It's strange that atheists are not capable of understanding a comic made for children
sometimes, i just want my teddy bear, not some monstrosity that some beard guy might give me.
What if the smaller bear has sentimental value? She's supposed to want the other one just cause it's bigger? I never understood this comic. Seems like it's sending some sort of materialist message.
I love this.
Love you, Jesus.
Jesus isn't going to do anything to him if he isn't let in though.
i loved my teddy bear as a kid and i would've given you a fucking swirlie if you took it away for me for another one that i barely know
The comic reinforces the fallacy that bigger=better. It is satanic.
God bless op
>That kike stole a richer kid's bear and he is comming after the little girl's
It's more like
>let me in
>why tho
>well you don't HAVE to let me in, but there's this other guy coming, and you're going to want me inside when he gets here
>believing in the adult version of Santa Claus
it's sad that so many people's brains don't mature enough to realize that all religion is designed to trick you into being a good goy because God has a list of who's been naughty and who's been nice.
you couldn't be further from the truth.
ever heard of communism retard?
the jews have done nothing but suppress Christianity in the last 20 years, theyre so triggered by it they do not use X's or + signs.
>designed to trick you into being a good goy because God has a list of who's been naughty and who's been nice.
>Having morals is a jewish trick guys!
Jesus has never replaced anybody's material goods with better quality versions ever
why is the big teddy bear assumed to be better than the small one?
>(((christians))) having the mentality of a small child
Well, everything here checks out.
So you don't let him in, and he shows up again an hour later in a goat mask and murders your family? Anyway you cut it Hell and Satan are products of God in Christianity, and he could easily destroy them if he truly is good and omnipotent, but the God of Abraham would much rather keep them as dangling threats if you don't submit to his iron-age semitic cult. Christianity is slave morality at its finest.
Would be kek if the girl was a Muslamic
Expect that time he used magic to fix a chair or some shit.
All Christcucks are tools of the devil. God is about wholeness, fragmentation and exclusiviety is the work of Satan.
This Earth is not the realm of God. Therefore their "sacred bible" cannot be entirely the word of God. Satan has always had a hand in the bible.
Hence you get raving lunatics that condemn those who do not think like them to an eternity of suffering, when they themselves participate in sins just as bad.
>but I've accepted Christ and he will forgive my sins.
What a convenient excuse to do whatever the fuck you want. If you're an American Christian by living in the country and paying taxes you're supporting a nation that's sins put Sodom and Gomorrah to shame. But because you've "accepted Jesus" you're getting into heaven? Top fucking kek m8.
"Prove it hippie"
That never happend
>This Earth is not the realm of God. Therefore their "sacred bible" cannot be entirely the word of God.
Satan performs the action and you chose to let it happen. By your logic morals are forms of slavery
Literally everyone has sinned the idea is that you are only able to go to a realm of perfect purity through grace.
Do you actually think that paying taxes thing is a valid argument? I don't think you've ever seen The Bible
But I do understand the Bible.
But what do the bears represent? What do I have to sacrifice in order to profit?
wtf i hate jesus now
I understand the comic. But that doesn't mean jesus is fucking real.
I also understand that peter parker need great responsibility for his great power but spiderman doesn't exist
This copy pasta thread has been meme posted so many times can u like use another pic?
Christ giving a bigger toy is just sending the wrong message. People needs to get rid of their materialism in order to get to the kingdom of God. This pic is cute but of no use.
>Jew hoards higher quality goods and lies about sharing them to get cheap labor out of the goyim.
Christianity's, moral system is absolutely slave morality. You're enticed to worship God with the promise of paradise in the afterlife, but if you reject this notion, the Christian God then threatens you with eternal suffering in the afterlife. You're not a moral person if you only act morally because you fear the consequences, that makes you an immoral person kept in line by immoral threats. I hate how Christians think Humans can't be just, moral and good unless some evil jewish God commands them to be, and threatens to torture them if they aren't
Also remember that time the dude had a demon in him, and Jesus chased the demon into a herd of pigs and chased them of the cliff? Why not just leave the demon in the pigs? A pigs demon can't do shit and still tastes delicious. Jesus just completely ruined some guy's livelihood because he overreacted.
>wine isn't better than water
Occam's razor
Would've been more effective if she traded the small teddy bear for, say, a dead grandma hiding behind Jesus, but that would have been a blatant lie.
>white gurls meeting black guys even though they have a boyfriend
>Satan performs the action
Show me where the bible says this bullshit.
Even then, you failed to answer the question as to why Satan would be allowed to exist if that was the case.
"Satan made me do it" also is just an excuse to not take responsibility for your own actions you fucking dindu.
It was written by men over hundreds of years. Somehow Satan has no sway over these men? Did the bible just materialize out of thin air? No, it was written by mortal men who are fallible. Its fucking retarded to think Satan can't touch your book.
Morality is a form of slavery. So is existence and everything else. Your soul is a prisoner within your own body.
There it is, "through grace" where exactly is that line? If I rape babies but legitimately believe that JC is my lord and savior ill be forgiven? While a man who leads a good life but rejects the dogma is damned?
I've read the bible m8. It isn't just about taxes, its the abhorrent sloth and gluttony practiced by so many "Christians" that is a sin. If "grace" allows you to get away with being hateful and lazy, and letting literal Satan worshipers to rule over you and use your resources so sow seeds of chaos and death around the world, what the fuck is the point of grace?
So God can feel good that you've accepted him?
So he can punish those of us who don't ascribe to a particular faith to an eternity of suffering? For what? For the lols??
>but muh free will.
Bull shit m8. Free will is as much of an illusion as linear time. A God that knows what choices I'm going to make before I made them and punishes me to the worst kind of fate for it is no God to me.
That girl has absolutely no reason to trust him, though.
Why should she trust him without any directly observable evidence that he's trustworthy or that what he's offering exists?
fuck you and your strawman
Fucking pedo, go back to your cross.
Anyone else find it slightly gay people worship a man named Jesus?
I mean, why couldn't it at least be a woman? Jesusita. Maybe then I'd be interested...only if she was hot of course.
Why do you think Christcucks make him white and have a nice toned body?
They all want that JC D
Likes attract like, you're seeing what you're tuned to see.
>A fucking leaf
You could literally demonize ANY moral system as a "slave morality" and then rationalize it that way. It's what's so dangerous about rationalization. I'd be interested in hearing about YOUR supposed "moral code" and whether or not it comes from an authoritative figure. I'm guessing you base yours on what's legal.
You pretty much can demonize any moral system. Except maybe Jainism. State structured morality systems are tools of slavery too, we're all slaves.
True morality is subjective and comes from within, not from some authority figure.
It's qualitatively the same bear.
what a presumptuous fucking cunt maybe she has an emotional attachment to her fucking teddy maybe that teddy was her big brother's present to her right before he died in the car crash
>muh teddy is biggger so it's bettur hur
Fuck you
Yeah pretty much Jesus died for our sins.
If Jesus died for our sins then is that a lie or not? If you say its a lie then you are an unbeliever in the whole point of "Jesus saves". If you say its true then you accept that he has the power to ccleaner your negative life browser history and your punishment he took for you at his scourging and death.
Also, if you don't believe it then you leave here without permanently dealing with your bad life browser history and the big Chris Hansen in the sky will have you "sit over there" in hell.
No, because Jesus already knows what you want.
why is jesus trying to take that girls teddy bear? is he just as sadistic as his dad?
You will live to regret that
fixed :^)
What if she likes a smaller bear more than a larger one?
It shouldn't matter whether I believe or not. God made us all and should love everyone and everything. God put me in this situation and to punish me for it seems like the behavior of a mentally disturbed child rather than a heavenly father. Pain and punishment are the tools of a devil, not of a saint. You missed my point completely m8.
The size of the bear is a metaphor to how better it is.
>little girl refuses teddy bear
>God should send her to Hell
This is what Christcucks actually believe.
Really makes me think. Im Christian now.
its a stupid metaphor
so it's about giving up love for world goods and instead accepting love from god, which is a greater love?
Really? I never looked at it that way. Sure stimulates my cerebral cortex.
Figure of speech. Similar to how the word "noble" was at first used exclusively to denote an aristocrat, but evolved to qualify character.
> accepting love from some fucking jew god in a boring jew book
what if you just can't suspend disbelief?
It does matter whether you believe in God.
Because that directly impacts your relationship between you and God.
If you are point A. God is point B. The line
between A and B lets call it your relationship.
If you don't believe point B is there, there is no line, therefore no relationship.
Now, make Jesus point A. Make God the Father point B. Look at that relationship now. STRONG LINE.
See the difference between your line and Jesus line? It's vast.
And just because God made us all unequal doesn't mean you want to just completely ignore his statutes and tenets just because you feel punished and butthurt. That affects the line. By attacking God you invite his curse. Further erasing your line.
I research things obsessively. Science has actually MADE me believe in God.
started when I was obsessed with time travel theories. My train of thought when like this
>multiple universes/timelines exist for every possible outcome and reality.
>All these universes/timeline are connected at varying dimensions of reality
>these points all become closer to being a singularity at higher dimensions
>to represent this idea, think about how our entire body is composed of individual cells but we are a mental singularity of these cell. Cells cannot comprehend us even though they are us.
>humans as we know them exist in all dimensions. In the 3rd, you are who is reading this right now, in the 4th you are everything you've experienced before now, now, and everything you will experience from now.
>to continue, the 5th is where other realities of you exist. They are different timelines that involve you that are influence by multiple factors and events that are different from our timeline
>the 6th dimension is were connecting of all possible points under it exist, a phase space. Our existential universe is what exists in the next dimension.
>in the 7th dimension exists our reality. A singular point that is is the representation of every possibility that has happened, is happening, will happen, and could happen. God as we know it exists in the 7th dimension.
But god is the beginning and the end.
This isnt the end. But basically the human idea of god would be placed on the 7th dimension alongside the god's of other "infinite universes".
God possibly exists in the 9th dimension as a singular point. A singular representative of every possible outcome with every possible variability.
This continues, further grouping us with all universes like ours, then grouping us alongside all universes not like our, until eventually the singularity represents every possible outcome, every possible interaction, and every possibility.
The 10th and 0th dimension is where god exists.
Or how we say the greatest "treasure" is within you.
>Christspergs can't understand the concept of sentimental value
enjoy satan's hellfire, i guess.
Pope says there's no hell
You'll die and never notice.
If the big one is better, why didn't Jesus give it to her in the first place? Is this some kind of pedo grooming going on here?
Pope is a sham anyways
/religion/ containment board when?
>investing in your future is death.
Believing in life after death:
>if you are right, you are now prepared to experience it
>if you are wrong, it doesnt matter what you think
Believing in no life after death
>if you are right, it doesn't matter what you think
>if you are wrong, you are unprepared to experience it
So Jesus goes around stealing kids stuff, no wonder some people say he's a nigger.
I never said I didn't believe in God you cuck. Just not the one of your backwards contradictory belief system.
There is no "point A" or "point B" there is only the "point", the encompassing all. We are not separate from God. Every thing is one.
How do I know your book are Gods tenets? Why not Hindu or Islam? What makes you so special?
Your English is terrible btw. Can't decide if troll post or not. If serious please locate the nearest supply of bleach and consume it.
I enjoyed reading that. Thank you for your input.
good point. Valid critical assessment of my post based on research.
you totally never just attacked my character like the typical Hillary supported does when faced with something that challenges their world view.
prove it
> proving a negative
>multiple universes/timelines exist
No they don't.
>"I got this big bear, but I'll take your small one also."
prove that he said it, i mean.
>There is no "point A" or "point B"
Well can you tell me what God is thinking now? Oh, can't? Guess your mind is separate from God. How about changing your shape and being omnifarious? Oh, can't? Guess you're separate from God because thats what he can do.
Get rekt lol
While I think you need to edit your post and how you present it, pretty much this.
Observing the universe and thinking critically about what you observe and how it behaves is the only way to find God.
If you subscribe to the religion you were born into, you're a lazy cuck.
Just realized I skipped the 8th dimension where its basically an area where all the possible human universes with every possible variable can exist on separate points. Basic "Man in the sky" idea of god is all these points rolled into 1. Aka a point on the 9th dimension where all other possible "gods" can exist. the singularity(THE God) above it exists as beginning and end, 0 and 10, It is the two points the represent the universe at max positive entropy, and max negative entropy. God is the beginning and end dimension that exists above time and space as we know it.
who says god can do anything? christians? fuck them they're stupid.
Who said god can do anything? You? Fuck you, you're stupid.
>atheists see through a comic made to brainwash children
>lel, le atheist is so dumb XDXDXD. praise jebus
We do not know 200% for sure or not but Quantum theory is widely accepted and believed by many scientists, engineers, proffesionals, etc.
Quantum theory explains how multiple timelines and universes can exist. It makes more sense than
"lol no they just dont dude"
Proof nigger?
Are they like human thoughts? Does he think in stream of consciousness or what? Does God have human organs or a brain? God is everything, all thoughts at once. The thoughts on my end shaping this universe are thinking about how sad it is that people like you cling to spiritual slavery out of fear.
Well, considering I'm a manifestion ideas matter and will return to the Earth to be recycled back into the cosmos I'd say that's pretty omnifarious to me (great word btw)
God isn't a singular being. God is the force of existence. To ascribe human characteristics like malice or linear thought to an omnipotent entity is ridiculous.
>o no. I am rekt. Plz help :((((
why did you go away
polly want a cracker?
>Are they like human thoughts? Does he think in stream of consciousness or what? Does God have human organs or a brain?
For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts. -Isaiah 55:9
What's happening is you're just a body trapped inside of a destiny which you did not create and you will die as God planned it. The only question is, will your life bear fruit or not? The only way it bears good fruit is if you start by believing in God, then fight Evil, and eventually Save Souls for him.
>o shite, le rekt package got opened.