Sup Forums absolutely S E E T H I N G
that still dont make them not-niggers
they've been so butthurt that they've completely stopped talking about it actually. Now they act like it doesn't exist.
So it's a marvel movie which will already gain a huge box office presence
And on top of that every single black person and their mothers will see it because "wakanda mang", most likely multiple times. So we add basically 14% which is the black population which adds up to around 45,500,000. Then we also add all the free tickets inner city schools got and it makes sense the movie is still so successful.
the black population alone would make over 386 million in ticket sales
When I went to see it there were a lot of old people there, like white hair, crippled old people who had no business being there, but they were black and that's the only reason
>Yfw there's only 3 actual movies on there
The general moving going audience really are just clapping American goblinos wearing size XXXXL clothing, with dual ultra large popcorns and Coke Ultimate's in hand, aren't they?
>talking to a grill during one of my lectures
>she said black panther was amazing and probably the best movie she's ever seen
>ask her what was great about it
>she brought up no legitimate reasons besides "black power" and "girl power"
Why did I even bother asking, I just want to hear what normies thought was good about it.
And Infinity War is going to make even more under a month later
>people watching it for free is why it’s making so much money
That's the thin user, that's the whole world. Every European I've met was just as big as Marvel movie fan as any American.
They aren't watching it for free user
The tickets were bought out for them
And what three are those?
>What're thoooose
>*rap music starts playing*
>fuck you colonizer
>people watching it for free
>watching it for free
>it for free
>for free
how when literally nobody I know cares or has seen it?
pretty much, that's the audience for these movies, and they all wear their XXXXXL iron man/batman/superman/spiderman/avengers t-shirts
when I saw shape of water it was mostly older folks and a few couples
Nevermind, only 2. I thought that said Winter Soldier, not Civil War.
I'm upset, we need another Avatar movie to correct this travesty.
Jesus Christ
>how when literally nobody I know cares or has seen it?
How many people do you actually talk to?
>how when literally nobody I know cares or has seen it?
lmao you friendless virgins go to such lengths to disparage this movie
Why the fuck did so many people pay to see transformers
>marveldrones trying to put their flops in the same league as Avatar
>not so fast
Chinamen aren't people. They relate to robots instead.
It might surpass Age of Ultron
>in the USA
Who cares, this is a global market.
No way. It slowed down to a crawl.
>It slowed down to a crawl
>3rd best legs of any MCU movie and only because the other 2 didn't open with 200 million so there was room for more legs
how did some of them go DOWN after being adjusted?
Nigga it's got the best legs of any Marvel flick. I don't think it'll pass AOU but it has a chance at beating Last Jedi
I've seen it 3 times. I'm white
I agree that it won't pass Age of Ultron though. But it will pass Iron Man 3 easily and become the highest grossing MCU flick behind only the 2 Avengers movies.
Lupita was really hot in the movie. The little sister did nothing for me.
yeah dude don't forget to mention how disney paid for 3456 gorillons tickets to make sure it didn't bomb !
>mfw both movies are about non-human savages
>being this much of a contrarian
Which one
>paying millions for tickets to a movie that you already spent millions.
user do you even think before posting?
The currency is more inflated as time goes by so thats why Avatar is lower than Titanic etc.
>You're a contrarian for thinking the average looking girl who played Shuri isn't as hot as Lupita
>The currency is more inflated
actually the prices of goods get inflated, the currency doesnt "inflate"
just 2 weekends now
Hold on now. So I'm reading this thread, and I'm seeing so many BP threads lately. Sup Forums becoming "politically correct"?
Is Sup Forums literally loosing their minds?
What movies appear at the top of the box office? Only the ones that they want to appear at the top of the box office.
Just Disneymoms shilling for their employers.
Are you a newfag or something? Sup Forums always does the opposite of the mainstream.
In the Bush years it was general political irreverence/anti-authoritarianism
Then Obama got elected, Libshit was the mainstream and so more racist shitposting and Sup Forums happened
Now Trump is President and racist/right wing views are the mainstream, so we do something else. Get it kid?
It's just nice to see those fucks that spemmed threads about BP being assblasted, I don't even watch capeshit
Will we be able to tick off the 1.2B?
Disney owns it all. MCU/SW/Avatar/Goofy crossover when?
Yes next week it'll pass Iron Man 3
>the market where the movie is made isn't as important
this entirely.
Yeah user and they are adjusting the COST of the product.
Which converted to todays currency changes the list.
>why are people being trolled by easy b8?!
Gosh gee, I don't know, user. It's almost like there is blood in the water!
I would have sexual intercourse with Lupita with the intention of pulling out before climaxing because I don't want kids and I feel like she would be against the idea of abortion despite telling me she was both okay with abortion and on the pill before said intercourse even began which I felt was suspicious from the get go.
Cringe. Kill yourself.
>In the Bush years it was general political irreverence/anti-authoritarianism
Nope. Sup Forums was pretty much the same. NatSoc Germany and Hitler were praised on Sup Forums, Sup Forums hated niggers, there were jokes about the holocaust and jews being put into ovens. As far as the political side of it, back then our society wasn't so politicized so Sup Forums didn't really care that much aboit it.
>Then Obama got elected, Libshit was the mainstream and so more racist shitposting and Sup Forums happened
True. But Sup Forums was racist as fuck even before King Nigger got elected. And I know, I know what you're going to say, it was "just a joke", but it really wasn't. The racism wasn't that different from the one Sup Forums, with the exception of the_donald refugees, exudes.
>Now Trump is President and racist/right wing views are the mainstream, so we do something else. Get it kid?
On what planet are "racist/right wing views" mainstream? Are you from some alternate dimension, because it should be plain to see that 90% of the media is as left as it can be and college is just Marxist brainwashing ground. Sure, on Sup Forums it is mainstream, as it always has because of the anonymity, but in the real world you can't even say the word nigger without getting shoah'd from any prospects of having a job higher than a toilet cleaner or worker at McDonalds.
Leftard shitposters gtfo. The only thing I've seen on Sup Forums is banter, sensible comments pointing out only leftards and other subhumans seem surprised Africans are in this film set in Africa, and you retards spamming this type of shit. It hurts you that your ideology has failed.
>Edgy holocaust jokes and putting "Hitler did nothing wrong" on mountain dew bottles is the same as the actual naziboos who talk about the day of the rope without an ounce irony from nu/pol/
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Feeeeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbruuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Hopefully now we'll see more leading minorities in Scifi and Horror movies beside Jews.
every time I've seen gorillons or gorillions posted it was by someone defending this movie. And I've seen it posted at least seven or eight times. obvious shill post right here.
since it's been out i've only talked to 1 (one) person who has actually seen this movie and I live in a metro area
what does this mean?
>I'm seeing so many BP threads lately
Subject: [Bold, crass statement designed to draw attention] Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)02:49:21 No.95949114Body: [Expand on bold claims. Touch on how many people are looking forward to Infinity War and how many people like ‘yourself’ are emotional about this 10 year journey. Make sure to include some coarse language and meme pointers to blend in. Familiarize yourself with the current trends and memes on the board, they change often, and incorporate one if possible. Finish off with an anecdote and a few lines about this being a defining moment in film]
Replies: [Use the 10 different internet connections provided to you to reply and agree im a quick manner. Make sure to switch between IP addresses to avoid users detecting our social marketing initiative. Create a few conversations with yourself (and with outside agreeing users) on different IPs to give the illusion of real discussion. Try different writing styles with different accounts. Establish the thread as being very positive towards Infinity War early on, herd mentality is a very easy manipulation tool.
Most importantly, reserve a few IP connections to “bombard” dissenting users, creating the illusion that they are in the clear minority in their opinion.]
Notes: [Make sure to enjoy yourself, log your hours, and upload full copies of the threads to the marketing server for future analysis and record keeping. Social Marketing guides for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be found in package 2.a. Guides for Reddit, Tumblr, Sup Forums, and other popular discussion websites cam be found in package 2.b. Any additional platforms may be covered in package 2.c or 1.e.
We would love to hear your feedback on this initiative, please provide continual fredback to your supervisor when possible.]
Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)02:51:53 No.95949168
How to delete?
I like the way you think
>barely beat minion
>tfw this movie invented black people
It's a reference to the
>6 gorillion
meme Sup Forums likes to throw around when someone mentions the death toll of the Holocaust
and that's a good thing
if you're just gonna lie and make up shit, shouldn't your imagination do a little better than that? how fucking lazy and stupid are you, exactly?
People are more happy when they see a big fat ass
And yet...Hollywood is not celebrating. Why?
Because Red Sparrow, Wrinkle in Time, and Tomb Raider are all duds... with Ready Player One next?
Well, I don't go to Sup Forums. Fuck politics. Has anyone seen this meme used around Sup Forums outside of Black Panther threads? Anyone?
Tell me my brother what is the Coke Ultimate?
Hello to all the stupid niggers itt
We are the WHITE producers of black panther.
We would like to thank all the stupid dumb niggers who fell for the racial marketing and actually paid to see the movie in the cinemas!
We have surpassed ONE [ !!1!! ] BILLION AMERICAN DOLLARS worldwide box office, and counting.
We never really thought you twats will fall for the black empowerment meme, but it seems we underestimated your monkey genes and your stupidity.
OK, bye for now, and don't forget to buy an empowering BLACK PANTHER action figure for each member of the family!!!
lol do you have some kind of GPS dongle to locate your jimmies because they just rustled right out the fucking door. stay mad, shortstuff.
lotta fools parting with their money
drumpfcucks will never revover from this
Go to any board and mention how many people died in the Holocaust or what it did to the international Jewish community and someone will give you a (you). No one would care if it we're just on Sup Forums, but it gets spammed everywhere indescrimantly
pol geting BTFO
Are you saying that the blacks got JEWED???
Works for me m8.
How much money is going to them nignog programs by the way?
Jews are a minority just like blacks dummy.
They've donated 2.5 million.
>Go to any board and mention how many people died in the Holocaust
Yea, I don't do dumb shit like that so I guess that's why I've never seen your stupid fucking Sup Forums meme. But who am I to argue with such a well-known meme.