Serious question

Serious question.
Not trolling.
Why is everyone in this movie ugly? Except for Rey who is kinda cute. Is it on purpose? If so, why?
And they're not even average. They're bad looking.

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>Except for Rey who is kinda cute

I'm begging you to have sex.

>rey is kinda cute
>with those xenomorph teeth

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Roasties struggle to identify with anybody more attractive than themself

>Luke and Leia
Somehow uglier here than TFA but I wouldn't say 'ugly', maybe just hollywood ugly
>Finn and Rose
Diversity hires, Rose apparently won some competition to get the job
>Kylo Ren
A wierd one, maybe the only one that was hired purely on ability and arguably justified by being a villain
Fine looking imo for the role

So yes, a distinct lack of truly attractive people especially in the heroes where the hot actors are usually. Anyone else worth mentioning?

>Rey who is kinda cute

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Laura Dern who hasn't looked even remotely good since Wild At Heart

Boyega can act though and has some charisma.

Because you are gay.
And because you are not gay.

Boyega can't act and is an obnoxious dindu.

He has bad taste and opinions but he makes Finn the best character in TFA.

Kathleen Kennedy wanted to show that big screen actors dont have to be traditional archetypes

"tall, thin, white, beutiful"

she basically casted the opposit of that and then was sure to KILL LUKE SKYWLKER (its what the people want)

How is Oscar Isaac ugly?

He can't act and he's a shit character. Best character is always Kylo. Stay mad niggerlover.

He's charming but if you actually look at him he's a pudgy manlet who has a weird looking face. He makes it work somehow to lure you in, and then you realize he's a pudgy manlet with a weird looking face.

Bitch looks like a tranny

Kylo Ren and the commander pilot are good characters and charismatic actors. So far all the rest are amateur tier.

Surprised thought that this movie names the Jew in that canto bight planet

He acts like a retarded, cowardly nigger

Didn't Adam and Oscar both go to Julliard? Bodega and Ridley were both picked off the streets kek

Nu wars doesnt have good characters hole.

It always surprises me how much Americans are obsessed with height.

Thanks for ignoring the rest of my post manlet.

Even Gwendie Christie thinks hes hot

Is this supposed to mean anything?

No wonder they are best friends. Two obnoxious bong crackheads with no talent.

That monster will take what she can get

Adam and Oscar look good both t b h

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>Two obnoxious bong crackheads with no talent.
Top kek.

Kill yourself poofter

No homo
Ridley is ugly and so is her nigger manlet friend


If Kylo Ren is so ugly, why is my girlfriend always telling me she wants to cheat on me with him?

Theyre all ugly faggot

Cause girls love this kind of male. Like Cumberbatch.
Also, W I D E.

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Gay cunt detected

No u

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she went from reee-ing at him to giving him the fuck me eye in the span of 1 hour.

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Retarded shit

He's a chad like his father before him

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Holy shit the movie is retarded.
Holdo says she needs to stay behind to pilot the cruiser.
In this Galaxy far far away long long ago autopilot was not invented.
Who the fuck writes this shit

The producers think fans will relate more to actors who look more like them (race, gender, sexual identity, weight etc) without realizing viewers relate to actors by the actions they perform on screen and the trials and tribulations they overcome.

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His father was a pathetic loser who died like fool. Thanks disney!

Kill yourself

Hux is the best looking person in the main cast and he isn't even good looking traditionally. Though in person I am sure asian women literally drench themselves.

And why would she not disclose her plan to Po??

>It hurts, Ben

Fucking queer

>t. suicidal schizo

Why Driver looks in this movie like fucking Anton Chigurh?

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babyface kylo

You mean child in a mask

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They both ugly fuvks

>Unflattering frames

Well good job, you are now normie status and should read magazines from stores and watch tmz, get the fuck off here and never comeback filthy normal fags.

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I have to agree, Hux is like Hitler's dream come true.

>Sup Forums calls this ugly

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This movie is fucking infuriating.
If you can crash ships with lightspeed to other ships, what is the point? You can literally destroy a planet with a ship that weighs 1 ton at the speed of light. It's a ridiculous game changer.


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Rey and daisy were both mistakes

Ask your dads for a hooker fellas

Find the courage to talk to a female you fucking incel

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You be must be ugly as fuck.

What bitch?

Im married

we all are user

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You arent married. You're yearning for an average looking girl on Sup Forums.


Leftism user. The answer is always leftism.
See, a key part of leftist doctrine is to force people to constantly question the reality they inhabit. If you constantly tell people (for example) how handsome John Boyega is they will begin to question their lying eyes, thus leaving them more vulnerable to accept leftism.

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>Leftism user. The answer is always leftism.

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>everything is muh patriarchy!
>everything is muh leftists!
Horseshoe theory is just being proven over and over and over again it’s almlsg funny


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This is the true answer

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I agree, it's leftism.

I can see it triggers soyboy fags when they get called out.

>soyboy fags
Shouldn't you be in class?

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>They're bad looking.

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Oscar Isaac is handsome as fuck tho.
Adam Driver is kinda alright with long hair.
Boyega is good looking as well.

The women were average, that's true.

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Best milf

>>Boyega is good looking as well

Gtfo poof

Forgot about Gleeson. He's a good looking man, as well.

Of all the shit about these movies, complaining that the actors are ugly is one of the dumbest.

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There were three cute girls, two of them died.

He's objectively better looking than 99% of black people.

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Who was the Chinese girl in the beginning who blew up that weapon? Roses sister, I think? She was the best.
Also, what is with with people thinking Rey is hot? She's the worst looking one there. Have people gone mad?

its definetally was choice, just look at prequels everyone is really handsome and good looking and here everyone is just mediocre-average or ugly looking

Is Johnson racist?

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shes "tomboysh" and people have fetish for that so obviously they will think shes cute

closet gay face

Kill yourself homo

>makes movie about strong yndypyndynt wymmyn

>make them out to be fucking insane and incompetent


He can shoot his proton torpedo down my thermal exhaust port any time he likes

She was good looking you dumb fuck.

Kill yourself gay

But patriarchy is a good thing - nay, a great thing. Monarchy is where life is at. Plebs should be left outside of the politics. Democracy is evil, always killing the Socrates, always genocidal and always full of lies.

exactly what im saying you just find her attractive because she look cute

>>The whole plot is on two white males, one of them is a commander of space nazies

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no u

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Disney still here shilling this repulsive pile of shit film because the Bluray release. Fuck this film will never die

socrates was a dick