Thanks for the epic twitter screencap showing a based black man, fellow 'pede.
>Hollywood Studio: So here's a Shaft remake!
>I suffer from internalized racism
upvoted, shared and subscribed
It's the point white men have been making for 5 or 6 years but cucks wont listen.
But the problem is black people don't have any ideas. They didn't spend 100 years writing comics and novels that they care about. They can't build on their own.
he's not wrong. Same goes for female characters.
Honestly a pretty sensible tweet.
Get Out
>literally invented their own corner of cinema
These remakes aren't about representation but demoralizing white men through the subversion of characters that were fundamental to their development. Representation is just a cover.
moon cricket
go back
Fucking based
Clearly you've never heard of Icon Comics or Static (aka Static Shock)
How much is Trump paying these coons?
What a brainlet. The point of jewish media executives making white characters black isn't to promote blacks, it's to humiliate whites.
How much is SHARIAblue paying you, shill? Hillary lost, get over it. What you don’t think BASED black Trump supporters exist? DemocRATs are the real racists.
>not being hype for Outlaw Johnny Black
>not being hype for Black Dynamite
There's objectively nothing wrong with Blaxploitation. Appealing to the mainstream was a mistake.
Nice meme xD
b-b-b-b-but HAMILTON!
the democrats have played the blacks, they see the republicans as their enemy
but those shirts give me the impression of 'protesting a little to much'
Overrated films. Highly derivative.
Mr. Race Realist here
Comics nobody bought then and nobody cares about now. Unless you're a white guilt cuck
Derivative of what?
> Get Out
> Original
Literally a mashup of Guess Who's Coming To Dinner and The Stepford Wives
moonlight was totally faggot kino
the negro in the screencap doesn't seem to understand that people who call for a black bond aren't doing it for "inclusion". they are actively seeking to replace things that are white. it has nothing to do with original ideas, only combating "whiteness" which they don't like to see.
t. woke
a wide list of movies.. plus it had a bunch of terrible nigger comedy in it that totally broke the mood. It was only successful because of white guilt.
>muh great replacement
Nice meme, have an upvote.
How insecure are you?
>a wide list of movies
Such as? Also, which of the two movies are you talking about right now?
This guy got it right, hopefully the rest follow his lead
Ok so you're a retard
This but unironically, unironically
sorry you're BTFO and cant accpet reality.
Niggers don't want to come up with new ideas. That's work. They just want to take roles from whites
Very much, but I'm insecure about things unrelated to this. I think it's hard not to be insecure when the characters from crappy blockbusters become part of our personal foundation. But that's how almost all of us are trained these days.
He’s so fucking correct goddammit wow
Do the Right Thing
Why is this POC talking like he's white?
racist ass uncle tom
this nigga love sucking white dick why he finna not juss ruin they white shit
ikr. first they take your women, then your jobs, then your capeshit. what's next? the presidency?
I fucking despite/pol/ in almost everything, but aren't they pro-assad and anti-isis?
While it IS the point we've been making ever since this whole inclusion thing started, black people are more than capable of coming up with original and good creative ideas. I hope this idea catches on and we get to see some good stuff come out.
To say black people don't have any ideas, what the fuck are you smoking? You may not like it, but jazz, blues, rap, and a huge portion of fashion have come from black people
nice argument, have a (You)
Ebin buzzwords from Sup Forums aren't arguments either
Yes but whoever made that image doesn't seem to be able to wrap their head around the concept of not supporting zionist expansionism and neocon oil wars
List me some "original" film ideas from the past decade. I'm curious of what you classify as derivative
you don't just get to brand something as "buzzwords" because you can't properly refute it
buzzwords have become a buzzword
memes have become a meme
nu/pol/ isn't Sup Forums.
Sup Forums user ignored my reply and spewed memes instead, no point in engaging him any further. He's probably an underage memer anyways.
Did you know that it's possible for people to be on the same board and have different opinions!?!??!
God... you 4channers are all the same.
i'm over 30 and didn't respond to your lack of a reply. the point i made stands. it has nothing to do with buzzwords or Sup Forums and everything to do with radical liberals seeking to remove and replace "whiteness" in western society.
>it has nothing to do with buzzwords or Sup Forums and everything to do with radical liberals seeking to remove and replace "whiteness" in western society.
Do you have a single source or piece of evidence to back that up?
I agree with this
networks and studios and those that fund them are black/brownwashing white roles with a specific intent. they aren't trying to be cool or "progressive". they are replacing whiteness where they can. they're doing it slowly for now, but hamilton (the musical) was their first really big success with this tactic.
No, user. Your personal foundation being built on works of fiction that are usually mediocre at best is your own fault and no one else's. No one is being "trained" to model their values after James Bond.
>You may not like it, but jazz, blues, rap, and a huge portion of fashion have come from black people
Rock too
black people get it
>hamilton (the musical) was their first really big success with this tactic.
Theatre has always bended races left and right what the fuck are you talking about
>over 30
>browsing pol
>what the fuck are you talking about
i'm talking about the race war taking place right in front of your very eyes my lad
In theatre you swap ethnicities and gender all the time because your pool of available actors is extremely limited. It's not like the film industry at all. You just confirmed to me that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
see you on your 30th birthday, user. Remember, you are here forever just like the rest of us.
How many people came to your bar mitzvah?
The whole of our consumerist society encourages it whether you notice ot or not.
Destroying whiteness is part of the political theory used to justify the actions of our business leaders and government. This isn't some sort of secret plot.
some blacks are alright
If you're an adult man who's never been anywhere near a stage, then pretend to know how theatre works, I see no point why I should believe anything you say.
>if you don't understand the significance of the timing and casting of hamilton in america there's actually no saving you.
"It's significant because I say so" alright bub
at least someone gets it. they definitely aren't trying to hide it. the war on whiteness in the last couple years has ramped up to full race war levels. it's crazy.
Completely agree. Did that comment really get that many likes? Nice to see some level of sanity on twitter
Well they can start now. As long as they stop fucking up European properties I don't care
>Destroying whiteness is part of the political theory used to justify the actions of our business leaders and government. This isn't some sort of secret plot.
Then it shouldn't be a problem for you to cite some sources that back your claim up.
Imagine being so fragile that you delete your replies and only respond to Anons who agree with you.
maybe things really are turning around
This is an objectively correct solution that satisfies liberals and conservatives
Dude, I really, really like this post. EBIN
>jazz, blues, rap, and a huge portion of fashion have come from black people
blacks invented the saxophone, spanish guitar, nursery rhymes and clothing - also no black stuff is ever lame and completely ignored or laughed at by whites
Drawing a line between adopting white characters while demanding to be included in white media
Poor little white boy
If you want to get acquainted with the basics:
It should be noted that when they speak of "whiteness" they're talking about an abstract social construction manifesting itself in various forms of white privilege than white people themselves. That being said, it is much harder to separate in the real world, and their proposals cause more harm than their worth.
I hate it when idiots agree with me.
Hamilton was part of a broader attempt to make patriotism and our national mythos conform to intersectional leftism;it's also awful kitsch, but the same is true of all Broadway muicals.
fucking house nigger
based black man
Remember how Star Wars became ""more"" diverse by becoming Less diverse?
They eliminated the wide variety of aliens and replaced them with blacks and women.
that's exactly what the image says
>Hamilton was part of a broader attempt to make patriotism and our national mythos conform to intersectional leftism
I didn't realize a man who was a Literally Who at the time was ordered by the (((deep state))) to write Hamilton.
Did (((they))) also put events in motion that ensured that all of Miranda's colleagues were black and latino?
Do you have a source for any of this?
>betas: yeah me too haha I support you women!
>Men: I would rather have original ideas
>Women: I have no creativity and don't understand what you mean by "original ideas"
>original ideas
Name an original idea in the James Bond movies.
they didnt invent any of that.
they did invent all of that.
Is english your second language or are you pretending to be retarded?
i wonder what could've kept black people from writing comics 100 years in america
He’s absolutely right, and that’s the dirty little secret about leftists in the entertainment industry—they have to appropriate existing properties to promote diversity.
So you can't name one?