wtf I hate children now
Wtf I hate children now
>talking about Netflix at work
>this movie comes up
>"oh it's really interesting how they kept it all ambiguous like you never really know if he did it or not"
>try to explain the movie directly tells you he's innocent
>everyone looks offended or baffled
>"it really says a lot about you that you immediately thought he's innocent user"
>tfw ever since coworkers have been avoiding me
Accuse them of rape user
Do it, I believe in you
Invite them to go hunting.
*I eat children now
innocent until proven guilty has lost all it's meaning
>blaming the child
look at this pleb
so you won't marry and procreate? good
and that's a good thing
Fucking brainlets
He actually he is pedo
The film is clever in a way that it makes you sympathise with him.
thanks #metoo gorilla
>this board loves this movie so much yet there are so many *block your path threads
Should have stuck to talking about football and Kendrick Lamar like a good wagecuck
>pedos like a movie about getting away with molestation
?? ...duh?
is this venison?
Reminder that the kid did nothing wrong except for not being aware of the severity of her lie, the real culprit is that fat fucking inspector guy who shoved answers in her mouth, her brother's friend for exposing her with hardcore pornography at the young age, her parents for actually convincing her that he actually abused (her cunt mother especially) even though she repeatedly says he didn’t actually do anything, all the locals panicking and making up stories so everyone is somehow been abused etc
>Reminder that the kid did nothing wrong except for not being aware of the severity
ignorance of law excuses no one
it actually does since children aren't put on trial as adults retard
Children are little cunts.
This is a fact.
Well maybe they should be, bonehead.
Try thinking for yourself sometimes.
It's not the child's fault. It's the parents who believe everything their child says because muh little angel would never do anything wrong.
>" how they kept it all ambiguous like you never really know if he did it or not"
>cover literally tells you that "The lie is spreading."
>brainlets unite and start to spread lies about u
And that's why you don't about (potentially) controversial issues at work, user.
Everyone is smart enough to not say these things loud. Trump won because of the silent majority.
The movie was incredibly well made. Rarely did I feel such a tension in a movie. Can't wait for the director's upcoming Kursk-movie.
Sounds like this film will really piss me off
Yeah it will. One of the few times I genuinely got angry watching a movie, and not because it was bad.