Fall in love with her

>fall in love with her
>love her face, her accent, her attitude and the way she carries herself, her pragmaticism, everything about her
>find out she’s cancer riddled and just wants to die
I don’t know what this says about me. What’s her accent btw?

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you might want to look up Netflix's "Atypical". She plays a sperg's mother who's cheating on her husband

>wanting to fuck a humorless old bag with no tits

Thanks bud

She was great in H8ful 8

She was great in Twin Peaks. I hope she gets more screen.

Attached: deluxe-white-blank-face-mask.jpg (350x500, 28K)

>no tits

Attached: Jennifer Jason Leigh Atypical 1.webm (1200x1080, 3M)

>no tits
You are a brainlet.

Attached: Jennifer Jason Leigh Atypical 2.webm (1080x1080, 3M)

She's been getting "screen" for decades, you pleb.

Attached: Jennifer Jason Leigh Good Time.webm (1920x800, 3M)

Attached: Jennifer Jason Leigh kiss cheetos.webm (600x720, 2.85M)

thx, user

>no one answering that accent question
So no one knows?

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whaddaya know...guess her face was enough to keep me from wanting to look anywhere else on her body.

Why do people like her? Has she been great in any role?


i got this weird obsession with her too


Hollywood Jewish [redundant]

She didn't have any sort of discernable accent. She just sounded sort of emotionless and like she didn't feel well.

but Jennifer Jason-Leigh is unironically hot as fuck
>naked in Fast Times
>naked in Flesh + Blood
>played in eXistenZ
she is waifu material
also her dad was litterally killed by John Landis on the set of Twilight Zone: the movie

Attached: index.jpg (180x280, 6K)

This is an 18+ board, kiddo. So you may not be old enough to watch:

Hateful 8
Single White Female
Miami Blues
Fast Times at Ridgemont High

yeah, depressed, colorless voice—she fits in well on Sup Forums

Go watch her films from the 80s
She's 10x cuter and nude an perky.

It sounded like she was from somewhere in the South.

Attached: Jennifer Jason Leigh The Hateful Eight.jpg (3000x2000, 561K)

absolute kino

Attached: cteq-verhoeven-fleshblood-750x400.jpg (750x400, 63K)

yea she is hot
i sometimes get her confused with elisabeth shue
speaking of which, shue is pretty hot in leaving las vegas
>dat ass

Attached: 73b6b96b32a18e38dec5ffcf57ef0dd8.jpg (479x363, 181K)

Attached: Jennifer Jason Leigh.jpg (2899x4908, 1.71M)

the plastic surgery on her face makes her look pretty weird at times tho

>nobody posting pics of her in the movie where she looked her hottest
yall some plebs i swear

Attached: 525528526.jpg (685x1024, 325K)

Never realized how good of an actor she is.
Also i'd like to add Weeds to the list of things she's naked in

I probably didn't notice it because I'm from the South. If anything it's a "city accent" from the south, which doesn't sound like much.

That's not The Machinist

Attached: jjl.jpg (848x360, 20K)

Elizabeth Shue is 1000x hotter in Palmetto.

It's not Miami Blues either.

you got some stinky taste

>naked in Flesh + Blood

Holy fuck I forgot she was in that (I didn't even know who she is the first time I watched it). Time to rewatch.

Loved her in H8ful. Entertaining as hell.

>ywn never drink yourself to death with only a prostitute for company
actually maybe I will

that's not eXistenZ

Attached: jej.jpg (600x450, 36K)

Well it sounds pretty distinguishable when you're in Eastern Canada

Attached: existenz.png (695x374, 302K)

Where to find JJL gf?

thanks, I was about to post this exact pic

Attached: JJL sweaty feet.jpg (2476x3600, 2.58M)

In their rooms by themselves I'd assume.

you need to see Rush (1991), that's when i fell in love with her. Plus it's a great fucking movie.

Why does this movie look like PS3 cutscenes?

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Attached: Jennifer-Jason-Leigh-Fast-Times-at-Ridgemont-High.jpg (1920x1040, 575K)


This is correct. We don't associate with society or look for bodies to fuck. We just want to do our time until it's done with.

It's weird seeing her standing next to a man because it emphasises just how short she is (5'2"). But in Annihilation, there were barely any men so there was no frame of reference.

I legit though Ventress was taller than Natalie Portman by at least six inches but they're the same height irl.

She looked so hot in eXistenZ

Watch single white female OP

You should watch David Cronenberg Existenze

She was in her prime

Or Hateful 8 by Tarantino

Attached: IMG_3057.jpg (598x448, 51K)

>wait, are we still in the game?

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Is she mad at max landis because his dad killed her dad?

>hur dur extenze is where she looks best
its like you faggots havent seen last exit to brooklyn

I'm sure she must be
I just learnt today that her dad was Vic Morrow
did he ever go on record about this?

Best gril.

Attached: Miami-Blues-ok-lets-do-it.webm (1280x696, 2.94M)

Why would she be mad at Max Landis for that? Are you guys retarded?

is that Miami Blues?

Oh fuck that was her dad who died on the twilight zone movie set? I never even connected the two.

Indeed it is.

Attached: miami-blues-krishna-killer.webm (882x480, 2.9M)

Are you able to read, user? Do you post on Sup Forums via dictation?

why are movies taking place in Miami alwasys look so comfy?

Mireille Enos is the same way. Seeing her stand next to Joel Kinnaman was jarring.

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What the fuck was her problem?

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Jesus, actresses today are way hotter than they were in 1995. Kidman is the only hot one in that photo.

who is that between Goop and Medium girl?

Stop watching porn

What a precious little baby child you are.