ITT: movies men will never understand

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>*listens to New Order*

That film is patrician alone for its use of Plainsong, by The Cure

I watched this movie a couple weeks ago, largely underwhelming and like 30 minutes way too long.

But I did get to see a nude Dunst, so it was okay in the end.

how to be a rich spoiled whore 101

Sus à Madame Déficit.

Vive la Révolution.

>But I did get to see a nude Dunst
No you didn't

Lady Bird

>tfw spending the entire movie waiting for a hard cut to peasants catching rats in the gutter to eat or getting bayonetted by troops

I honestly need someone to explain to me what the point of this movie was. Were we supposed to empathize with her? Was it supposed to be a look at how one's life can be so cloistered that you're unaware of the world around you? Was it just a bad Nicholas and Alexandra?

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i dont' know what a marie antoinette is but it sounds like jewish feminist propaganda filth
disregard females acquire currency

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Was it a body double?
That's lame.

>American education

Seemed like it was made as a counterpoint to literally every other movie about the French Revolution. The aristocrats have always been portrayed as evil, whereas in reality they were more likely aloof and busy doing fun stuff like in this movie.

She doesn't get naked in the film

At least in none way you see her tits

It was a film for arty teen millenial girls. Ofc a bunch of unemployed 20-something men on a Simpson's meme forum aren't going to "get it".

I may have an american education but I also have the superior photo of a dog. find me a better picture of a dog, protip you can't

Man I don't even have a problem with monarchist movies, but Marie Antoinette didn't do much to make me view these people as just normal folk going through drama like the rest of us. Their country was going to shit with famine and war and they were busy complaining about boys, apparently. There wasn't even a sequence where she comes face to face with her role and realizes she doesn't really have any power or something, the Revolution just hits in the last ten minutes and you're supposed to be sad for her.

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>American education

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>Their country was going to shit with famine and war and they were busy complaining about boys

Just like in real life then? This is how women are man, when is That going to come to your realization?
They aren't the same as us no matter what they tell you. Equality between the sexes doesn't exist, women are different.. as if any sane man needs to be told

It is a nice picture indeed, user.

so, bad movies.