How did they manage to fuck up so badly with season 2?

How did they manage to fuck up so badly with season 2?

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wtf are you talking? Season 2 is the same level of keeno as the first one.

It's dull garbage, there's no plot and it's trying to be Seinfeld "in da hood". It's like they're intentionally trying to bomb the show

>It's dull garbage
>there's no plot
Season one didn't have an overarching plot at all, this season at least has the trickle down of the robbery from the cold open affecting Al's supplier, which leads to his initiative of marketing his music more which is the throughput of this season.
>and it's trying to be Seinfeld "in da hood". It's like they're intentionally trying to bomb the show
The format literally has not changed.
Did you even watch the first season?

Nigger shit


This show needs less niggers and more diversity.

Unironically this

>tfw watched season 1, on a plane with nothing else to do
>never laughed
>didn't find any of it interesting
why is this show so popular?

Season 1 had a little suspense at least, this season is just black people doing hood shit in Atlanta. It's like it's made for sheltered suburbanites that want to laugh at how people live in the hood, except it's created and written by a bunch of black suburbanites that have no idea what that life is actually like.

I'm still not convinced you've watched an episode of this show before.

Attached: hund.webm (1080x606, 2.86M)

I knew that goddamn music career was gonna distract him from being the writer he should be.

Attached: 020718.jpg (970x545, 565K)

I really hate when the only reason bad stuff happens to a character is because they're a pussy and/or stupid. Same reason it became hard to watch Peep Show.

Also, I understand that situations don't have to be grounded in reality, but none of the shit that has happened in season 2 seems plausible in the slightest.
>Le $100 meme
Everybody will take $100, especially a fucking movie theater that charges $15+ a ticket, or a club with a $20 surcharge.
>lol we don't have disk players IT'S DA FUTURE
Except for video game consoles and ultra HD bluray players, which a studio like that is bound to have lying around somewhere.

They create these BS situations, then try to inject political commentary based off said BS, which is just disingenuous.

The show is always a little surreal.
Both of those things were clearly done to make exaggerated jokes.
The DVD player thing was a joke about 'modern' music companies and the way new 'hip' organisations are trying to modernise themselves to the point of causing more issues. That point was driven home by a bunch of other scenes and conversations (people playing table tennis inside, tons of modern art everywhere, "this place has a vibe", etc).

The £100 thing was an exaggerated racism joke. Sometimes racism can cause people to be difficult, he exaggerated it and then made the episode about that.

It's not difficult to understand these things

It's getting to the point that racism is becoming a focus of the show, like Glover is just trying to see how much social commentary he can get away with shoehorning into an episode without losing viewers. On it's current trajectory it'll just be Rachel Maddow screaming at a camera by season 3.

It's not difficult to understand this shit is lazy. Dong lover probably wrote this season in two days after a few phat bong hits maaaaan

>Everybody will take $100
Depends on the place, honestly.
Especially certain places in Atlanta or New York, they don't want to have big bills like that so they don't have to go through the motions of checking if it's counterfeit or not, and they don't want to have drawers full of them on deck for people to swipe. There's usually signs all over the place in ATL that say no bills over 20.

And every where accepted hundred in the episode, they just didn't accept them from Earn because he was a hipster that sleeps in a storage unit and he made no effort to look like anything other than that so that's how people treated him. White and black and Nigerian.

Attached: u did this.webm (1080x606, 2.9M)

>none of the shit that has happened in season 2 seems plausible in the slightest.

yeah wish it was more realistic like last season where they had the fucking invisible car

I don't mind exaggeration in pursuit of a funny joke, it's when they exaggerate to make a political point that I have a problem with. Ern's "I'm a broke pussy" shtick has been the weakest aspect of Atlanta. The supporting characters are 100% more funny and enjoyable to watch.

Marketing,Donald glover,Race baiting.

the first season was the definition of "i have two good ideas but ill stretch them over 10 episodes because that's my contract"

this nigglet thinks he is way smarter than he actually is. He thinks he can write a novel when he can barely make a short story
Did season 2 actually improve? or is it still pseudo intellectual pretense

It was shit from the start. People believed it was acceptable, er, 'kino' because it appealed to negroid sympathies. White womyn watched it for the anticipation of blacked; negroids watched it because if they didnt', they'd be called out on it; soy boys watched it because of virtue signaling. How can you miss these signs that were evident from the start?

put spaces after commas

Imagine actually thinking like this. Your mind has been replaced with memes.

Says the person putting 0 effort into their sentences

That Montague episode was great.

This is far far worse than Reddit

>It's like it's made for sheltered suburbanites that want to laugh at how people live in the hood, except it's created and written by a bunch of coon suburbanites that have no idea what that life is actually like.
which is fine because street nigs aren't watching this trash.