Why is Hitler so false portrayed in media? Hes much more complicated than just being a evil dictator
Why is Hitler so false portrayed in media? Hes much more complicated than just being a evil dictator
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t. nazi
Who cares? He is dead and did nothing good to nobody. I only gave germans death and destruction.
Yeah he was a (((puppet)))
>i-i-i-it was a nuanced situation I know this from Sup Forums youtube videos
Because hollywood is run by Jews and every other country has been silenced by Jews through law or academia.
>hurr durr he killed jews but its complicated
everybody knows hitler was black. they don’t want you to know bout that. Hitler was T’Challa and Germany was Wakanda but they don’t want you to know bout black excellence
> a united Europe with the interests of Europeans at heart
> a united Europe (EU) with the interests of national banks at heart (ie 99% Jews)
>how dayuh u kill dah chosen
Funny you think it's only germans. All western nations are now under the thumb of judeocommunists. Outcome of ww2 was the end of the goyim.
This, have an upbot
>interests of Europeans at heart
You can stop samefagging.
We know Hitler wasa puppet and WWII was a ruse for ((())) to get Israel.
German citizines (((jewish))) screwed over their own country in WW1, literally traitors. From their point of view, the Jews were evil.
We don't really have that many films about Hitler. The Nazis in general are portrayed as too competent and normal. For example, there are very few films about the barbarity on the Eastern Front and most people don't even know about 3 million starved Soviet POWs.
not an argument
>Hes much more complicated than just being a evil dictator
No he's not more complicated then that. Muh misunderstood artist, fuck off
Hitler and Stalin had the same boss.
Keep sheistering.
The majority of Germans didn't think that. Social democracy (you know, the "traitors") was the most popular and biggest German party until 1932.
only brainwashed westerners care about muh hitler is evil
>No he's not more complicated then that.
Shilling what? Historical facts?
Have fun writing 100 posts talking to yourself shill.
post your bookshelf brainlet
This triggers the Sup Forumstard
>hurr Hitler was le good guy, everyone who disagrees with me is a redditor/SJW/shill
How to spot a brainlet
fuck off
the european union was made against germans, they are just much better than anyone else, thats why they rule
damn no wonder this flopped
>people are just posting about actual Hitler
Get it together spee
SPD was the biggest and most popular party in Weimar Germany. This is a fact. In 1928 they got 29.8% votes while the Nazis 2.6%.
I wonder why. I sure know that it probably has got nothing to do with who owned most major newspapers.
You're not as smart as you think you are, buddy.
Germany is a big country with a lot of natural resources. It's also the most populous country in Europe after Russia.
Nigga fuck off. There are no '''facts''' about WWII. Most ofthehistory is lies.
It's almost certainly this.
So what changed in 1932? And why before 1932 people voted for other nationalist parties (such as DNVP), but not for the Nazis?
Yes, eductaion can be a form of brainwashing.
This is not WW2 but the interwar period.
>Hitler fucks up Europe
>destroys multiple governments
>Soviets fill the void after the war
>turns Europe against itself
>economy of Europe wrecked, Colonies and Empires fall, America allowed to rise as new super power
>After losing colonies and stable independent governments, Europe slowly declines
>German "guilt" means their foreign policy is to be cucks to any non-white nation
Hitler basically ruined Europe and is the cause of all the immigration shit today. He LITERALLY made things worse than they would have been otherwise.
probably too soon n shite
Wait, are you asking me why a party has fewer votes when it was recently established than after years of campaigning? Are you retarded?
>Nothing is real everything is subjectable to outside influence thus all of it is false
Get a load of this goy
It wasn't Hilter's fault that Great Britian, her colonies, and USA all stood behind Judaism. He probably thought at least half of them would do as he did and oust them from their countries. It's not as if they were all oblivious to the fact their banks were controlled by Jews.
>you should never try to fix problems because you might make things worse
the only people who fucked up were the americans who joined the wrong team. betrayed literally every single value we had by teaming up with stalin.
>hurr hitler was an ebil d00d with less depth than a cartoon villain
how to spot a kike slave
Literal US Government propaganda proving you're an idiot.
this is your brain on kike propaganda. the USA was founded as a white nationalist state. "all men are created equal" only meant white men. They didn't even consider the idea that non-whites could be considered people.
Downfall should be mandatory Sup Forums viewing. This movie was actually savaged hard by critics who were scared that it made Hitler look too sympathetic. Only the germans themselves could ever make a good WW2 movie, anything involving Hollywood and "them" will never turn out good.
Wtf I love kikes now?
It's just because westerners can't help but make all their movies play out like a cartoon. No you can't have realistic villains with grey morality and conflicting valid opinions every villain has to be like skeletor and dr.claw and are evil for being evil lmao
Even so called historical shows can't help it.
Or people who experienced the worst it. Such as Poles or Russians.
NSDAP was established in 1920 (or in 1919 as DAP).
Because Jews.
But it's actually annoying - I got around to reading "The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich".
If they made a decent series out of it, it would be like Game Of Thrones meets The Sopranos and The Wire. It's such an insane story that covers so much crazy, dramatic and intersting areas and has all these amazing characters.
>Stalin killed 30 million christians through forced deportations, death marches and working in siberia till they died, confiscation of food
>Hitler forced a few million jews to work for paid wages in a labour camp, with access to theatres and brothels, while a 300,000 thousand died at the end of the word from typhus after all order broke down.
Why is one portrayed as satan incarnate while the other is jerked over across universities?
kek. This is literally me.
hitler was responsible for usa's ascension and all the bad things they brought to the world - he should be accountable for that
>"Germany was invading countries!!!11"
>meanwhile Britain pic related.
shadilay, fellow pede!
have you praised KEK yet today?
>Lets take Stalingrad despite it only holding a symbolic value
>We are losing in Stalingrad and our troops are running out of supply, lets not having them retreat.
He was brainwashed by Communism that's why he killed all those people.
>UK did something 100-200 years before we did ergo we're justified!
>those jews were already dead when we constructed those camps around them!
>Le stab in the back maymay
Epic, lets just ignore the fact that it was the German Navy who started the revolutions.
Reminder that america didn't enter WWII because they were killing jews, which seems to be a narrative, they entered WWII because the nips attacked pearl harbor. Literally no one cared about the holocaust, they cared that hitler had the hubris to go after other countries.
But now there seems to be this theme that anyone cared about the kike genocide and that burgers were involved because muh bleeding heart
And now you know why the British Empire collapsed after the second world war
set free != collapse.
>muh symbolic meme
You take Stalingrad and you have a solid anchor for the oil fields of the Caucasus
The problem was really that taking it became hard as fuck when von Richthofen decided to turn the entire city into rubble.
Stalin never killed 30 million Christians. The Soviets oppressed all religious minorities. In fact proportionally the most devastating was Soviet policy in Kazakhstan where during the great famine some 1.5-2 million people died (1/3 of the whole country). Most of them were Muslims.
I'm just pointing out its hypocritical for Britain to throw a fuss about Germany wanting a German-inhabited strip of Poland, whilst they were occupying literally half the world and other people's countries. They fought two wars to get an entire nation addicted to opium for God's sake. They have no right to take the moral high ground vis a vis Germany.
>Stalin killed 30 million
>Hitler forced a few million jews to work for paid wages in a labour camp, with access to theatres and brothels, while a 300,000 thousand
citation needed
>lets willingly go on the back foot in a war against a country that can outproduce us and whose manpower outnumbers us at least ten to one
Stalingrad was make or break.
He killed at the very least 10 million Ukrainians, plus tens of millions of additional christians inside Russia proper.
Prove to me the Six Million figure is true then bitch
literally noone with a brain think that
find me one (1) historian that think the US entered the war to save the jews
>They have no right to take the moral high ground vis a vis Germany
UK didn't claim the abos/chinks/pajeets stabbed them in the back in the previous war so put them in camps and gassed them, DESU.
Wenger Out
According to Ukrainian own estimates the holodomor killed some 3.9 million Ukrainians. The famine itself 7-8 million people in the entire Soviet Union. And that's pretty much the biggest Stalin's crime. Now find me the rest. Purges killed 1.2 million, Gulags we don't know, but according to Soviet own documents (released after the fall of the Soviet Union) it was 1.5 million. Now tell me about the rest.
based /his/ bros btfo'ing poltards, you should come here more often
that never happened
Everyone praised this movie for being made well.
That only came second
Stalingrad wasen't make or break, Kursk was.
Is ther anything more alpha than WW2 Britain?
Cold War Britain.
>prove this random assertion i made isn't true
that's not how the scientific method work you dummy
oh you want to talk about the British stabbing people in the back? Sure thing, here is one
>and is the cause of all the immigration shit today
No. That's on USA.
USA literally strong-armed a defeated Germany into accepting foreign workers from Turkey.
USA was the driving force behind removing Gadaffi, who acted as a wall between Europe and Africa. Removing him caused millions upon millions of immigrants to spill into Europe.
USA was behind the wars in Iraq, Aghanistan and Syria. This caused massive waves of refugees into Europe.
You think this is all just some coinsidence? USA is doing all this to destabilize Europe, who they see as an economic rival, especially after the Euro was created to rival the petro dollar.
Jews deserve to be genocided for what they did to the peoples of Canaan :^)
look at those superior Aryan genetics
>Though the Russians won, they lost five armoured vehicles for every German panzer destroyed. In terms of actual numbers, the Germans lost about 760 tanks, and the Russians about 3,800 (for a total of 6,000 tanks and assault guns destroyed or badly damaged). In terms of casualties, the Germans lost 54,182 men, the Russians 177,847. Though lopsided, the Russians prevailed, and as Beevor notes, "Hitler's lingering dream of securing the oilfields of the Caucasus was destroyed for ever."
Never knew about the specifics of Kursk, but had they not lost the entire 6. army at Stalingrad, this battle might not have been necessary.
As it was, the odds were totally against them.
>This movie was actually savaged hard by critics
What bizzaro world did you come from?
>oh you want to talk about the British stabbing people in the back?
how can we discuss something that never happened? we've always been honorable.
Nerd faggot, eat mud twink