who was/is the better host?
Who was/is the better host?
Tucker, not even close.
O'Reilly had his moments but in the end wasn't as intellectually sound and was straight out of touch.
he had gravitas and respectability, tucker looks like a nose picker little twerp
O'Reilly also had good books
Too early to say. Tucker is obviously the right man for the time, though.
bill did a better job pretending he actually believed his bs. tucker is like glenn beck in that you can see the corners of his mouth curling before every ad break and it's harder to suspend disbelief that he's not keeled over in laughter the second the cameras are off him
oreilly turned more people away from conservative arguments than won them over due to sheer obnoxiousness
not many people like hearing some old faggot whine and yell for an hour, angry old man was a demographic that fox/conservative media chased for a long time, which is fucking bewildering because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense now.
Imagine believing this
Based Hannity
Based Tucker. O'Reilly was too much of a neocuck and bible thumper for me although I'm sure he just played it up.
That's fucking gay dude
The real question is who's the best journalist. And the answer is none.
This. Tucker makes Bill look like a pussy.
>there are people on 4ch who postironically like O'Reilly and Tucker
It's amazing how far this site keeps falling (and yet I'm still here...ironic)
what the fuck is wrong with Yanks
who looks at their kid and goes "yeah, that looks like a Tucker"
Tucker ffs
>you will live to see Tucker grow old and out of touch
I didn't come to Sup Forums expecting this feel.
O'reo;;y got fox all the views
It's funny despite how much obsessing you folks do over at Fox News you've never actually watched their programming.
For me, it's shepherd smith
tucker is what every man should strive to be
o'reilly is a better troll
unironically this
>news network
>only one actual news anchor
Crazy world.
Why does this picture anger me?
They also have Bret Baier. Pretty decent.
Cuz you're a jew
Do you consume a lot of soy in your regular diet?
because you never had a father and blame your mother for being NEET?
>That reddit passive-agresiveness
If you didnt came from there im sure youd fit right in user
You type like a fag
Mike Adriano on the right?
I feel his pain. Who wants to say, "and now to play us out..."
Wholesome as fuck
You don’t understand how to use the word ironic. Don’t forget to tip your fedora on the way out
I like the image, but this is 100% for me.
They are the bourgeoisie. Don't trust them.
O'Reilly was smarter and better informed. Tucker is just a straight up fear monger.
lmao different puppet same hand
Because wh*teoids aren't allowed to be happy.
hello pede shills
Big Money Bill is based and redpilled as fuck. Tucker is a literal soyboy and a closeted fag. No wonder Sup Forums prefers him.
Tucker is way classier
Goodbye reddit
Which one does he fuck the most?
It's jealousy. We're all feeling jealousy
The whole Eichenwald thing was complete kino.
Look at all these newfags not calling Krager a nigger. I want my board back!
>Lets exaggerate everything all the time!
Tuck for sure
O’Reilly seems like the type of faggot that would fall for every meme on Sup Forums, like trying to buy a Sup Forums gold account by posting with his credit card information in the name box
Bill: 6'4
Tucker: 6'1
enough said