
So what did that ending mean? Were they both the aliens now, ready to infect the world?

I enjoyed the film, but I felt like the ending went over my head

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they're both no longer human, that's for sure.

it means she wants to go back with the BBC

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self-destruction leads to a new beginning yada yada

The "phenomenon" didn't really have a goal beyond adapting like a cancer and evolving with its singularity-matter-refraction process or whatever.

The ending implies that it probably found humanity to be the most cancerous form it could take.

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>the ending went over my head

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why does natalie look so terrible, shes not even 40 yet
do jews age like milk?

She's supposed to in the movie

Why didn't they send in some slavs with vodka, sausage, bolts and AKs instead? It just works.

she looks even worse when shes not in a movie

Fucking brainlets I swear.

Lena's duplicate held the grenade when it assumed Lena's form because it inherited her self-destructive tendencies, and thus, destroyed itself.
Another, perhaps co-existing theory, is that when the duplicate assumed Lena's form, it inherited all her self-hatred and internal turmoil, and decided it did not want to become human, and accepted death

When did Sup Forums get so dumb

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>when did Sup Forums get so dumb
>posts an anime picture

such a lewd back

genuinely interesting take, I figured the standard interpretation was that once it took on her form it stopped mimicking her so didn't run with her when lena escaped. Kind of neat now seeing that as her self destruction visualised

That's rude user

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(OP) #
Obviously some (((hidden))) meaning in the movie die to the gross deviations from the book. It appears to be pushing some kind of occult dark ritual/ttranshumanist theme by having the protagonist enter and exit the dark pit reborn. Also uncanny similarities to TLJ dark pit scene with a mirrored reflection (both Portman and Isaac have ties to the SW franchise). There's something satanic here yet to be decoded.

This also appears to be done despite the glaring plot holes like why not take a vehicle into the zone if cameras still work. Why not use a tether. Why no blood tests on Isaacs character. Why put a crazy cancer lady in charge.

This movie was basically for potheads to trip out too and feel like the know setting while being subtly indoctrinated with some kind of new age ritual programming. Not kino.

Yeah man Lovecraft was a Jewish Satanist
Fuck, he was even married to one

What didn't she just do this

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*teleports in front of you*
psssh nothin personnel hershlag

It's like people didn't see or notice and the mimic drops and wp grande and slowly walks around the room sad while touching the lighthouse roots and kane. Then it crawls back into the cave and curls up in a ball and wants to die. Pretty sad shit when you really think about it

I just attributed a weird childlike ignorance to the mimic until now, considering kane's doppleganger being near braindead I wasn't sure that lena's could be so much more advanced so close to birth but yeah, I like the idea that self destruction was such a core aspect of lena that it's the first thing the mimic did upon gaining her likeness

You only had to see the expression on its face when it became Lena
p-pls don't go Lena-chan, I want to mimic you

Why didn't they just take the eagles into th shimmer?

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*blocks your refraction*

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>Have cool ayy lmao shit appear
>Want to blow it up rather than understand or maybe utilize it

I had such high hopes for this film, but other than the visuals and concept it was such a mess. The pacing, script, dialogue, and acting were so fucking bad it really detracts from the experience. I genuinely thought that all of the women acting like retarded cardboard cut outs was going to be a plot point.

This post

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I liked the mixing dna stuff, but this guy is right.
I guess I'm a brainlet, but I thought that in the end phosphorus somehow mixed with the mimic and propagated itself onto every dna around, making it all burn. In the end the mimic looks metallic, and I thought it was because it absorbed bullets while forming the image of Portman.

>Navy admiarls

Actually a step up from the previous version of this rather pathetic copypasta, which used the term "Navy generals."

>he thought cancer lady not even moving when the alligator attacked was good acting
>he thought there was a single line of dialogue was good

You thought the acting and pacing were good? That's some soy wars tier taste.

wait, she has halux valgus on her left foot?

i get it now, self destruction is the process that kills cancer, her doppelganger was her cancer,

the other people did not have this and died of cancer, even her husband. whole thing metaphor for cancer. the shimmer will clause mutation and changes in your body and things around (literally the only thing it does), your cells better be able to self destruct to prevent change.

then the ending probably more about the affair, and how her husband is not the same after she cheated on him. the sad eyes hopefully means that that's a bad thing. self destruction of your marriage is just bad

I'll leave you with some of the best advice I ever got in life.

If all you want to see is shit, Then all you are going to see is shit.

The movie isn't prefect. Some weird acting here or there and some if the dialog was off at the start. After finishing it though it is an amazing movie.

>sees thing I don't like
>represents it with another thing I don't like
Grug out play you

what are pictures to fap to hershlag?

>soy wars
Is this the birth of an epic new polfag meme?

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worse, video game

The Soy Wars le epic polmeme has been a thing for a while now sadly.

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It didn't say it was shit, it was very disappointing. Out side of the amazing visuals and great concept I think the film took mistep after mistep, it would have been far better for me if there was minimal flash backs, less dialogue for an uneasy atmosphere, and perhaps just follow the team her husband was in instead of 4 mentally ill women that some how figure out the mystery no problem. More fucked ul looking creature design would have been nice as well, the croc and bear where pretty underwhelming compared to the tree man abomination.

looks like you played the original tomb raider

I would have liked it much more as a horror film, the idea of the dna refraction and mix of flesh and flowers, branches, different species is great. But watching 4 people sleep walk through it really killed the film for me out side of how good looking it was.

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if it was a horror film it would have ruined everything due to predictability- would have been forced to use music cues and jump scares and all that other garbage that makes every horror film critically panned

Not a typical one, but it would have been more interesting to put the focus on the events that are unfolding (which are scary) instead of the character studies which were poorly acted and terribly written.

your counter argument is to laugh at his picture - you are only proving his point that Sup Forums is retarded
Yeah - in that situation i am sure everyone would be perfectly calm and think at peak efficiency.

It meant syrian refugees are beautiful but they hide the shimmer inside them because white people are evil and hate beauty and diversity.

>my head Canon is true therefore ur le brainlet
Simply ebin. Dissecting movies for meaning is sad and embarrassing tbwh

>even though its an accurate slang you attempt to deny it
Cmon, you seen the types, star wars is no longer daycare for perma virgins, its soy-bait for normie "nerd" posers now.

calling it soy wars is accurate.

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It's literally the theme of the movie

I dunno would you not try to stay away from it

No what happened in the end was all a deceptive story by the mimic itself.

It tells the scientists a plausible story of the events and its own destruction. It picked Lena and her Husband to continue whatever further nefarious stage comes next.

She did try that. But it mirrored her. She moved left and it moved right mirroring her.

Lena isn't the clone at the end. Is she the same person who entered the shimmer biological speaking at the start no

>ending is interesting and some of the visuals are good so the film is good
The film as a whole was awful, could they not find a single woman that could act? Or did the director tell them to just act dream like and figured their retarded wide eyed look was close enough?

>characters spell out exactly what is happening while trying despots act
>me like this film this film make me think

Ventress even says something about how she needs to hurry to the lighthouse because she wants to make it there before she becomes something different, and they earlier talk about how the effect of the Shimmer becomes more profound the deeper in you go.

This makes so much more sense and is more satisfying than the retarded hurr she's a clone theory.

This movie really was too smart for audiences.

We cant trust what she is.
The ending essentially suggests that her whole story past walking into the shimmer could be a lie.

Hell she could have got infected by Isaac the moment he entered the room and set her off on the mission.

No, the film by and large was pretty stellar. The acting was very serviceable, Portman was above average.

it is a horror film

But you can't even count how many people "sleep walked" through the film so why should we listen to you at all?

Cancer lady wasn't there, in mind atleast. Unless you have a better explanation for her not reacting to anything.

Don't bother, a lot of people here watch the film with a mind set on hating it from the get-go because it primarily features women. They couldn't see positives if they tried.

What happened to the genius nigger? I was bored and didn’t give attention


It means the movie sucked and Natalie is a failure.

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>Told the film is too smart for its own good
>Characters spell everything out as soon as it's encountered
Yes, very smart. Made me think, go hmmmmm if you will.

She turns into the red human tree in front of her in the field. pretty well done imo

Google annihilation there's 3 books, so sequel when?

What happened to her cloths? Or am I thinking too much for the film that makes you think?

hopefully never. They would turn it into an action movie so they can sell more.

they are folded on a pipe

>implying these retards know there are books
Look at their pathetic fan theories, for people that enjoy playing smart they sure are dumb.

I thought they covered the three books in 1 film?

Undressing and folding your entire outfit in 4 seconds then turning into a tree, damn she truly was talented.

Nope, go read them. It makes watching the """intellectuals""" talking about the ending a fucking blast to watch.

Just means they came back as some mutation or clone of their previous selves. There's not much to this movie, looking for clues or details that reveal deeper or more in depth explanation/background will yield nothing.

This has nothing to do with lovecraft and is no where near the quality of terror.

This was just a pretty version of the thing, but awful.

she's fast!

T-the mutts DNA has been refracted into the chaos emeralds to increase her speed!

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>comparing that to this
Shameful, this film didn't have the balls for mystery. It couldn't help but explain everything the exact same scene the thing was introduced in.

Wait a second, now that I think about it, did they ever give an explanation for why they didn't just attempt to breach the Shimmer from the coastline instead of entering it from literally the furthest possible point from the lighthouse?

Sup Forumstards are so fucking triggered by this scene it's hilarious. Just the very moment they see the color black, their day is ruined.

>In the tale, an unnamed narrator pieces together the story of an area known by the locals as the "blasted heath" in the wild hills west of Arkham, Massachusetts. The narrator discovers that many years ago a meteorite crashed there, poisoning every living being nearby; vegetation grows large but foul tasting, animals are driven mad and deformed into grotesque shapes, and the people go insane or die one by one.

Why was the CGI so bad?

Stop thinking about that, just think about the ending instead. The director wants you to think, but not too much now come on.

>all knowing narrator is the same as a character in the moment now


what's to say they didn't already? Whatever goes in doesn't come out they said

Why is this tired meme still in circulation?

What a fucking snoozefest this film was.

They've both changed from their time in the shimmer. One more drastically and the other more subtly.

Portman definitely knows how to ride a dick. When do you think she learned, on The Professional?

how can there be a sequel when its all dead

>admitting he is one
actual brainlet

can we have more otherworldly exploration movies please

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