That time Fat Albert got away with calling a kid retarded
That time Fat Albert got away with calling a kid retarded
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You do realize that it wasn't considered an insult back then, right?
>That ending
I don't care if it was meant to be serious, that shit's still hysterical.
with the kodak film and new coca cola ya see
OP is an atypical child.
It was a different time.
Wait, everybody in the Fat Albert crew are in school? Even Fat Albert? This whole time I assumed he was a young adult that befriended these high school kids in the area.
they're clearly in special ed too
So, uh, since Fat Albert and everybody attached to him are technically associated with Bill Cosby, will we ever see them again?
>since Fat Albert and everybody attached to him are technically associated with Bill Cosby
Russell's his brother. Whom he slept with.
Not after it was released on what Albert did to give Mushmouth his nickname.
all the faces are priceless
>That time Bill Cosby said that nobody will want to fuck Fat Albert
>Those times fat albert got way too real way too fast
It was literally a different time.
Retarded is an actual medical term. Calling someone slow, a dunce, or a moron is the insult.
Next thing you know, twenty years from now, neurodivergent is going to be the insult and some other made up word is going to be made.
>Fernando saved you, and it's all gonna be for nothing cause you're gonna end up dead too
Holy shit
I swear, if you poked fat albert with a needle, he'd burst.
This is true, when the classics (moron, idiot, and such) became insults the medical world went to mentally retarded. Now thats considered a insult so under Rosa's law it was changed to "Intellectual deficiency". Whep we have a new insult now get to work Sup Forums.
I eventually just started using "group home residents" as an insult. covers all the bases.
How would you use intellectually deficient as an insult?
The newer medical terms are harder to use as insults though. Calling someone retarded works far better than intellectually deficient.
Get with the times, we just use the specific names of the afflictions now, like autistic.
Jesus Fernando
>Hey hey hey, give a girl luudes today!
>the bad news is I have laryngitis
>the good news is I'm going to teach anyway
This felt so out of place. Like one of those fan dubs with memes in them.
>at first I was like
I love House of Cosby's! It made me mad because then I realized Rick and Morty could have actually been good if they just let Roiland do everything.
>Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids go to Prison
Is this how the series ended?
>The Nazi guy goes to fat albert's neighborhood and paints blacks/latinos go home
What the fuck is Bill doing to that bird cage? The joke is that it was broken, fixed or that he did literally nothing with it?
interdimensional cable 2 was the most 'roiland' episode
Those fucking lips.
No, fat Albert is their age. He's just real big. He's actually shorter than a lot of adults.
>LATINO GO HOME! hahahahaha
>laugh track
Well this be a new meme ?
I never realized Fat Albert was actually that fucking fat
For the curious, here's the rest of the episode.
>episode starts with Brown Hornet segment where he protects a group of slow robots from a storm
>OP's video
>the kids try to hang with the special kid, but it's difficult
>kid is sad, but Albert encourages him
>kid discovers that he's great at art
why'd she call Albert in from recess to tell him the new kid's a retard
Because she know's that Albert is open to making new friends or helping people or something.
I think the better question is why do clearly highschool age kids have recess?
She knows that he and Albert probably have a similar IQ
With how slow everyone is talking in this clip, I'd have to wonder if theyre retarded as well. Is this slowed down?
>kid is autistic
>Lets make him great at art
I feel attacked.
no Satan, i don't see one other that they both end in "-ist"
What did he say the kid reminded him of?
>that Fernando clip
How can Albert be smart enough to understand the cycle of revenge, while not being smart enough to lose some fucking weight? Fuck, the guy leading the memorial service even calls him Fat Albert.
Without his fat he would just be Albert, and that cartoon wouldn't be eye catching enough
I can see it being shorten to just "deficient" and that being an insult.
You fucking deficient.
You know, for a minute there, I thought the retarded kid's name was Dense, not Dennis.
Is Fat Albert supposed to be in middle school or something? He looks like a grown ass man and she telling him about not wanting to cut into his recess?
He's one of those giant black kids that the police won't hesitate to shoot.
I use mentally deficient as an insult
Some people can eat junk food all day and stay skinny. Some people eat right and stay fat. They can lose weight but it requires extraordinary effort, time, and money and it's not affordable or worth it for many people.
>That prison clip where they start talking about raping the Cosby Kids.
>while not being smart enough to lose some fucking weight?
Sometimes you're so lazy you'd rather read books and understand a deeper meaning of life instead of going out and losing weight.
the thing that gets me is that there's enough room under Latinos to write "& blacks" under it, but he just opts to cross out "latinos" instead.
maybe Fat Albert values himself less because of low self esteem.
I know it's not time yet, but someone post the Fat Albert Kwanzaa special.
but Fat Albert is legitimately a gentle giant, he wouldn't steal Swisher Sweets or shake down an old Chinese man.
Hey hey hey, did I miss the great lay?
>Losing weight isn't important or "worth it"
Fat girls, please
Just saying user, People will go great lengths in order to not do any work, as ironic as that sounds.
>Some people can eat junk food all day and stay skinny.
No, they can't.
>Some people eat right and stay fat.
No, they don't.
>They can lose weight but it requires extraordinary effort, time, and money and it's not affordable or worth it for many people.
It's litterally buying bulk rice, beans, some cheap veg, and fish.
Eat 10-20% less than you usually do.
Congratulations, you're not a fat fuck! You don't even have to go to the gym!
>psh, while you were picking up heavy things and putting them back down, I was studying
Unless you're actually studying and reading 14 hours a day, you have time to go to gym and get bulk food from the store.
There is literally no excuse for being fat besides pure laziness.
Besides, if you were actually smart, you'd know that giving up years of possible life for the sake of being lazy is the dumbest thing you can do
Now wait a minute, let me say my piece.
Do you know how difficult it is for a growing boy like me, to eat healthy? I live in a trash dump, chump! I'm not gonna get my delicious flintstone vitamins over at the dollar general, so don't be hysterical if my appearance is spherical! When life's more messed up than mushmouth's bastardization of ebonics, people do all kinds to get their fix. If it aint crack, weed, or dope, its anime, videogames, and being a big mope! So what's there left for ol al to do, if not appreciate the finer things in life. That's something anyone, black, white, yellow, or purple, can enjoy, even you. So bill's gonna show you a thing or two. So come and hurry, with we and all the gang. Just sit back, and relax, while we do our thing. nah nah nah, gonna have a good time.
>he doesn't think the metabolisms of differing races factors in at all
Look at any Samoan community and then come back to me.
They just eat like Americans, but their obesity rate's nuts.
>muh metabolism
Isn't as much as a factor as you think.
>Look at any Samoan community and then come back to me.
>They just eat like Americans, but their obesity rate's nuts.
user, Americans are already fat as fuck with how they eat, it's little wonder the Samoans are fat as fuck.
Not to mention that they're already known for eating pretty fatty food traditionally.
Besides this being the most sheltered and ignorant take on the subject, i agree that fitness is important and has no downsides.
btw there is always THAT reason to anything, it doesn't matter, but it's always there.
You know what it is.
A penny saved is a penny that still can't buy you shit
Obesity rates in the pacific are like, 80-90%
That's much worse than the 'murrican 35%
Race is definitely a factor- not just genetically but also culturally.
The list of totally fucked up shit that's been ingrained into African American culture is pretty substantial, and poor nutritional choices ranks among them- these habits imprint before blacks kids are even speaking or walking. The road out of a childhood habit associated with your own family, tradition, and racial identity is a long one.
Been watching Oneyplays, huh?
>Besides this being the most sheltered and ignorant take on the subject,
>m-m-muh poor people can't eat healthy
Yes they can you idiot. "Eating Healthy" doesn't mean "Eating locally sourced organic free-range chickens, activated almonds, and non-gmo spinach."
It means going to your closes costco or sams club or whatever, picking up a few pounds of rice and beans, along with whatever cheap (non-trash) stuff you want to toss in.
If literal African poorfags can eat like that and (marginally) survive, then you can do the same while also not being malnourished.
>THAT reason
I think I know what you're talking about; are we talking about what we're talking about?
Samoans also live pretty sedentary lifestyles, and while I'm not denying that there's a genetic element at all, it's not some impossibly difficult challenge for someone to overcome.
>Race is definitely a factor- not just genetically but also culturally.
And? It's no excuse. You don't get a pass for being a fatass because your ghetto culture thinks its better to eat a bigmac or bucket of chicken every other meal.
A penny saved is a penny you can put to work for you, user.
>eat a bigmac every other meal
I don't think that'd actually make most adults fat if they just had the sandwich.
It would be gross and bad for you, but if you only had big macs for dinner you'd probably stay at a normal BMI. It's the fries and coke that get you.
True, but I was being purposefully hyperbolic.
This; as an ex-fatass, the best thing you can do is cut out soda entirely. Or, at the very least, cut it down to a single half cup per meal, and only drink water otherwise.
Sugar drinks in general are terrible.
>if someone tougher tells you to do something, ya have to do it no matter what it is
>Unless you're actually studying and reading 14 hours a day, you have time to go to gym and get bulk food from the store.
See that's where the laziness kicks in, my man.
Kinda like how sometimes people who have important work to do will do just about every other menial task,such as organizing a closet or dusting off something you don't even use, instead of whats important out of laziness. or actually, procrastination.
See, I don't see why people do this kind of stuff.
If you have something important to do, but don't want to do it, just spend 30 minutes jacking off and pop a hundred milligrams of Ritalin.
You'll get more shit done in the next six hours then you would have done across the entire day.
>Man goes from talking about how everyone inside are lunatics, to threatening to rip a kid's eyes out, to trying to trick them into thinking he has candy
There are so many good reaction images in here god damn.
>that part where they imply Bill Cosby and Fat Albert share the same body and that it was Fat Albert the one who raped all those woman
Link to it?
some of the kids here are too young to remember pre-2000
that is one fat weiner
Hell, aspergers is already an insult. It doesn't take long
I'm still waiting on people to realize "lame" is an anti-cripple slur. Or that "sucks" is an anti-gay insult
God, the animation has not aged well.