Are you pro-diversity?
I am pro-diversity and hope Japan changed its outdated culture by importing new culture and immigrants
Are you pro-diversity?
I am pro-diversity and hope Japan changed its outdated culture by importing new culture and immigrants
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Guys, we finally found a place where we can ship the illegals to
I would still prefer Australia. They can have niggers, mudslimes, AND abos
Being pro-diversity is just as dumb as being anti-diversity.
It doesn't matter what colour, religion or sexuality you are faggot.
Yes it does you stupid gypsy.
what grade do you teach?
Sexuality probably does, since gays have different brain pattern, they are often depressed and commit suicide, so it's most likely a mental illness.
Religion, matters too, since it is about beliefs.
But can you give me one reasonable argument on how the colour of your skin makes any difference?
Economists found out that more diversity create more money.
>diversity creates more money
more diversity=more different ideas=more innovation= more money^^
I'm pro-biodiversity.
stupid jap, you're thinking about diverse cultural background not diverse race.
I think it is okay if africans or whoever else immigrate into the country, but only if they are people who will benefit the country. Immigrants should be either high IQ, have education or training in an in-demand field, have proven business experience, or have capital. New immigrants should not be able to collect any form of welfare for at least 10 years, or until they hit the retirement age.
The problem is that right now we are letting in people from the third world who don't even have a high school education and have no useful skills. They just end up collecting welfare and voting based solely on which candidate will give them the most gibs. They don't even bother to integrate anymore.
biological diversity is always good for life.
we can evolve faster !
>immigrants should have high IQ or advanced education
So citizens with low IQ or no high school should be deported?
Also, I don't know every law in every country but I don't think random immigrants get welfare for sitting on their asses. In-fact I don't think anyone gets welfare unless they have many kids and no possibility to get a job.
You do realize that evolution takes millions of years, right?
>So citizens with low IQ or no high school should be deported?
No. We don't need to bring in more people who will make the country worse off though. Whoever we bring in should be for the good of the country, right?
>Also, I don't know every law in every country but I don't think random immigrants get welfare for sitting on their asses.
It depends on the country. In Germany right now "refugees" are getting a ton of money each month just for existing. In the U.S. there are a lot of entitlements available to low/no income families, immigrant or not.
more diversity = more unemployed fuckers leeching off your socialist state
"refugees" are not immigrants. They are war victims, and most of them are refused asylum because they are not from Syria.
Also, "the good of the country" is very vague.
Wouldn't it be deporting US citizens with low IQ or no high school be "for the good of the country"?
He's talking about diversity, not numbers.
You can have 2 million blacks, 2 million whites and 2 million japs instead of 6 million blacks.
Cultural diversity is good only when a superior culture is rising.
racial mixture has no relation to decline or rise of a nation, it can only be retarded to say this
as R.A fisher said, if advantage is high(over 10%). It only requires just few generation to evolve.
In fact, Japanese etL3 gene was only hold 16% in generation of pre-war age. but today's young Japanese have 60% of this gene desu senpai~
Where are you supposed to deport low in Americans?
Check SF.
Silicon Valley is best place in the world and it is diverse :3
Countries with vacant jobs that they qualify for.
Welfare fraud in the U.S. is out of control. It's not immigrants coming here, sitting around collecting checks.
It's people, both U.S. citizens and immigrants (including illegal immigrants) scamming the system by claiming little to no income while working "under the table", meaning their income is either not reported or under-reported.
How can illegal immigrants get welfare?
I understand they don't pay taxes but they can't get welfare because the state doesn't even know they are inside the country, they would be deported otherwise.
As for citizens scamming the welfare system, happens everywhere, in Romania too.
I don't have advanced knowledge in evolution but evolution is not always good. Some genes can be responsible for diseases in the future that we don't even know about yet.
Problem is, Africa isn't diverse.
So, white re letting in people from all over the globe, and are being outbred by negro mix breeds.
Meanwhile, Africa is staying as black as the ace of spaces, and their birth rates are incredibly high.
So, what happens is, the countries who're letting in third worlders (north america/europe) are being genocide and mixed whilst more and more Africans pour in.
what's the endgame overall?
a whole planet earth full of pretty much africans....and of course, Israeli jews in Greater Israel
Googled it a bit.
How is having a gene that causes epileptic seizures a good thing? Just like I said in this post
Evolution is not always good and can cause many diseases. Better to not evolve so we don't have to deal with a new incurable disease.
>Africa isn't letting white people go in
Yeah they are, but no whites want to go in Africa.
Only whites that go in Africa are somewhat rich white people who want to exploit cheap labor.
Fuck you OP. You hate diversity or are retarded.
If everyone blends, there will be no diversity left.
How are you thus fucked in the head? If you fuck up Japan's genepool there will be no more japanese culture, no videogames, no anime, no sushi. It will all be a disgusting melting pot likt the united states is. One of the great things about Japan is how different it is from the US. If you let these sjw fucks into your country you will regret it heavily my nip freind. I say this as a concerned citizen of america, please save yourselves from what america has already done. It isnt worth it. If you hate your country this bad just move out!
Why are japanese people so incredibly cucked? Why do they hate themselves? Why does every japanese videogame star a white character from medival europe? Have you no pride?
Asian people are beautiful, long silky hair, deep exotic eyes, perfect skin complexion, beautiful language, amazing visual artistry, and food. Don't fucking ruin it with us americans. Please let there be one sacred place left on this earth. I'm begging you KJG (Keep Japan Great)
>can't tell if bait or evolved an autism gene
Well I don't care. If anything, Africans WANT western people back. Which is why I think colonialism is the way forward for those sewer continents.
Moral is, just because Africa has opens borders to the civilised world, doesn't mean I want the western world's borders opened to a freelancing zoo.
You know what happens to guys like you?
They are not "zoo animals".
The fact that you were born in UK instead of Africa is just a matter or luck, you could have easily been born in Africa being forced to break rocks for 10 hours a day to be paid 50 pennies a day.
I totally agree that they come from a country with a terrible cultural background where you have to steal to survive as an average man.
Blocking them off is not the solution and having no border regulation is not a solution either.
What you should do, morally, is open borders with countries that have large prisons and as soon as an immigrant breaks a law you ban him from entering again and send him to serve time in their prisons.
m8, I've met and worked with tonnes of Africans in my country. most of them as thick as fuck, and one couldn't even count past 18.
Again, best solution is not to block these people, but instead introduce imperialism to their continent.
Pro diversity and decentralisation, but it needs to be many little centers of culture. The world as it is right now with basically the West and tagalongs on one side and Japan on the other generating together 95% of world culture is pathetic.
No globalisms "diversity" enforced by the american elite onto you
Break free please
Help South Korea, too
Dont become a mindless working slave
>Be mixed race.
>Shill for every race to be part of your inferior side to make your existence feel better.
This woman looks more like a nigger by the way, 4/10 at best and an insult to racial pure Japanese beauties.
Retards still haven't learned from Sweden. The slippery slope is not only real, but engineered.
Fucking english teachers
>when your dad catches you shitposting so you delete post
[citation needed]
Diversity itself it toxic and should be avoided. The case AGAINST diversity has never been clearer and due to our acceleration on this course we get more and more data monthly
“Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country. “
or the big daddy of them all.
“His conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30,000 people within the United States is that, other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups.”
So if you think that alienation, increased violence, isolation, destruction of community and loss of intermediary institutions is good along with reduced civic participation and isolation from the aggregate social structure and that humans are fundamentally an individualist rather than communal species then diversity is the best choice.
Nope because multinational companies are exploiting the cheap labor force and the abundance of raw materials (mainly gold). So Imperialism would be against (((them))).
>more diversity=more different ideas=more innovation= more money
WRONG : tandfonline.com
"We show that ethnic diversity or fractionalization and values diversity are distinct and while the former has a negative effect on innovation, the latter contributes positively. However, countries are bound to have both types of diversity. We find that countries that are ethnically homogeneous but diverse in values orientation are the best innovators."
You don't need immigrants to import a new culture anymore.
Internet has removed the borders which prevented the flow of culture and modern logistics have opened the flow of goods.
I couldn't have been born in africa, literally impossible, not a matter of luck, my parents are English not african, they live in England not africa. Your argument is total fucking garbage.
I do not consider these vermin to be human.
Absolutely witnessed
screencap plz
Asia for the asians, europe for the europeans, africa for the africans
We have enough mixes in between
Well said, I myself am fond of Finnish culture
no it wouldn't
look at the quality of Africa 60 years ago compared to now.
also, the fact of being colonised in the first place proves they're behind.
and do you remember pic related?
I have immense respect for Japan and it's current conservatives. You should keep up what you have going.
And no, I don't watch anime.
>yfw Miss Japan 2016 was also a mix breed, disgusting animal
OPs photo looks literally like a horse.
No not true. Show me the study that shows this.. ill wait. Capital investments and increases in the production capability increase the economy not diversity fucking idiot
Looks like Japs took the "chocolate elf" meme too seriously
So while were talking here a lot, I dont see japs own opinions
Let's import new cultures and immigrants into Africa, South America, and the middle east. If anyone needs a change in culture and ethnicity, it's the failing states around the world.
fuck off
you must leave Japan you stupid fuck
Hakus samurai will slay you worm!
The western world will fall in some decades so Japan has to resist a little more. Then the power will shift to China, Russia and probably India and they're socially conservative
It was all ordained from the start. They carried out their plans from Argentina.