
Hey Atheists, born again christian here. I have some questions for you, please answer them.
>protip, you can't

1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?

Other urls found in this thread:

1. He doesn't exist
2. an available body of facts or information indicating whether your belief or proposition is true or valid
3. no
4. what else could it be?
5. yes

Actual atheist here, good day.

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?

I don't believe in a god, so technically this question doesn't make sense to ask to an atheist. But for the purposes of answering your question I will assume you meant to preface this with "assuming a god does exist..." The answer is that I DON'T know this. I don't cite Epicurus for why I believe what I believe.

>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?

Enough scientific literature equaling or surpassing the amount of scientific literature currently supporting biological evolution.

>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?

Absolutely, but the criteria for believing that it was in fact a miracle, is that there must be enough evidence supporting the miracle, such that to believe the miracle DIDN'T happen, is the more unreasonable position.

>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?


>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?


copy and pasted answer with no thought

nice answers

1. I don't
2. Afterlife. So I'll have to die first.
3. No
4. That's a semantic swamp right there.
5. No.

Also, I totally want to fuck Christ-Chan.

agnostic not athiest but sure ill bite

1.How do you know that Spiderman has no reasons for allowing evil?
If god Yahweh was real Id agree with this. free will ect
2.Actually seeing a supernatural being manifest in front of me

Im not your enemy i just need hard evidence. so I guess im fucked if youre right. Hardcore punishment for being a secular good person just sounds like fear mongering to me though.

I really don't care whether or not what he says is true because I know he's realand I can't help it
fear the lord

and heres some evidence of fear mongering

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
I don't believe in any god(s), so I reject the premise of the question.

>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
It would have to be testable and explainable using physics. In addition, it would have to be disprovable -- in other words, there must be a possible outcome that could theoretically conclusively disprove the existence of any god or gods. (For example, Einstein's theory of general relativity is easily disprovable -- that is, it's easy to imagine conducting an experiment where the result could disprove the theory's prediction. The more easily disprovable a theory is, the more value that theory has when people try and fail to disprove it.)

>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
I am not interested in the concept of "miracle", because I am unaware of any test that can unambiguously determine whether something is a "miracle" or not. Thus, I don't have enough interest in the question to answer it.

>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
I have no idea what this question is asking.

>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?
I hope they get punished. But, of course, I am keenly aware that life is fundamentally unfair, so I know that they might very well go unpunished.

1. It's true, You don't know. The purpose of the question is to counter the fallacy often perpetuated by atheists "If there is a god, why does he allow evil?"

2. And who would provide this evidence? Would you even know what the evidence was if you saw it?

3. The idea to an atheist that someone going around and healing amputees is absurd, there must be some explanation. If the clouds in the sky suddenly formed the word "The bible is gods word" atheists would still not believe it. This is called denialism. If there was cold hard evidence of the supernatural before your eyes, you would still deny it.

4. And what about nature itself? A man cannot be his own father, nature cannot cause itself to exist.

5. Then you are conceding to the rational of Hell, because that is its very doctrine.

Yours was worse than a copy and pasted question mate.

FPBP, no point arguing with trolls.

>tfw you will never cuddle with christ-chan

He has no reason for allowing evil or good.
Kill hiim and bring me his head
Only if you survive decapitation first
lynch them

Jesus fuck mate, I've never met a religious cunt like you in the UK, fortunately here literally no one cares about others religions. I'm hoping you're a proxy fag otherwise I've lost a little faith in this country.

Atheists are just temporary sinners, they don't have any ends, they do not win arguments, they only buy time

The UK was built on protestant values.

>losing faith

Mad they don't let you murder your unborn babby?

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?

100% unrelated to why I'm an atheist. I don't think there's anything """"""wrong"""""" with allowing humans free will, but there's a lot of bad stuff that is not human induced.

>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?

do a magic trick
No seriously, its bullshit that the apostles and friends got to see obvious supernatural phenomena and I'm supposed to believe based off... nothing?

>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?

Of course.

>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?

I am not sure I understood the question. Do you mean the Big Bang, which I doubt was the first event?

>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?

I know where you're going with this: lel burn everyone forever for not liking his best selling book.

But yes... by, you know, society and their peers. You can't have it both ways. I have accepted that if God was real, he would have a perfectly legitimate reason for letting humans do whatever he wants to each other.

That doesn't mean "torture everyone who doesn't like me forever" is a rational response.

I have another question to you, how do you know your god is the correct god amongst the others?

Do atheists believe in aliens?

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
You first need to convince me that god exists
>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
Him appearing on live TV and before a crowd of several thousand people.
>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
Depends what it is, there would likely be a scientific explanation though
>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
What do you mean by this?
>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?

>I dont need actual legitimate evidence for anything, i just have my faith :)

said every christian ever

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?

Because according to Christianity, God is supposed to be omnibenevolent and omnipotent. That by definition should mean that evil shouldn't even exist in the world, or that he's either not omnibenevolent, or not omnipotent

>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?

The idea of God would have to be consistently defined, and you would have to demonstrate that it's consistent with reality, by testable and falsifiable means. Right now, Christianity does neither of those.

>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?

No, because you didn't properly define what a 'miracle' is

>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?

I have no idea whatsoever, and saying that you know something that is as of now completely unknowable is generally very stupid

>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?

Yes, and they should be punished right here on earth, and we must face up to the fact that punishment is a fallible concept that will never yield exactly the result we want to. Nevertheless, this shouldn't stop us from learning from our mistakes and constantly improve on our system of justice


>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
I never made this claim. I don't "know" anything about God. No one does. That's part of the reason why I have issues accepting God claims.
>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
Personally, as in "Evidence that would convince *me*, though not necessarily anyone else", I'd accept it as definitive proof of God's existence if he'd suddenly, radically and without natural causes change my personality or my beliefs for a brief period of time and then change them back, all the while allowing me to be aware of this change.
>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
These questions are all retarded because they're all based on premises that (at least partially) require me to be on board with the very thing of which I'm unconvinced. "Would you believe that the thing you don't believe exists actually exists if said thing actually existed?" This is shit. I quit.

Why do I have to define evidence for you retarded fundies?

And what if God has perfectly good reasons to allow it? f I am clipping a dogs nails, they may think I am torturing them, from their limited perspective. But I have perfectly good reasons for allowing them to go through pain and suffering. The same when a child gets a shot. The parent knows that they are going through pain and suffering, but allows it for a greater good. I suggest that it is possible that God has reasons for allowing pain and suffering. How do you know that he does not?

Human "factory default" setting is spiritual theist. However, it isn't well developed, and is rarely cultivated by individuals. Instead, it seems to require societal development to fully mature. Faith dies with the society as well.
>Ancestral worship
This seems to be the general path. There are more nuances, of course, with reincarnation and law being central as well.

1- if "he" does he sure as hell hasnt told us. But seeing as though you claim your one particular god is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and created everything there ever was it reasons that he could just bat and eye and all the evil and pain everywhere would be gone forever

2- him coming down here, performing miracles in front of me and showing me the afterlife

3- see answer 2

4- what?

5- up to humans.

heres a question for you.

If you are so sure of your religions true-ness then how did you come to the conclusion that every other religion mankind hsa believed in is false. Did you take an in depth look at each and every one or did you just choose one like pulling one out of a hat

>These questions are all retarded because they're all based on premises that (at least partially) require me to be on board with the very thing of which I'm unconvinced

atheists are suppose to be open minded lmao

good talk

How does biological evolution disprove God? Even if there was undeniable legitimacy to evolution, what do you believe started it?

You'll need to define your god before I can answer your questions.

>skeptical theism

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
Why would he allowed a racist nazi hitler drumpf
>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
I believe it uncritically because of a book I read. It's caleld bibla
>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
Depends on what religion the miracle was. If it was Hindu, hell no. I'm Christian, so I'd only believe in a Christian miracle.
>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?
how bad

In response to your last question. This is asked of us all the time, and every time it is asked I respond with John 3:16.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

1. I see "why does God allow evil" as mostly a softball Christians throw themselves to avoid the mildly hard questions.

3. "If there was cold hard evidence of the supernatural before your eyes, you would still deny it."

Nice try, you don't know me.

4. "And what about nature itself? A man cannot be his own father, nature cannot cause itself to exist." This argument is pure nonsense.

No matter whether I am Christian or atheist, I ********MUST********* believe that everything either came out of thin air or always was; universes being self creating or always there and Gods being self creating or always there both strike me as having solved nothing.

5." Then you are conceding to the rational of Hell, because that is its very doctrine."
I did no such thing and saw this ludicrousness coming a mile away.

No, atheists are supposed to lack a belief in God. Anything else is actually rather optional.

Sorry if I lack the patience to humor you, but maybe you could try again with a bunch of questions that aren't numbingly retarded.

>just bat and eye and all the evil and pain everywhere would be gone forever
Yeah, but so would at least one of the two

>answer: yes, i pulled one out of a hat

good to know


>If you are so sure of your religions true-ness then how did you come to the conclusion that every other religion mankind hsa believed in is false.

That was the original reason I rejected all religion. To me, it's the oldest and still the best argument. 500 different religions, each claiming the other 499 are false. When faced with that situation, the only winning move is to refuse to play the game.

I am just gigantic supporter of mob rule.

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
First I'd like to know what is God?
>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
Anything falsifiable goes.
>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
What does "a miracle" mean?
>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
The cause of nature is by definition natural.
>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?
Yes. The problem is, who defines what is "bad"?

1. Omnipotence; could've made world without evil

2. Gnosis

3. Having never witnessed it occurring, hard to standardiz.

4. Semantic masturbation; is giraffe more gir or fe

5. Define "bad things" i.e. evil objectively.

how about this? he eases off the horrible fucking diseases and disorders that afflict mankind.

No more parasites that burrow into childrens eyes.

How does our "freedom" rely on eye burrowing parasites

You need to open your mind and stop being so narrow minded. Every answer I give you is ""nonsense"" because you are a denialist.

Jesus is knocking, just open the door to let him in.

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
I don't, and I don't claim to know for certain whether or not God exists - it just seems extremely unlikely.

>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
Hard to say. Plausibility would be a good start, and you don't control what seems plausible to you. If I saw God or heard his voice in my head I'd probably be more likely to assume I was hallucinating than think it was genuine. What would you accept as evidence of Zeus's existence?

>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
Probably not. I don't believe that miracles happen at all. If something miraculous happened to me I'd be far more likely to just assume there's a reasonable explanation and accept I don't undertsand it than jump to the assumption that God did it.

>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
I don't pretend to know for certain what caused the universe, if that's what you mean. Again though, jumping to "God did it" seems like a big and illogical leap.

>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?
Yes, but rehabilitation should be the primary goal over punishment.

>And what if God has perfectly good reasons to allow it?

That's completely irrelevant, since God is both omnibenevolent and omnipotent. He's both able and willing to completely erase evil, from the whole of existence. There wouldn't be any process, nor would any time pass, nor would he need any reasons for it, which implies that he would be doing this after some long thought process. If God is supposed to be all-good and all-powerful, there is no reason for evil to exist. Not a single one. Suffering and death would be impossibilities, they would be concepts that simply wouldn't exist in the first place

All these arguments are unnecessary because OP's claims in the existance of god does nothing to prove his gods is the correct one amongst thousands in various religions that existed around the world.

>You need to open your mind and stop being so narrow minded.

No, you accused all atheists as being unwilling to accept proof despite the reason most are atheists is... a lack of proof.

(PART 1 of 2)

>1. It's true, You don't know. The purpose of the question is to counter the fallacy often perpetuated by atheists "If there is a god, why does he allow evil?"

It's almost like you didn't read my entire response. I don't subscribe to Epicurus, so I guess we're on the same page here.

>2. And who would provide this evidence? Would you even know what the evidence was if you saw it?

The scientific community using the scientific process. Most scientists are religious in their private lives and have no reason to withhold evidence for a deity. Yes I would know, because the title of their article would be something like, "Evidence for the existence of a deity". This isn't hard stuff.

>3. The idea to an atheist that someone going around and healing amputees is absurd, there must be some explanation. If the clouds in the sky suddenly formed the word "The bible is gods word" atheists would still not believe it. This is called denialism. If there was cold hard evidence of the supernatural before your eyes, you would still deny it.

OK, I'm sorry but you've gone off the rails on this one. You ignored my response in favor of pushing what you WANTED me to say, not what I actually said. Show me somewhere, ANYWHERE, where any of the things you've said have actually happened in real life. These are only thought experiments you're bringing up. If any of these things happened, and they fit the criteria that I already provided to you, I would believe them. This isn't denialism, this is accepting a strict standard of belief. You sir, are completely incorrect on this one.

(PART 1 of 2)

(PART 2 of 2)

>4. And what about nature itself? A man cannot be his own father, nature cannot cause itself to exist.

The origin of the universe is a scientific unknown. The origin of the universe is also a religious unknown. You don't KNOW that god created the heavens and the earth. You BELIEVE it. There's a difference. I don't pretend to know what the origin of the universe is. By the way, the big bang is not a theory of the origin of the universe. It is a theory to explain how the universe formed into its current state. As far as where the original energy came from, that is unknown. I have no problem whatsoever with being honest and admitting that no one person or group of people KNOW how the universe started.

>5. Then you are conceding to the rational of Hell, because that is its very doctrine.

Not all punishments are equal of fair, and that is the larger thing that's at stake concerning hell. This is all besides the point however. I care not about the philosophical considerations for the existence or purpose of an afterlife punishment. I simply have no reason to believe one exists at all. Show me that a hell exists first, then we can talk about whether it is just or not.

Look, user, you seem like a good guy. But it also seems you came here looking for a fight. I have no wish to fight with you. I believe what I believe, and you believe what you believe. That's fine with me, let's just accept it and be friends.

(PART 2 of 2)

I'm a born again Christian, but after a couple bad church experiences I'm kind of feel that I'm fading out of the whole thing. Just hard to believe it all as I've grown up. Not really an atheist just in the weird Jesus grey area where I feel like I'm doing morality and belief from the ground up. Jesus is cool though, preachers don't make it seem that way a lot of the times though. I have more issue with the American church than anything else really.

Feels bad.

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
Generally speaking, God is claimed by Christians to be omnipotent. If he were omnipotent, he'd be able to satisfy the conditions he has to work around without causing suffering to his children.
I'm frankly fine with the idea of a benevolent God who is powerful, yet not omnipotent, but this is apparently heresy to some.
>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
A personal visit that I can examine and record thoroughly and completely, with demonstrations of his immortality or power.
I suppose a reliable account of such a visit, with undeniable evidence and witness testimony, would also do.
>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
I'd be skeptical, but I'm sure there are miracles he could perform that are undeniable. Calling down three lightning bolts on the same, predesignated spot would probably do it. I'd also want him to send down a copy of whatever book he wants me to follow too, because I don't trust any of the assholes down here.
>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
Probably, but the thing is that if God was able to have "simply already been there," why not everything else? Maybe all this shit, or the blob of matter it spawned from, was just fucking there from the "beginning."
>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?
In a sensible way, yes. I don't see how 60 or so years of drinking and loving women (or just not believing on account of bad evidence) is worth a literal eternity in a burning pit.
"Maybe" a century or two for the particularly naughty ones, but the thing you have to remember is that the REAL naughty ones, the cannibals, the genocidal dictators, the sex traffickers, all have something direly wrong with their minds. Humans are not naturally so cruel.

a couple of bad church experiences? how does this affect ones faith in the almighty Father?

1. I don't know, I don't think anyone does. That's if there even is a god
2. Something that left no room for a more reasonable explanation.
3. How do you even define miracle. As above, if there was no other explanation.
4. Yes
5. Yes

Reminder that religion threads only spark pointless, irresolvable arguments when we should really be focusing our energy and time on more important matters than shitposting about our beliefs.

Sage and report, friends.

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
I ultimately don't care. The idea of a benevolent god can be countered using only logical reasoning. Either way if God exists he is kind of a dick, he creates humans in his own image as pets to venerate them and gets angry when they gain knowledge.
>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
God coming down to earth in a physical form and carrying out an impossible feat like instantly refilling the Aral Sea or draining the Caspian sea. Something that I can personally witness and can't be carried out by a simple magic trick like turning water to wine.
>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
Depends on the miracle, see above. Granted its a moot point because it won't happen.
>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
Yes. What the fuck is even your point here, that the cause of nature is supernatural?
>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?
Not for all eternity. I consider heaven and hell equally shitty because immortality is a crappy deal but even ignoring that flaw hell is pants on head retarded with a benevolent god. You get infinite punishment for a finite crime (generally just not worshiping god).

1. I don't, I only know that there is currently no adequately explained reason why god might allow the extreme amount of evil in our world. He's either impotent, malicious or doesn't exist.
2. verifiable and reproducable evidence of non-natural phenomena would be enough for me. If one day ghosts turned out to be real, against all established scientific knowledge I'd hop right on board the "God is probably real in one form or another" train.
3. I've seen plenty of "miracles" and they've all been shams. If I saw a real and verifiable miracle? Sure.
4. ...Duh?
5. Generally, yes. But that's too black and white, there should always be room for mercy.

Give me one reason why I should worship a dead kike on a stick instead of the infinitely better greco-roman pantheon.

Please don't attempt apologetics ever. You're not smart enough for it.


1. It seems extremely unlikely? Who are we to comprehend the mind of God? The master of all creation.

2. I have undeniable evidence in the form of spiritual events that have occurred in my life. Every time I see my mothers happiness I see a miracle.

The evidence is there for each of us, you just need to look.

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

3. I cannot respond to you properly if you cannot at least accept a miracle when you see it.

4. God explains creation in Genesis, and years later a roman catholic priest begins the first thoughts of a big bang, drawing from the first verse. The bible has spoken of creation before science ever did, and it still holds up today.

5. Thus you believe in the doctrine of Hell.

>he eases off the horrible fucking diseases and disorders that afflict mankind.
Like HIV? Ebola? Most of them are well deserved.
There is a reason for most illnesses.
>ww1 - self explanatory
>black death - people lived in filth
>India - people live in filth
>Africa - people live in filth
>HIV - faggots
>STDs - self explanatory
There are some we do not have an answer for. The major ones exist for a reason, to put weight onto the shoulders of those in charge. As for individual cases, there are horrid cases, sure. I've had a bad one myself - not amongst the worst you can find, but bad.

False, the reason for most atheists is #YOLOSWAG attitude to life, society and civilization, promoted by media to make consumers. If the reason for atheism was reasonable (even most of the time), you wouldn't have arguments against straw gods.

Maybe it doesn't, but everything went to shit after it happened as far as my Christian life went.

Got a song for you.
You don't have to go to church to go to church.

>How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
I'm sure you have some kind of monstrously stupid explanation.
>What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
I don't, do you have any?
>Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
>Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
>Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?
Yes. In the Christian worldview people can't do bad things and there is no true justice because people only do the things God made them to do.

1. Because he doesn't exist
2. Anything observale and replicatable
3. I would believe in it, but I would look for a physical explanation. Most "miracles" are just rare coincidences someone happened to observe
4. yes
5. It depends on a lot of factors such as whether or not there was intent, whether or not it could serve as a deterrant to other people doing the same, whether or not the person can be reformed to do good and many many more

Why would an all-knowing being create us to test us? God's a pretty malevolent cunt to create me, whilst knowing full well I'm never going to be Christian, thus dooming me to hell.

what is pol a christian board now or some shit? bye.

>False, the reason for most atheists is #YOLOSWAG attitude to life, society and civilization, promoted by media to make consumers.

Except that in Christianity all of your fucking sins are forgiven anyway, meaning you can already be #YOLOSWAG, and if you're not Christian, you are damned to Hell automatically, so there is actually no way to argue that point.

>If the reason for atheism was reasonable (even most of the time), you wouldn't have arguments against straw gods.

Lack of belief.

Troll forever, or answer these

Oh, so you're trolling. My bad, I shouldn't have bumped

>1. It seems extremely unlikely? Who are we to comprehend the mind of God? The master of all creation.
You're avoiding the question.
>2. I have undeniable evidence in the form of spiritual events that have occurred in my life. Every time I see my mothers happiness I see a miracle.
Every time I see my mother's grave, I can't see a miracle anywhere.
>3. I cannot respond to you properly if you cannot at least accept a miracle when you see it.
How do you define a miracle?
>4. God explains creation in Genesis, and years later a roman catholic priest begins the first thoughts of a big bang, drawing from the first verse. The bible has spoken of creation before science ever did, and it still holds up today.
Where exactly does the bible describe the big bang?
>5. Thus you believe in the doctrine of Hell.
He said rehabilitation should be the primary goal. You want the person to suffer for all eternity. Don't you think that's sadistic?

Just posting

What religion is correct, or what denomination of specific one? How do you know that?

>Except that in Christianity all of your fucking sins are forgiven anyway
>meaning you can already be #YOLOSWAG
Excuse me? Repentance is central as well, it wouldn't be mercy without it.
Note also that I didn't say [you] are YOLOSWAG, I said most atheist these days are. Just take a look at popular Youtube videos. How many of them are Christian?

>most people who support that point are retards therefore this invalidates the point
The fallacy fallacy

1. Praise Allah
2. Praise Jesus
3. Praise Neptune
4. Praise Ra
5. Praise Odin

>Just take a look at popular Youtube videos. How many of them are Christian?
How many of them are actively atheist. Does Pewdiepie actively mention his religion or lacktherof in his videos? Even then how many popular channels that focus on the people running it (as opposed to say the Great War or Worldstar Fights) are yoloswag?

it's a rather personal topic, same as politics, does pewdiepie preach the virtues of communism in his videos?


>1. Omnipotence; could've made world without evil
So the ability would imply an objective to have a world without?
Curious, but unless your brain development was stunted, you already had it as a child.
Fair enough.
Not really. I'll use a simple parable to explain the difference. Virtual reality vs. Reality. I'll say that 'of course virtual realities are born of realities', although it could be brought forth within a virtual reality, you'd always end up in reality eventually, as the cause. Same goes for our world and its natural vs. supernatural.
We know what is evil and what is good. We just tend to be too lazy, too indifferent, too caring, too intoxicated to do the right thing.
"Not doing the right thing." Is my answer.

So does it matter? You are claiming that Atheists are yoloswag based on the idea that most youtubers are Atheists (which is pure conjecture) and even if it is true (which I wouldn't doubt because young people tend to be less religious and young people tend to dominate youtube) how does youtube being full of atheists suggest that they are yoloswag? Is pewdiepie yoloswag?

>How many of them are actively atheist.
95-99%. The attitudes and culture being promoted goes against Christianity, and whilst being Christian, one should not condone such.

But of course, puritanism was banished on that side of the pond for a reason, too.

1. Because he is supposedly omnipotent and omniscient. If there was some sort of reason for allowing evil, he could erase it with his omnipotence.
2. See
3. If I could verify that it was actually a miracle, and not a hallucination or other naturalistic phenomenon, yes.
4. Define natural. If you are trying to invoke the cosmological argument, there is no reason why the Christian god should be the first cause, or why he would be exempt from causality, so the existence of God would require an infinite chain of higher up gods, causing the whole argument to fall apart.
5. Punishment is just a utilitarian calculation. Punishment works by deterring people from doing harmful things, and in the case of prisons, keeps them isolated so that the amount of damage they can do to others is limited. Punishment only makes sense if it results in a net gain in expected utility. If there is a better way to maximize expected utility besides punishment, that method is preferred.

When a muslim blows themselves up for Allah, they are certainly not being too indifferent to do what they consider the right thing. Does that mean that they are doing something good?

2 off from quints

Everywhere you look, you see atheist culture. You see commieblocks, you see sluts, you see the multiethno pets, you see the spiritual death. You talk to people, they don't take things seriously anymore. If they do, it is usually personal drama. OR they can't justify their claims.

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?

So you accept that your god is either a) unable to stop suffering (not-omnipotent) or b) unwilling (not-omnibenevolent).

It's mindbogglingly simple to defeat your argument here I'm sorry, what possible reasons could an all loving god have for allowing suffering? Any reasons to not cleanse existence of all suffering could also be defeated/altered/removed (see: omnipotence).

I replaced the word evil with suffering because evil is a symantical nightmare.

>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?

God doesn't exist, at least not the way you or I understand existence. Supernatural beings by definition can't exist because nothing that we understand to really exist exists outside of nature, I suppose you'd need to define a realm of super existence where god can exist and you'd have to demonstrate that that realm really exists in some demonstrable way and then you'd have to demonstrate that your god exists there.

>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?

Not immediately no, if it was later demonstrated that a supernatural force acted in the natural universe then I would be forced to believe it.

Sight is an easily defeated sense, I guess you would know that if you'd seen an illusionist perform.

>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?

Why not? Also why can't nature just be eternal? If your deity is allowed to be eternal why can't the natural universe? Of course space-time has a finite beginning but that doesn't necessarily mean that nature hasn't always been there.

>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?

I believe in the rule of law, people should be punished not because of divine retribution but because it leads to better societies, it's better for the human collective that bad-actors are punished. Do they "deserve" punishment? No, but I would like it that all bad-actors were punished because then there would be less bad-actors.

1. i dont claim to know anything about gods thought proccess because i dont believe in a god evidence that can be proven by the scientific method
3. it depends, if its someyhing that completely defies the law of physics, yes, if its something that cant be explained by medical science, no
4.i dont understand this question
5. yes

They are usually high on different drugs when they do it, it very much is them being inconsiderate of their own wellbeing.
>does that mean they are doing something good
Good is a path, a way. It isn't an algorithm you can just write down and become a jew.

1. Good physically cannot exist without evil; Source Consciousness explores all possibilities to equal extent - Think about it like there's a God and an Anti-God, and each one does the equal opposite of the other. If an infinitely good universe were made to exist, an infinitely evil universe would exist alongside it.
2. Reincarnation and near-death experiences, all of which are widespread and consistent in structure all across the world. Most describe some higher form of consciousness.
3. Would you? Christfags are notorious for seeing Satan behind every single aspect of experience, especially spiritual experiences. If a being claiming to be Christ arrived tomorrow, every Christian would be fighting every other Christian over whether he was the Antichrist.
4. God and Nature are one and the same. All consciousness and all reality is an extension of the universal Source.
5. Evil and good both deserve to be accounted for. The most consistent part of the Near Death Experience is the Life Review. One relives all one's significant actions through the eyes of those affected by them. The reconciliation exactly matches the deed.

>1. It seems extremely unlikely? Who are we to comprehend the mind of God? The master of all creation.
It seems unlikely because I see literally no evidence to support God's existence. The only reason I say I can't know there's no God is that you can never prove something doesn’t exist, only that it does.

>2. I have undeniable evidence in the form of spiritual events that have occurred in my life. Every time I see my mothers happiness I see a miracle.
I like seeing my mum happy too, but for me that doesn't constitute "undeniable evidence" of the existence of any god or the Christian God in particular.

>3. I cannot respond to you properly if you cannot at least accept a miracle when you see it.
Maybe it would help if we were more specific about the miracle. If I personally witnessed Jesus feeding the masses with a few loaves and fish I dare say I'd be likely to start changing my beliefs (after checking myself it wasn't just trickery).

>4. God explains creation in Genesis, and years later a roman catholic priest begins the first thoughts of a big bang, drawing from the first verse. The bible has spoken of creation before science ever did, and it still holds up today.
I've read Genesis (or a faulty English translation thereof anyway), and I don't think it describes anything remotely like BBT. I do think it's wonderful that Christianity inspired so many great scientists though. Frankly I like Christianity - it proposes a pretty decent moral code, inspires people to better themselves, and gives people hope. I just don't believe it myself.

>5. Thus you believe in the doctrine of Hell.
Somewhat. Hell isn't just punishment though - it's eternal punishment. I can't think of any transgression that warrants literally eternal punishment. Also I should point out that thinking something should be true doesn’t make it true automatically.

>They are usually high on different drugs when they do it,
[citation needed]
Also you're dodging the question. Is suicide bombing a "bad thing" as said in the opening post if the person doing it truly believes that it will make the world a better place?

Just here to Yarg in the daily Yarg thread, so pasta anyone?

It doesn't. The existence of both god and evolution are compatible, philosophically speaking. I can understand how my statement appeared to suggest that only one can be true, but what I meant to do was use the "evidence for evolution" (of which there is an overwhelming amount) as the same standard by which I would accept believing in a deity. If that much evidence for god were put forth, I would have to accept that both are true.

We don't know for certain how life started here on earth, however there is a field of study dedicated to try to determine what kind of process that must have been, in general. That field is Abiogenesis. It is a very interesting field of study that investigates the chemical processes that could lead to the development of primitive life like processes that could eventually spawn an evolutionary system. Again, this field is in its infancy and doesn't prove anything. Like all things in science, it is an ongoing investigation that may lead to more understanding. To answer your question directly, I don't necessarily believe in anything specific that started the evolutionary process. I simply accept that there is a decent likelihood that it started through some sort of abiogenesis type of process.

>1. How do you know that God has no reasons for allowing evil?
If he would exist I'm sure he'd have a reason to allow evil.
>2. What would you accept as evidence for God's existence?
Scientific evidence.
Like "The scientific community using the scientific process. Most scientists are religious in their private lives and have no reason to withhold evidence for a deity. Yes I would know, because the title of their article would be something like, "Evidence for the existence of a deity". This isn't hard stuff."
>3. Would you believe in a miracle if you saw it?
The definition being something that is not explainable by natural law?
I mean, if I saw it I'd believe it.
>4. Do you think the cause of nature is natural?
if you mean that it happened without a "God" in your sense, then yea.
>5. Do people who do bad things deserve to be punished?
Most definitely.

Source? Hell most of the major youtube channels are just VEVO channels.
>The attitudes and culture being promoted goes against Christianity
Such as what listening to music or playing indie games while screaming like a girl at every jump scare?

>and whilst being Christian, one should not condone such
Well I'm not Christian so whatever.