Other urls found in this thread:
>copy a movie full of men
>can't come up with something newand original
the absolute state of womeme's
>oceans got sad so oceans ate
I'll watch it for mommy Cate.
If they give Helena, Cate and Anne the most screentime it could actually turn out good. Keep Rihanna and the literal whos to a minimum.
Has the advantage over Ghostbusters of having a few very talented actresses, rather than four 'comedians' who have never been funny in their lives.
Holding out reasonable hope.
john mullaney gonna get lot of backlash for this
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With toned rears to make good,
When the Oceans began to eight.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every cunt should be proved,
Ere the Oceans began to Eight.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither blush nor rouge
When the Oceans began to Eight.
It was fiery preached to the crowd.
It was requied by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Oceans began to Eight.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the infertile years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Oceans began to Eight.
what? wheres melissa mccarthy
i just can't get over the name awkwafina. wtf
>hi my name's trawpikana, this is my buddy oshunsprey
This movie is stuffed with hollywood 'Mommy Milkies'. You bet your fucking ass I'm seeing the shit out of it. My dick will have it no other way
Saw the trailer for this in the cinema the other day, you could hear a fucking pin drop
who tf is this
Fuck I thought that was just a Bojack joke.
Even in a sjw-dominated era fat people still get ostracized. It's a cruel world, I tell ya!
It's just a stage name
thanks i got that
>mommy milkies
>none of them have milkies
WB better hope the merger goes through (it won't) because there's no way they'll survive this bombing on top of everything else this year
she was replaced by mindy kaling for all your qt chubby braphog lusting needs
Sandra, Cate and Anne got my dick approval. I'm affraid they gonna focus of remaining "who?" making it useless crap.
And yet it's still embarrassing
>apparently we need to put more women in movies
>do we sit down and actually write something for them?
>no. women can't carry a new IP, lets just give them is old shit we have sitting around and call it a day
every single time
My penis is okay with everyone but Awkwardfina
>meme cast
>female take on popular franchise
this will definitely turn out great
>tfw get quads and nobody checks them
>all women cast
Do you think they all agree to be paid equally?
Sup Forums of old would have been hyped for this just based off the cast.
“Ah shit my period just started”
“But the heist-“
“I said my period just started!”
“Hey wait a minute these aren’t pro con artist they’re women! Guards get them!”
*scooby doo hallway chase scene where they run through all the doors*
>Sup Forums of old would have been hyped for rihanna, pajeet and awkafina
i hope this shit bombs
I still like Rihanna she is a rare 9/10 woman
It will just like every WB movie this year has
Does anyone really believe this movie exists?
>hi, I’m Dasani, this is Evian and Voss, our mother is Akwafina
>our father is Perrier
>we are clearly canadian
>Doesn't even star Julia Roberts
what the fuck
Yeah same, theater full of people and nobody cared.
Exactly. Are they even bothering to make this shit anymore?
All you need is the stupid posterforthe muh men v. women propaganda.
just when I thought amerimutts couldn't surprise me anymore
I've heard of this movie for at least 5 years. I hope it will fail.
>hi my name's trawpikana, this is my buddy oshunsprey
dr. pavel, i'm cawprisun
Doubt it is ever made.
It's propaganda.
It's not about being creative user. They are trying to piss people off and ruin the legacy of good media with predominately male casts and that shows healthy male bonding. Guaranteed this shit will also have the hottest white female being Blacked.
They're just putting pressure on the seams of society
men v. women
black v. white
old v. young
urban v. suburban/rural
That's a good part of what Hollywood is.
Awkwafina. you can't make that shit up.
fucking Awkwafina
Awaka and then fina
How’s the cinematography?
It's a shill trying to change the subject
reminder that the only reason hollywood does this now is because they get free marketing from you identity politics warriors.
enjoy being useful idiots.
>is asian
>Hollywood is a real business
*sheistering intensifies*
It's a heist movie
i guess we better stop talking about movies then and close the board
Based WBGoingOutOfBusinessPoster
Stop samefagging
Anyone with a functional brain knows this has nothing to do with marketing or even money.
It's basically
Only going to see if for some Riri action
muh dick
You dummies do the same thing every time you get caught
Like we're unfamiliar with proxies and dynamic ip's.
Thanks for the confirmation though shill
You can stop samefagging and trying to change the subject shill
I made this thread you fucking retard
>reddit spacing
of course he types like that...
Reminder there’s gonna be a scene where Rihanna had to pretend she’s the rich guys escort he called up for the night and she has to obey all his kinks and fetishes otherwise the gig is up so she gets tied up and burnt with candle wax and whipped and slapped and forced to eat out of a dog bowl and the other girls watch from the window
Quit the samefagging stuff, you're embarrassing yourself
Are you going to call me a 'boomer' next?
WB & AT&T right? Why is Disney & Fox going through and that isn't?
Like this dumbfuck propaganda project even exists.
The irony of whining like a bitch about a remake of a remake of a genre flick. Pathetic.
no reddit is enough
You better not be making this up
Because Disney was a criminal enterprise.
You now remember based porgs
>If it fails its because of male oppression
Honestly though, isnt ocens films all about trickery, deception and stealing ? Women excel at that.
At least they arent trying to depict women as a 1:1 physical match to men (I hope)
Still samefagging
Still retarded
Muh men v. women
Fuck off (((shill)))
>Women excel at that.
cult cell from the beginning
Fox absorbed it not vise versa
>'comedians' who have never been funny in their lives.
>Nora Lum is an American rapper, comedian, television personality, television host and actress known by the stage name Awkwafina
>tfw you can't even find 11 talented actress in hollywood
this thread made me wanna go see it
your long faggot poem had ppl scrolling past so fast they missed them.
8/11 is 73%
Well she looks like a 2 dollar crackwhore so that part is believable
Well let's fix that then
I've barely heard anything about this movie.
Is the marketing just nonexistent or were lessons learned from Ghostbusters?
Fuck off already faggot
This isn't even a real movie
Lol Awkwafina, Rihanna
This movie si gonna bomb a bunch of 40 something hasbeens
Do you think I am shilling for or against this movie? I dont understand.
they should have put George Clooney or Brad Pitt in it and made him the boss. Or still do that but don't reveal him in the trailers, let a man run this con.
People seem to really like controversy now. Just look at the top headlines everyday in MSM: it's all fueled on controversy. People like to get angry and pretend their opinions on subjects matter.
The media isn't real user. It's not a reflection of reality.
>The media isn't real
What do you mean by that?
The first one wasn't that good either
The media is propaganda. They promote division.And literally make up stories and stage events to do so.
But you know that shill.