Now that the dust has finally settled. What did you think of it?
Now that the dust has finally settled. What did you think of it?
I enjoyed it.
Solid movie. Glad it did well enough that Andersen is making more movies with that style
Anything that wes andserson makes I think is good.
I don't like the flicks of wes anderson
Would like to see a film in this style but more immersive and longer. Wes is calable of it.
Wes Andersen power rankings:
Darjeeling Limited>Rushmore>Life Aquatic>Moonrise Kingdom>Fantastic Mr Fox>Royal Tenenbaums>Bottle Rocket have not seen Budhapest Hotel
Solid first half
0/10 garbage ending that made me want to kick Wes Anderson in the balls until he pisses his ugly tweed pants
It's was pretty good.
Isle of Dogs is the same style as Mr Fox. No idea on how good it's going to be though.
soy animation at its highest no doubt
really good. really funny. better than coraline
Fun comfy movie
i bet wes anderson sipped Red Wine while writing this script
Good, but among Anderson's weaker movies.
>better than coraline
U wot m8
I love it
It really was.
literally just 'white people go to brown people country to find themselves'. utter shit.
coraline has slightly more elaborate animation
FMF has better writing. that makes it more rewatchable
coraline is worth watching. FMF I've probably watched thirty times
Furfag bait
Fuck you as whore.
I think it's weird (as other Wes' films) but amazing stop-motion cartoon.
I'm lovin' it.
terrible snarky, sarcastic and emotionless dialogue (like all Anderson trash) that does not capture the spirit of Dahl's book at all.
I enjoy Wes Anderson's writing, but I couldn't really enjoy this flick. Idk what it is about the animation, but it really creeped me out. It made me think of pic related, so I really couldn't enjoy it.
Isle of Dogs looks like it'll be much better, as the animals and people are actually proportionate in size.
I only found the close ups of their faces to be a bit creepy with their fur moving in all different directions from the animator moving them. I do see your point though.
I count myself fortunate that a political mind virus does not prevent me from detecting nuance. Obviously Darjeeling was made with the awareness of that trope and also defies it.
Furry bait.
It got me into making and drinking cider.
Wes Anderson's third best movie
>Grand Budapest
>Life Aquatic
>Fantastic Mr. Fox
>Royal Tenenbaums
>Moonrise Kingdom
>Bottle Rocket
Can't wait for Isle of Dogs, desu, because I enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.