>Movie about pop culture and nerds
>Message at the end of the book is "Lol fuck you nerds in your virtual worlds, go outside and get a real life."
How mad do you think people are going to be to pay to get insulted?
>Movie about pop culture and nerds
>Message at the end of the book is "Lol fuck you nerds in your virtual worlds, go outside and get a real life."
How mad do you think people are going to be to pay to get insulted?
Stop talking about this awful content. The book was very bad
>Message at the end of the book is "Lol fuck you nerds
Imagine how incredibly fragile you'd have to be to come to this interpretation.
Except all of the problems in the book are solved by the protagonist just knowing and understanding pop culture references. The climax involves him reciting Monty Python. After that he ends up rich as fuck and gets a hot gf.
>The book was very bad
No fucking shit.
Halliday even says to him to get out into the real world instead of the virtual world.
Hi DisneyMom
>if you're rich as fuck then get out of the virtual world and go into the real world
wow, thanks for the advice gramps
Everyone is already mad about this movie and it ain't even out yet. You have people who hate it for being manchild trash, you have people who hate it for commercializing their nerd culture (which is a fucking laugh given all nerd culture is is a fucking commercial), you have people who hate it for daring to have a white male lead, you have kids hating it for being old nerd garbage, and then you have people hating it for just being garbage.
Is anyone excited for this movie?
imagining the kind of people that would go and see this film makes me sick to my stomach
I think that people who shit on this film now so much will be the first ones to see it in theaters
If the waifus are good people won't care. Just look at Evangelion.
One is a red head who is the main love interest and the other is a fat black lesbian. That's it unless you count his aunt.
Dubs wasted on hyperbole from the first word. Among the many people who think it looks garbage (which is the majority opinion), I doubt most of them hate it. They're simply indifferent
Not even mad because this movie is clearly fucking shit and going outside is a better course of action.
It worked well with Evangelion
Funny you mention that because Evangelion is part of the end fight with Gundam, Ultramarine, unformed Voltron and the big bad in MechaGodzilla.
Isn't this that VR advert? The movie fully funded by the VR industry (facebook) to try and save it?
Only because Eva had some of the greatest waifus ever.
I refuse to believe this is real
It's 100% true, I just finished reading it.
Someone post his poetry and his car
His Delorean/Kitt-Knight rider/Ecto 1 car?
I'd applaud if this actually is the message. """""nerd culture""""" must die.
Thanks, user, you just saved me $15 + tip.
It's forget all those fantasy worlds and get out into the real world.
You're welcome, feel free to spend it on crablegs and falcon feed at your next kino viewing.
>It's forget all those fantasy worlds and get out into the real world.
I never thought I'd say that one day
>this guy
>talking about getting out of the house
Yeah buddy, no.
Based based poster
>>Message at the end of the book is "Lol fuck you nerds in your virtual worlds, go outside and get a real life."
Now I might watch it
Damn no one can please you alt right cucks
I pleased you're mum last night lmfao
Oh that's why Sup Forums has been complaining about this movie out of all proportion for weeks. I just assumed it was because Spielberg.
Nerds already hate themselves. They're used to this message. Plus, 99% of the people aren't actual nerds anyway, they larp as them by wearing what they think nerds where and making references that they think are obscure like "teh cake is a lie lolollol!"
It's probably real sadly. The fucked put Spike's ship from Cowboy Bebop on the poster of the movie. I want this thing to flop and vanish so badly.
That ending was horrible and completely expected. The rest of the book was okay, but that ending was very uncreative and made it obvious this was the writers first novel.
Angry Joe already confirmed that the movie isn't even equivalent to the book. Doesn't take a genius to see that however. Spider-legs kid isn't fat pimply obese and a horrible beast of a being.
Portal reference, right? XD
That was meant for
You can see a gundam in the trailer
>>Message at the end of the book is "Lol fuck you nerds in your virtual worlds, go outside and get a real life."
Nah it's more like:
>Oh shit I forgot to make the story about something.
>"Remember to go outside sometimes"
>"Eh fuck it, this'll do"
There's no point in watching people play VR when you can already do it at home.
I forgot about the blade runner stuff in the books
Does the book celebrate manchild culture and applaud retreating from life and reality?
Or is it a satire, like RoboCop, that in this decaying world people have retreated to infantile fantasies about films and tv shows from the 1980s?
It's the authenticity showing how much of a nerd he is. It's sickening at times.
why is tomino allowing this shit
>How mad do you think people are going to be to pay to get insulted?
Not very
>Lol fuck you nerds in your virtual worlds, go outside and get a real life."
wtf I love RPO now!
Prior to the last dozen or so pages, we are never given the slightest hint that the take away from this story is to stop living in a fantasy world. If anything, we're almost explicitly told the exact opposite, over and over again. The smartest, richest person to ever live was someone who specifically cloistered himself from the outside world after he failed to bang a chick in his high school DnD group, the main character never shuts up about how he can only "be himself" in the virtual world, and we're repeatedly told that the real world has devolved into a near-apocalyptic nightmare of mega corporations and lawless badlands. The hero and his friends only succeed because they're such losers that their autistic obsession with Halliday's life let them decider what his autistic drivel actually meant, and then for no reason at all, his virtual ghost goes "Actually I've had such reservations about this idea of a virtual world that I built in a kill switch to immediately destroy it, and you could do that right now if you wanted to. Also, never forget that the real world, which I deliberately shut myself off from and never loved in my life, is what actually matters". Then the hero just sort of ignores that and leaves the game to go kiss his fat online girlfriend