Do you believe he’s connected with what some say he’s connected with?
Do you believe he’s connected with what some say he’s connected with?
and if he does, I don't give a fuck, he gave me my favorite movies of all time, if I could choose between burning an orphanage and erasing jurassic park from existence, bye bye orphans.
>favorite movies of all time
>jurassic park
did you stop growing at age 12?
No those kids were already raped by someone else
shut the fuck up you fucking faggot
I don't give a fuck about what your pretentious ass
how did he unjew himself over the years
He's a jew. Make your own conclusions.
kill yourself, the world would literally better off if you weren't alive
How does anyone get as big as he is and not have some serious skeletons in their closest? But he'll be protected as long as he's useful to the money holders. You see Bryan Singer hasn't gone anywhere, right?
the 80s saw the death of cinema. kid friendly shit, star wars, nerd culture. auteur driven cinema died and has never quite been the same since.
Obviously. He's on Sup Forums.
jews? yes
that movie sucked
Kill yourself 90s born pedo lover
What happened to Heather O'Rourke?
go drink your soy
allegedly film connected pedos were passing her around at an 'event' and she died from something to do with her digestive tract. i don't know if that had to do with anything related to anal sex
What makes people think children should be left to their own devices in Hollywood when most adults there are unable to handle the lifestyle?
in other words, yes
>passing a child around as a cum receptacle is the same as leaving a child to their own devices
I was speaking in general. Many parents are fine leaving their kids without reliable supervision.
Connected to what
of course he is, he's a filthy hooknosed kike
>inb4 allegations surface of him using mossad operatives to silence rumours
yeah definitely horrible parents, but the cause is greed and wanting to be a part of fame and fortune, plus those kind of creeps get the process down to a science with all the victims/experience they've gained, i.e. they know victems will feel shame and not want to tell anyone
>Not your ordinary Jews
>the real Secret Elders of Zion