>tfw i'm really enjoying Thor: Ragnarok
>tfw i'm really enjoying Thor: Ragnarok
I won't watch it for this exact reason
>tfw no scene where Loki transforms into a mare and fucks a stallion
Hiddleston makes me uncomfortable about my sexuality
watch the night manager
"Therefore the cuck is not the problem but a symptom of the problem."
What did he mean by this?
does he make you feel like being attracted to women again?
The editing is like blasting dopamine into my fucking brain. Every scene they must have filmed 15 not-really-funny-but-makes-you-think-it's-funny Whedon Elite (TM) pithy one-liners and then jump-cut edited them down so it's just saturating your fucking brain.
I'm defenseless against this shitty movie. It's like being on MDMA.
>we will never see Loki transform into a woman and tease Thor
It’s shit
Deep and Profound quote user.
me on the right
>rando bucktoothed thot over Tom
No thanks
Nice addition to the thread.
>Sup Forums told me I'm supposed to hate movies so I force myself to hate movies just to fit in.
You're being stupid.
Taika Waititi is genuinely funny and ensured that his humour was preserved. He made a good film despite having to let Disney mess with it. Ragnarok was proof-of-concept for giving indie directors a shot with action blockbusters, where Fantfourstic and The Last Milkdrinker failed so spectacularly.
>prole love movie! prole love movie good!
Basically The Cuck is not the cause of low-T beta maleism but a symptom of it.
This but the opposite
thanks. ll check it out
I've only seen the honest trailer of it and my god.
I thought this movie being a total quipfest was just another overexaggerrated meme by Sup Forums, maybe it is since i just saw clips and not the whole thing, but what i saw was utter garbage.
Total cgi fest with "le funny jokes xD" by Taika Redditi. But i just guess i'm too old for this and "kids" enjoy this shit now?