Star Trek thread.
Double strong, double sweet.
Star Trek thread.
Double strong, double sweet.
I like my teas like I like my women. Asian.
- O'Brien, probably.
how come he never got a promotion
What happened to the other thread?
now do it again, and use two fingers this time and push your thumb in my butt
Someone must have nuked the last thread.
Daily reminder that Porthos did nothing wrong
Isn't chief petty officer the highest rank you can get without academy training?
oh....I have no idea, maybe that's why
Who brapped on poorthos?
Why was the last thread deleted?
sooo good
Oh if you look at the deleted posts in the last thread people were making fun of black people names. Some nigger mod must have gotten butthurt and nuked the whole thread
racists btfoed
That was hours earlier and the posts had already been deleted.
Do you die if you use the transporter?
No they just got deleted. You can look at the timestamp when they were deleted. Did you know you can get banned for things even after a thread has been archived?
That shit thread was like 20 posters spread out over night.
>We could use a good cardie killer in the Maquis!
No, they retransmit your molecules to a different location.
if they lose you in the process they can use a saved copy they keep in the transporter buffer to bring you back though. Occasionally, depending on who's writing the episode.
Janeway's just a better and more ruthless Sisko though. Men BTFO!
real /trek/ hours nigga
>was a family man
*abandons son and wife*
He was the highest rank he could be without going back to space college
Yes, everyone on Star Trek is dead.
I'm looking at the timestamps and there's still a 15-20 minute window between the posts being deleted and the thread being deleted.
I'm guessing that the OP of that thread was the one making racist posts, and the mod clicked the "delete all posts by this user" button when they approved the ban.
computer, show me an image of odo dabbing
All the deleted posts were within the same timeframe but the OP deletion was 15 minutes after so it wouldn't make sense if it was OP getting all his posts deleted at once. Not that it matters anymore it's just weird they decided to nuke the whole thread
Remember that janitors are a thing. Janitor deletes the rule-breaking posts and requests a ban, mod takes 20 minutes to respond and pushes the button.
>*fires on your flagship with families aboard*
>Don't mind us, just being the niggers of the galaxy.
Remember they do it for free
>EMH is just data
>can't be copied
>later EMH is copied hundreds of times and sent into the mines
Why did they even let fake Obrien on ds9 if they knew he was just a clone that would go crazy??
>the EMH can't be copied
>except for the episode which is explicitly about an EMH copy waking up hundreds of years later in a museum
What did the Voyager writers mean by this?
They didn't know, they only suspected. That's why Bashir needed to give him the full physical.
Fuck off.
No, as long as your conciousnes is intact or your soul or whatever you're fine.
You know who else does it for free? Pretend that Quark isn't here.
Mods actually taking care of Star Trek threads now and keeping the faggots out.
Thanks gods!!!
Those weren't copies. Those are all the mark ones, just reprogrammed.
They get paid in life experiences and respect
>Lower your shields and prepare for a hug
How were they created? Did each one have to be coded individually from scratch? Remember, you can't copy code in Star Trek.
Oh no I'm not that guy you think i am. Was a serious question. I've watched it a few times but it never clicked. Poor guy. Kieko didn't have to be such a cold bitch. In some episodes of Star Trek if there's someone who's a copy or clone of a loved one people usually treat it that way. This was the only case it was pretty much ignored and treated like a freak
It's just matter conversion. Your physical body becomes energy and is reconverted into physical matter. The same thing happens when electricity is converted from AC to DC.
This is now a 7 of 9 thread
He got promotions. He just stayed a non-com.
They should have called her 10 out of 10.
It's not about data or bytes, it's about memory.
>we don't use money, we have eliminated poverty and evolved beyond the pursuit of material wealth
>that's why we use latinum instead
>we have solved the problem of war and evolved beyond violence
>which is why we go around the galaxy with lasers and antimatter warheads waging war
What did the TNG/DS9 writers mean by this?
explain how that works
>Oh no I'm not that guy you think i am.
You have inconsistent capitalization and punctuation, and you didn't reply to the post which actually gives you the correct answer. Fuck off.
they made a special backup copy once and lost it. it was so difficult that they never bothered to make another one.
writing this has made me overqualified to work on the next season of Discovery
Janeway solves problems by killing everyone including herself and crew. Way more ruthless.
>we don't use money, we have eliminated poverty and evolved beyond the pursuit of material wealth
>that's why we use latinum instead
Money isn't used inside the Federation. Latinum is only used outside the Federation. DS9 is outside of Federation space, so they use it there.
>we have solved the problem of war and evolved beyond violence
>which is why we go around the galaxy with lasers and antimatter warheads waging war
Same thing. No internal wars, only external wars.
How come no one ever notices her wonky nose?
Why did VOY simultaneously have the best and worst Trek writing?
Friendly reminder Dukat did nothing wrong.
>we have solved the problem of violence
>just ignore all the violence we commit, they're aliens so it doesn't count
Starfleet logic.
>No internal wars
Eddington would like to have a word with you
Myths About the Federation Debunked.
>The Federation is communist!
False. The Federation is a socialist republic where citizens retain the rights of private ownership and are free to engage in commercial ventures. Various government programs relating to education, shelter and food have been implemented for Federation citizens.
>The Federation doesn't use money!
False. Thanks to their advanced technologies, material goods are worth next to nothing. To prevent over-consumption by a few, the Federation government has implemented a basic universal income via a currency called credits which allows citizens to fairly consume the Federation's resources.
>Officers in Starfleet and Federation workers do it for free!
False. Work is rewarded with credits, which allow those who earn them to indulge in whatever they may desire which exceeds their universal basic income.
This has been the first installment in "Myths About the Federation Debunked". I'll answer reader questions in the next post. Live long and prosper.
No matter how peaceful you become, you still have to defend yourself if others attack you.
Not a war.
It'd be like noticing a single dead pixel on an entire screen
What's wrong with her nose?
Neither was the occupation of Bajor
How bad are Federation Walmarts on credit day?
>libruls acting like they own trek when it's practically arguing for the second amendment
Sort of like this
You what mate. Starfleet protects the civilians like a military. The civilians do not get their own phasers and form a militia.
That episode was REALLY unsettling.
That fucking acting man.
I miss those days when used to play
>pic related
>DS9 is outside of Federation space, so they use it there.
always need some cabbage when going to hang out at the shopping mall in outer space
That suit is the reason he never scored and only managed to get raped once.
he was one of the best actors in trek
he was also Odo's dad and ... some other alien. They should have given him a major role.
>Jake uses gun to ward off Klingons at medical camp thing.
how much jail time did he get?
even in drawings, Seven still looks disgusting
>James Joseph Sloyan (born 24 February 1940; age 78) is an actor who portrayed several Star Trek characters over the span of three series. His largest, most frequent role was that of Mora Pol, the Bajoran scientist who first studied Odo, appearing in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's second and fifth seasons.
>Harris Yulin (born 5 November 1937; age 80) is the Emmy Award-nominated actor who played Aamin Marritza in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Duet" and appeared as Gul Darhe'el on a computer monitor in the same episode. In an acting career spanning over 45 years, Yulin has appeared in well over 100 different film and television projects. He has also performed in dozens of stage productions and is an accomplished stage director.
You are a huge faggot
>let's waste another 50-100 posts by seriously replying to obvious funposting
>reddit spacing
I just have impeccable taste
>get rekt repeatedly
>pretend they were "funposting" to save only a tiny fraction of your self respect
I bet you like Voyager.
That's Sup Forums spacing. Reddit spacing is an unnecessary carriage return between the greentext and the blacktext, like in .
Do you die when time moves forward?
>gets relt repeatedly
thats the first post I made in this thread though.
but thanks for seriously replying to my funpost with an answer that makes clear you really are who I think you are. let's bring this baby to 310!
you mean like ? got it.
>but thanks for seriously replying to my funpost with an answer that makes clear you really are who I think you are. let's bring this baby to 310!
fuck yeah muh boi with shit taste
>thats the first post I made in this thread though.
>(unique poster count didn't go up)
Nice try, Trekkie.
>>(unique poster count didn't go up)
its funny because I knew you'd try that lie. want me to make screenshots of the above posts, or is that gonna be "lol ip change!" territory?
lol calm down
so the Irish guy almost fucked his wife when she turned into a 10-year-old girl?
fucking A, Roddenbery