>1,006 days until Avatar 2
1,006 days until Avatar 2
>blue Zoe will never suck your tiny human dick
I'm going to marry a Navi!
Fuck you
>we're nearly at 3 digits
It's not fair, i want time to stop
will we see the return of abatap?
Killed in Ukraine in 2015 I'm afraid. Was recruited by local forces and refused to wear Ukranian fatigues and opted for his own pair of tiger stripe BDUs to look more like a Na'vi. Tragically mowed down by a 23mm when he was spotted 2,000m away by Russian-friendly forces.
He died doing what he loved. I read he was especially handy with a PKM during his short-lived career.
Where do people get the idea that Avatar isn't well liked? It won three Oscars along with many other accolades, has positive reviews (critic and audience) everywhere, and started with a $77 million OW to become the highest grossing film of all time. Even adjusted for inflation it's towards the top of the charts. And 3D cannot explain all of it. Other films jumped on the bandwagon while it was still hot and didn't enjoy remotely the same level of success.
Formerly 1008
Blue Zoe best Zoe!
We're all gonna make it!
You can't keep this up!
Fuck you blue nigger
Based user
based corgi guy
Neytiri... with several magazines in her load bearing system?
I want to make Neytiri happy!
Let's not forget that $77m opening weekend was the highest ever for an original film.
Imagine those lips...
Holy shit it's about to be under a thousand!
I will be in shape and a womanizer by this release, and based cameronposter is going to help me
>1,000 days until Avatar 2 on Saturday
remember son, diet is half the battle. Best of luck too you.
go on...
Based chill bro, you’re my fav
How many days until TAA 3?
>2,833 days until Avatar 5
that's not the original poster, this is midly based
>4 avatar sequels
Can he do it lads?
it was a good effort, but you can't just make humans look like na'vi
We're all starting to get sick of this design.
Based Cameron will change things up for Avatar 2 and update the characters to work better with current technology and audience preferences.
Upvoting for awareness
no we're not!
But even so the character will probably look a bit different, since it's several years after the first film
OMFG user, I cannot wait for James Cameron's AVATAR 2!!!
we robust nao
Triggered hard.
Based Cameron
>over 10 years between movies
no he's going to die
Cry more shill
giv abatar too
Do you have this picture without the gun in the way of his face?
>All it takes to make a classic is retell Pocahontas except with blue furry ayy lmaos
This is what butthurt haters actually believe.
Ok I'll holster my gun for a moment, what's the problem?
>the #1 movie that changed cinema forever is really just Pochantous
Ummm sweetie....
wait delete that his chain is wrong
Everyone saw it and then realized internet decided it's pleb shit so people pretended they never liked it in the first place
Yeah we are. They're going to do robust updates the character designs and cgi. Cameron is still in charge so you can relax.
Even if that were true, there's nothing wrong with Pocahontas.
how would they improve on perfection?
Better, more lifelike textures, smoother animations. The sky is the limit, and true blue (heh) fans will love the changes!
hmm, that sound good, I just don't want them to fuck up Neytiri
Based Jim is teaching kids to act underwater.
He's going to change cinema forever AGAIN
>The Abyss meets Avatar
Don't do it Cameron, it's too much - even for you!
Based bluenigger
Neytiri pleases skypeople dick for money!
giv abatar 2
Infinity War is next
capeshit literally cannot compete
always #1 never forgetti
I wonder if avatar has a fanbase in China you never hear about due to language barriers
>believing the Black Panther box office #s
Avatar was partially filmed in China famalam
here is a statue in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park
>tfw no tall blue ayy gf
based blue spurdo poster :D
>tfw no huntress gf to lift you so you can touch her tiddies
what's she whispering?
What would happen to Avatar user if Avatar 2 was just an elaborate joke and there is no Avatar 2?
poor na'vi ;_;
b a s e d
>misspelling years as days
Jk, Based Avatar user
Avatar was drek.
Piranha II > Avatar
how do you know
do you think he posts in these threads?
how often do you guys think Neytiri changes loincloth?
that's chill bro