Blue smoke, purple flash, red light

What is this aesthetic called?

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Attached: br2049 k.jpg (995x590, 49K)

lol I was born in 1983 so I know what the 80s was like !!!


Its called Tech Noir.

Attached: tech_noir___terminator_by_sergiykrykun-d932ogm.jpg (961x831, 183K)


It was a common aesthetic. Just because it's part of the vaporwave meme now doesn't mean it wasnt real

Attached: manhunter.jpg (957x1500, 164K)

I wish more movies used a warmer palette. Scifi especially tends to be saturated by blues.

Attached: jinfengopteryx_elegans_john_conway.jpg (2828x1591, 472K)

vaporwave is dead. bury it.

what soyboys think the 80s looked like

Is James Cameron soyboy? It was his vision of post nuclear 21st century.

Attached: futurewar.jpg (852x356, 79K)

Did he make every movie in the 80s and did they consist of only that scene repeated for 2 hours?

Neon Noir

It’s my kind of aesthetic for damn sure

>Is James Cameron soyboy?
of course! he practically invented slurping soymilk with his muh stronk wymyn fetish and tree-hugging faggotry



That place on Pinko?

>It was a common aesthetic.
Name 10 movies like that from the 80s and post visual evidence

It'd be pretty interesting to see a sci-fi movie with a warmer palette wouldn't it?

Yes my friend.

Attached: the_fountain_queen.jpg (800x450, 77K)

outrun, retards