"Your uncle did great things, Peter. Terrible things, yes... but great"

>"Your uncle did great things, Peter. Terrible things, yes... but great"
What did she mean by this?

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isn't that a line from harry potter and the philosophers stone

Where do you think Harry Potter got it from?


>"Those eyes! Those horrible yellow eyes with dollar signs! Those crooked teeth! That hooked nose!"
>"Aunt May, you were attacked by the green goblin!
>"... is that what you call them these days?"

What did Raimi mean by this?

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>le random racist joke to ruin Spiderman and Harry Potter xD

>"You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the reaponsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."

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jesus christ raimi...

It was a different time.



I come into these threads for this post and laugh every time.

>I believe there's a Hitler in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our Lebensraum.

What the FUCK did she mean by this?

She meant that his uncle drew suspicious parallels to one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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>Oh, you're sad because a girl at your high-school doesn't like you back? Peter, when I was your age, I left school to bullseye gooks from a helicopter in the middle of some god forsaken jungle. I fried so many slopes, they named a brand of rice after me. Don't tell me you have it hard because you're a pathetic kissless virgin. You can act sad when you have to leave behind the lady-boy you fell in love with and made passionate steamy love to in a collapsing bamboo shack, just like I did. You think I felt good about firebombing his chink village and watching our fuck-hut burn to the ground? We were going to build our lives together there, Peter! You know what? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my car.

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>The stories aren't true? Who gives a fuck what you think, Parker? Let me give you a history lesson:
>De Nang, 1968. I was a cub reporter for the Stars and Stripes, and goddamn if I didn't have a dick hard for seeing some charbroiled gooks.
>problem was that we were in a so called "safe zone." So what I do, I snoop around a bit, find out the CO is a raging fucking hophead. I feed him some bullshit intel about the slope village up the hill being a VC trading post. Eager to keep the brass off his back, fucknuts calls a napalm strike right in the middle of a fucking Red Cross inoculation event.
>Kid, the next two hours earned me my pulitzer. I interviewed gook after babbling gook, liberal after crying liberal, and 40 years later I'm running the biggest fucking paper in Jew York City.
>The stories aren't true? Fuck you, you twinkletoed cocksucker, I'll MAKE them true!

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>I feed him some bullshit intel about the slope village up the hill being a VC trading post. Eager to keep the brass off his back, fucknuts calls a napalm strike
>You think I felt good about firebombing his chink village

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Layers upon layers.

>There are things about your uncle you need to know, Pete. His real name isn’t Ben. That’s right, Pete, you know his name already. You’ve seen the double lightnings on his cap, the eagles on his older jackets. There are things about your uncle... Adolf... you haven’t seen yet. The niggers hanged by the thousand. The chinks crushed like ants beneath the freight trains. Most honourable of all Pete, the command room from which he directed the anti-Jew conspiracy. I need you to destroy it all before the hooknosed demons come for us. He held them back for us. Now you will take up his mantle, take up the chlorine gas for Adolf Hitler. God bless the rope with which your uncle participated in the civil rights debate.

Word for word quotes. I’m speechless.

I get that Raimi wanted to be a bit more deep than the average capeshit, and I know it reflected Peter's idols, but was it really necessary to grind the movie to a halt for 15 minutes while Peter read out large sections of Mein Kampf?

Damn he deserve to die

This would actually make a pretty kino movie
>the confontation between Uncle Ben and Jameson after Ben learns the truth

>peter is torn between admiration for Jameson flambeing gook, and loyalty to Uncle Ben

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It was a different time

>Well at least we get the free toaster?

>Sorry, that's only viable if you open an account with a thousand dollars

>(murmers) I own lampshades made from your ancestors

Was it appropriate at all to sneak that in there?

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I want to watch this movie now. Not a goddamn superhero movie anymore. A movie about a few boys of summer that came back with blood on their hands


The real question is: what happened to Ben’s gook waifu?

>Joel Mchales character contemplates stealing a coin

*May smacks his hand

>Why your no worse than a hooked nose je-

*Explosions cuts off her dialogue

A hook nose what? What was she going to say?

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Jameson donated his remains to some cricket organisation.
I hear the Aussies and Brits play for it as a prize.

>is that what you call them these days?

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Better than CMBYN

>Wake up little spider, no you're not dead yet just paralysed. You're an amazing creature, Spider-Man. You and I are not so different.
>I'm not like you. You're a murderer.
>Well, to each his own. I chose my path, you chose the way of the "hero." And by hero, I mean that of a pedestrian. You stand idly and watch as your city falls to a parade of sodomy and desecration, the negros and orientals slowly encroaching on the territory of the white men. The Bronx is lost. Queens is losing. You must join me, and take up the sword against the gooks and niggers that we had so carefully oppressed for millennia, and for good reason - because the animals will burn down everything we have worked so hard for.

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>P...P...Peter....That gunman was clearly mentally unstable and he shot me using an AR15, an extremely powerful rifle that shouldnt be in the hands of normal citizens especially the mentally unstable.
>You have to stop them Peter, you have to champion common sense gun laws...
>Trump wont do anything Peter, hes in the NRAs pocket.....hes letting children die Peter
>Its all up to you now.........
Gotta say this scene felt weird and out of place back in 2002.

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got a chuckle from me, senpai. raimi is good at both drama and comedy

>>Ben looks directly at the camera.
Every time.

His mistake was alerting (((YHWH))) to his plans

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jesus. little dark on this one

Absolute kino

>Peter, with grape powder, comes grape responsibility

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That never happened

How did Raimi get away with all this? His career should have been completely destroyed with just uncle Ben alone.

B A S E D pastaposter

It was a different time.

Somebody post the one where McGuire gets raped by the Goblin.

>You can act sad when you have to leave behind the lady-boy you fell in love with and made passionate steamy love to in a collapsing bamboo shack, just like I did.



you mean the 'beautiful asshole' pasta?

Why do you think Uncle Ben was offed? He was getting close to uncovering the truth.

>ywn get to see the final boss battle between Uncle Ben and Jameson

>The world's changing. It's time we changed too.
>*Covers up swastika tattoo*

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It wasn't there in 2002, that's from the blu-ray re-release.

What does Raimi know that we don't?

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Winter Soldier style sleeper agent now. Metal arm and everything

Did he lose his memory tho or does he still remember uncle Ben?

Apparently his activation codeword is "Fuckhut" so he must know on some level.

>”Mama Sharia!”
>”SoHo Becomes No-Go”
>Parker, take what you need out of petty cash and get some candid shots of desert ninjas. Islamaphobia is hotter than a German oven on Rosh Hashanah right now, get to it!

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>>"Peter, it's time I told you the truth of how your father really died. Have you heard of the USS Liberty?"

Jesus Raimi

I didn't fully understand this scene

Was the implication that Peter was sympathetic to the Islamic cause? Or did he just not care? Or did he know that this would lead to America shitting all over the Middle East?

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Um, no sweetie. It was one of the many commercials shown before the movie started. I guess "another time" was actually before your time all along, eh kiddo? Faggot.

Peter realised in that moment that the terrorist attack would justify The USA expanding their military budget and allowing the rebirth of a new American Empire through the Casus Belli of spreading democracy. He also realised that the USA would have a new enemy in the Sandniggers after the fall of the Soviet Unino.

Raimi is a pretty kino director

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>You coulda taken those planes down! Now They're gonna get away with imposing limits on liberties and turning the country into a neoliberal xenophobic police state!
>I missed the part where that's my problem.

my personal favorite is "He... He looked Italian uncle Ben"

>when the meme lore is deep

>He's... just a kid. No older than my wife's son

Hey cocksucka! You wanna get ta him you gotta go tru us! Get lost ya 'momo!

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>Uncle Ben actually named it fuckhut

I found it more odd when we cut mid-film to 30 uninterrupted minutes from Der Ewige Jude. Was there some kind of editing problem?

>Who the hell is Lu?

post the caesar version i need to save it

shit like this is why raimi is my favourite director

Why is there still no youtube edits of this

Deepest lore.

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>The Gauls...the Parthians...the Germanics...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall be nailed to the elm crucifix. The Day of the Cross is near, Brutus. We'll have every Judean in this Republic dead or in chains in the next 10 years, and may Jupiter Optimus Maximus have me stabbed to death by 60 senators this very morning if I'm wrong. May the Gods bless the Senate and People of Rome.

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Nah, it's from Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone

>He's......just a kid. No older than my wife's son...

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Because Americans don't know what a philosopher is?

This to be h lads

I think the name change was done so that title would be less daunting for kids. The book is still horseshit though.

>He's... just a kid. No older than my grandfather was when he fought those subhuman bolsheviks under the glorious Third Reich
It just doesn't compare to the original.

I don't know what frying slopes means.

>Parker now I remember you. You're Connors student, tells me you're brilliant. He also tells me you're racist.

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>"Peter Parker, brilliant student... but sadly a Trump supporter"


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Where the hell has Sup Forums been hiding this kino?
Fund it

Is this the new lowkey baneposting? I t's been around for quite a while and just can't seem to die, hope it stays that way

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>le faggot user in every thread that feels the need to post this xD le FUNNY cause le TRUE

extremely underrated