm not even against "bad" CGI in some cases, I love how outdated-looking CGI was utilised in 'Twin Peaks: The Return' for example. But for the richest company in the world and the most successful film studio to be getting away with right-out offensively LAZY shit like this? It's unacceptable.

>overall isn't super important in her revelations or personal connections to the heroes besides her being locked away by Odin
her being unrelated to ragnarok is a cop out almost as big as the mandarin in IM3.
Honestly all the lore you can throw at me doesn't change the fact that the script is just bad and this movie fails at keeping the stakes high even more than the average marvel flick.

emphasis on "USUALLY" there, they were right this time about this garbage capeshit

haha nice meme bro you sure showed those soyboys

Don't EVER listen to Sup Forums's opinion on anything. It's just Sup Forums spamming their memes

I completely agree with OP. Some of the visuals were a bit cheap looking, but other stuff like the Valkyrie attack looked Trippy and fantastic. Banner and thor together was fun, Jeff goldblum good, satisfying ending, what's not to love? Taka waititi makes great movies imho

Korg was the only comedic misstep, you got a shit sense of humor.

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You're an embarrassment.

whoever worked on the color grading really made this film pop. complete eye candy. best thor film because other two are boring.

Mandarin was great in im3.

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It was good, but there was A LOT of comedic relief. They'd say a joke and i'd chuckle and then it just keeps piling on and it's like okay we get it funny haha. That Korg rock guy was enjoyable though. I also think they could've used that crazy arab guy from the Transformers instead of Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster.

It's awful, I couldn't' even watch it all. It just kept getting more and more cringey, the voice acting, the story the fucking everything is awful.

I turned it off around the 60% mark and deleted it, it wasn't even worth watching and I downloaded it for free.

>modern audiences like this shit

This is transformers tier.

the mandarin was the best MCU villain ever until it was revealed as a comedic relief and the bad guy turned out to be some cripple you saw for 30 seconds at the beginning of the movie who was butthurt because sempai stark didn't notice him

Ragnarok was fucking great. It's the funniest Marvel movie and the pacing is excellent; also the score is surprisingly good. The pounding synth on that trash planet was really something.

Also, the occasional tableaux like pic related really stood out on an artistic level, some of the cinematography was wonderful (and shit on Zack Snyder's laboured attempts at replicating comic book art in movie form).

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the only bad part it's the start with Thor and Surtur and "you may question why I'm trapped here"

i actually really like the first thor movei why did it went so wrong after it

>CGI was utilised in 'Twin Peaks: The Return'
So you can acknowledge that CGI can be cripplinglybad, and amazingly immersive, but that middle ground of "The viewer knows they're watching a live action cartoon" somehow doesn't jive with you? Think about the film, and the universe it inhabits, and the reality they want to instil. Post-Avengers Marvel has been pretty clear that their films aren't grounded in the "real world"

>Marvel villain is irrelevant
>user upset about this 17 movies into a franchise where the standard for bad guys was was set by the third movie
You need to either stop watching entirely, or learn that a good bad guy in the MCU is a surprise

They're usually right, fuck my mom faggot

No shit I torrented it in 720p and I'll probably find a better version now I've actually seen it

Would I?

Like another user pointed out the cinematography is really flat, which I see now (won't lie I was and am drinking, Ragnarok was a dumb distraction for my ADHD raddled mind) but I agree that sometimes is felt really poor and sometimes it was super useful (iirc I cited the BiFrost scene earlier in the thread)

First Thor is underrated, I appreciated some of the throwbacks (like the love of beer, no tea, etc)
Can anyone examine the MCU's stance on alcohol? I thought Tony couldn't be an alcohol yet Thor can be given an unlimited pint from magic broken hand man

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stop replying to me, fag

Stop posting in my thread, fag.
>my face when impotent demands on a board that doesn't give a fuck what you think
>everyone else's faces when impotent demands on a board that doesn't give a fuck what you think

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Ive never seen this man in my life.

>Loki was funnier and more humanised than The Avengers
>le prophecy is subverted and cause by protagonists
>somehow Ragnarok isn't hailed as the gold standard for Whedonistic writing