Jusice of keks
its too much already
Holy fucking shit.
bwahaha, take that you slimy jew fucks
Thank fuck. Normal people save the day just like with Zimmerman.
i want them dead. i want them all dead.
this is what happens when you hire SJWs and then stand by them when they fuck everything up.
fucking jews BTFO but why so little money when Rolling stone makes hundreds of millions?
yes, thats great news, to bad the lying cunt that started all got off.
guilty of what? what happened?
This is one of the things that the media miscalculated on
When you piss everyone off, and noone has any respect for you, Juries are going to find you GUILTY of slander/libel/whatever
Fucking finally! These roasties and skypes keep getting away with this false rape accusation bullshit.
7.5 mil wasn't enough but it's a move in the right direction.
And all these happenings are going our way.
Imagine when he's in office? Maybe he actually meant it when he said we'd get tired of winning.
>"stop stop they're already dead!"
If only Michael Jackson was still alive to sue the everloving shit out of everyone.
What exactly happened? I'm just tuning in.
This means nothing. Insurance will cover it, and the presses will continue to roll.
You want Taibbi in particular, but you'll never get him; further, you will never surpass the Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire status. It is all useless and frankly more than slightly shameful.
>who were the injured parties in the suit?
>was this a class action suit?
Can we get a hogan going by getting the accused fraternity to sue them into bankruptcy though this clickbait printed article which defamed the school and the franternal organization if a national fraternity than on a national scale?
This might leave open a federal defamation lawsuit if so.
For what? So he can get more money to fuck little kids?
Gawker was destroyed in tribunal because they had the gall of breaking a court order and their defense attorney was a mongoloid who thought "I didn't know" was a valid excuse.
>>>Rolling Stone
the times they are a changin
kek, this.
Welcome to Paradise, my guy.
Where the weather is always perfect, the pussy is yours to grab, the drinks ate always on the house, and the water feels fine.
thanks bro!
Anyone got a lexus nexus link or the court docket so I can pull the opinion? can post a pdf once gotten.
And it's a full house, it seems.
Is the 7.5 mil before or after punative damages? If it's before, they could be looking at an enourmous fine, like Hulk level.
(((they))) tried to pin that on him so hard when he refused to use ritualistic phrases and symbolism in his music
I seem to have missed this. When the fuck did this happen and what happened even?
Good shit. I love hearing good news.
All I wanna say is that (((they))) don't really care about us
MAGA so soon? But Hillary hasn't even been publicly hanged yet?
We need a thread on mj
He apparently had a huge collection of Nazi paraphernalia
You can't sue people after you've signed settlements and paid them NOT to take you to court you fucking retard.
When did it all go so right?
Fuck Rolling Stone. Got what they deserved. I wouldn't use their magazine to line a bird cage because that would be an insult to the bird.
Whats the story behind this?
I was talking about about the media you american.
Fucking good, justice was served. Does the jewess who presided over this shitshow still have a job?
It does set a precedent that publications are accountable for failing to fact-check before publishing inflammatory stories.
Shit. This is the first verdict of it's kind.
They lent credibility AND manufactured supporting evidence to allegations of rape against a fraternity.
This is the beginning of a dark age for journalism. Fear to even report on things that powerful financial/goverment powers see a dangerous to their continued exploitation.
tl;dr on this please?
They wrote an article about a chapter of my fraternity at the University of Virginia, falsely accusing them of gang-raping a girl.
The story came apart under scrutiny and we sued them.
Or is this another trick to derail the agents of kek?
The media pushed a fake rape story?
You sexists!
>Girl said she was raped by frat boys
>Rolling Stones shaming them and reporting the news as real, no questions asked
>People involved were attacked
>College and town suffered from the story
>Find out it was completely fake but Rolling Stone ran with it anyway
>Rolling Stone in trouble for fucking up people's lives for nothing
>Get sued
>They lost and have to pay up
holy shit. never like rolling stones, not even their music, but this is just sad and funny at the same time. Too bad this wont get any mainstream appeal
The day every pseudo-journalist tabloid asshole is hanging from a noose will be a good one
The media is either already in with the government powers, that is the real dark age. They already don't report on things that the elites don't want reported on.
It's the same thing you stupid spaghetti nigger just stop talking
Did the girl face any criminal charges?
>I bet I already know the answer
I believe the girl wanted to remain anonymous throughout the whole thing, including when the reporters initially wrote the story.
This article does a good job of breaking down the failure of the media in the case
oh my god the horror, journalists won't be able to nonchalantly label innocent men as rapists without proportional repercussions
how will they ever survive?
>feminazis invaded rolling stone
>wanted to bring down patriarchy
>put out a call for rape stories
>unstable girl came forward with rape story
>feminazi reporter didn't ask any questions or interview any witnesses
>rolling stone reported girl was gang-raped at frat party
>rolling stone reported the dean of the school laughed at the girl
>internet sleuths investigated
>girl's friends came forward and contradicted her story
>alleged ringleader of the rape was out of town that weekend
>alleged frat didn't have a party that weekend
>girl's roommate said girl didn't go to party that weekend
>dean who was accused of laughing at girl sues
>rolling stone & feminazi report lose court case
>jury now gets to decide damages, up to $7.5 million
>Trump now gets to cite this in every one of his cases
shit band anyways desu
>University of Virginia administrator Nicole Eramo
>not even the actual male students who were accused and had their lives ruined
None of them were mentioned by name though, she's the only one.
I'd love to see Rollung Stone go the gawker route.
The Fourth estate has been broken for a long time. The relationship between journalists and government officials in incestuous, with them frequently blending and moving from one or the other. If a revolution does occur, the media's heads should be on pikes along with the politicians.
Nah bro Trump is our Hitler 2.0 we love him
You didn't do shit, you fucking faggot. Go suck off your "brothers."
corporate and government powers abuse relationships with journalists already, most journalism is bullshit these days, I mean I can't even remember the last major journalistic investigative breakthrough that actually mattered. Now they just serve to spew whatever agenda the highest bidder wants spewed. Journalistic integrity has been dead for a long time.
I honestly wouldn't mind seeing most major news networks declare bankruptcy, or to see President Trump shut them the fuck down.
So are the frats and school themselves going to sue the fuck out of Rolling Stone too?
Now all that remains is for the lying cunt JACKIE COAKLEY to be brought to justice.
Is the world finally turning around and away from this SJW cuckery.
When Trump wins it will only make the conversation faster and more resolute.
The frat is planning to, to the tune of 25 million.
They really should try to sue the girl too for being a lying cunt. I understand that it's much more the fault of the lazy SJW journos for just taking everything she said at face value, but iirc she named specific members of the frat and accused them of a brutal gang rape, which is a fucking crime.
No dummy they mean shit like this will keep happening again and again because journalism is dead propaganda is legal.
It's obvious whatever idiot was behind the allegations was prob running an agenda for someone higher or at least it fit in with it.
>go make up an SJW-Marxism-love-story CNN will be happy to tell it
That's what they mean by "dark ages" of journalism. Right now one of the only investigative journalists is labeled a "felon"
>literally only charged with misdemeanour which shouldn't have happened (okeefe)
And the people he's investigation tied to fraud, illegal funds, murder, terrorism, etc
No but he's the bad guy
>They really should try to sue the girl too for being a lying cunt.
the girl stayed anonymous, nobody ever met her or even knows her name.
Really? I swear in my timeline she was public about it.
>the girl stayed anonymous, nobody ever met her or even knows her name.
Did she even exist?