What happens here?
What happens here?
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Nothing. Country created by the (((Soviet))) all the Eastern territories including Minsk were cut off from RSFSR and given to BSSR.
in turkish its name is ''white russia''
is this the case in russian? can russkies confirm?
also i heard its pres is very anti-neet
So all the East: Vitebsk, Mogilev and Homel were taken by (((Soviet jews))) from Russian Socialist Republic and given to Belorussian Socialist Republic. If I was a Belarus I wouldn't want to live in a country drawed by jews
>implying there are countries not drawn by jews
The Wyoming of Europe, just change the bisons for cows and babushkas milking them
Good, well
A good ruse. The country does not exist.
its one of there strong holds.
It's White Russia
Bela - white
Rus - Russia
It's White Russia in every language (Byelorus/Byalirus in latinized Russian or sth like that).
also why is it called white russia, did soviets dumped all the descendants of mensheviks there or something?
Now I know why all the others always troll that germans are bad with jokes. God dammn, Schluchtenscheißer, what are you even trying to do?
answer me damit
One thing is your kurdish pkk conspiracy theories and another when "country" is created by literal ethnic jewish members of Communis party
There is no such a thing as "Belorussian people" prior to (((Bolshevik))) revolution they called themselves Russian, but (((Bolsheviks))) were hellbent on decreasing Russian ethnic % at any cost. Meme non-country
Literally "Who?" the country
A distinction between "white Ruthenians" (Christian slavs) and "black Ruthenians" (Lithuanian pagans)
Political discussions, this is not Sup Forums
>also i heard its pres is very anti-neet
see? political
Potatoes, poverty and anti-NEEt laws
Belyj (white) was a symbol of the North, so the lands North of Kiev were called White Rus.
There's also White sea on the North, and Black (Southern) sea on the South
Every night at the strike of midnight every ruskie in the country goes outside and chugs 1 vodka and lights 1 cig. After they are finished they all black out.
why the zovyets gave all the russian clay to ukraine niggers if they needed it so bad?
also what if some belarus goverment decides to get closer to the (((west))) what happens then?ukraine v2?
The end of Rochelle's journey
they have bisons though
It's a buffer state between Russia and Europe just like Ukraine. Its only use is to cuck Poland out of Brest.
Because thy hated ethnic Russians and wanted to lower their % in USSR by all means possible: from GULAG and using Russians in stupid wars to creating new meme identities or using previously failed Austro-Polish separatist meme identity subversion
Belarusians are the chillest nicest most hard-working Slavs 2bh. You wouldn't believe they're related to retarded nations like Russia, Ukraine and Poland. literally every single Belarusian I know is goat tier migrant (has job, makes yuge effort to, learn the language, is nice af and generally chill and non-nigger).
So Belarus only exists because (((they))) wanted to dilute Russia's ethnic homogeneity? Why hasn't Putin annexed it back into Russia by now?
I believe a lot of Belarus' history goes back to being the only East Slav region NOT occupied by Mongols.
We don't have bison in Wyoming either. Only on special preserves set up in Yellowstone for tourists.
Also how the Fuck do you even know wyoming exists? Most of my fellow burgers couldn't even find us on a map
we are a union state, just like EU.
Nothing much.
Belarus is need to keep Russia away from us. And they are bros, a lot of young ones migrate to Poland. Girls are qts though.
RIP my sides
yes. Because Putin is working on destroying Russia's ethnic homogeneity himself like a proper post-Soviet leader forged under (((KGB)))
Europe's last functional dictatorship, probably.
Don't know all that much about the place.
For me, Minsk was always a character in Baldur's Gate.
How come Belorussian is spoken only by 4%? They are Russian and no Austria-Polish-(((Soviet))) subversion can change that. Their loyalty to their homeland is easily understood when you realise that unlike Ukrainians they have no tatar or turk genetics
Not grade A stupid shit. Mongols never occupied shit in Europe, they collected taxes and surprisingly most of land related to "East Slavs" they had control over is modern day Ukraine and barely any European Russian (not even a fifth)
Speaking of which last man to pay taxes to much on golds was a Polish King Sigismund. As far as the taxes go, mongols controlled some European states, but not directly. Each Duke had to send fixed amount of money to the khan, in order for khan to let him rule. This was called yarlik. The last person to receive yarlik was Lithuanian Polish King Sigismund II in 1560, whereas Duke of Moscow received the last one in 1432. POLAND LITHUANIA BELORUS YES! MOREOVER, Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth IMPROTED tatars, so in the early 17th century there were around 200,000-300,000 tatars and first mosque was constructed in 1599, while in Muscovy conquered tatars were not allowed to move from their containment zone(modern day tatarstan). Don't forget Sarmatism - Polish WE WUZ STEPPE SUBHUMANS myth that was created by the Polish-Lithuanian ruling class.
I had a Belarussian friend once, he said only old people spoke it. Kinda like how in Poland dialects are only spoken by old people.
Is Moscow modern day Ukraine, Ivan?
Minsk is nice. Belarussian people are fucking great and really really nice.
White Russia is the old term for Belarus in English as well
And you're full of shit m8
Same in German. like I said, I can totally see why.
Seems like it's Ukraine. In Orange Novgorod Rus
Oh and I forgot. I heard him speak it once and it was very similar to Polish. Frankly they're in the middle between Polish and Russian spectrum
Latest I heard was that Russia and Belarus are uniting forces to respond to the new "security relevant circumstances" at both of their borders with East Europe.
You don't have Russia anymore. It's (((Russian Federation))) - reformed USSR, but even more jewish and anti-Russian
Oh and by the way the girls in Belarus are very gorgeous most of them very good wife material.
Thank you user
Hopefully not a maidan.
Last country that is in russian sphere of influence. Worst shithole in Europe.
that would be Romania, Bosnia, Albania, Serbia, Moldova or Lithuania. Niggers of Europe. Kanake menace
Simple. Rightful Lithuanian clay
Belarussians are the "we wuz" of Europe. They think they used to be lithuanians n shit, it's hilarious.
>How come Belorussian is spoken only by 4%?
Imagine speaking a language that stopped developing in 1920's. It got cucked by the Soviets and is now in a dire need of linguistic reforms to become popular again.
The gipsys in Romania are the niggers of Europe, the 'normal' Romanians are decent hard working people that still value their traditions and their family.
Don't they have internet? All of their neighbours post on Sup Forums, but it's been a while since I saw a Belarus flag.
Your language was nourished by the (((Soviets)))and people refused that seluk shit regardless. Russian is a language of high art and prosperity, Belorussian is a language of amber cleaners still not recovered from the Polish rule.
You guys have a cute flag. Is Belarus cozy?
There's one in this thread right now, literally 2 posts above you
A whole lot of prepping of the Russian bull goes on there.
I spoke of European niggers not racially alien filth like gypsies or jews
In your fantasy world, maybe.
Literally a (((Soviet))) flag. Means fluffing the jews. They other one "pogonya" is not an alternative because it means fluffing tatars and jews
>recovered from the Polish rule
Google, you what. They are Uniates just like Russians but they don't know that yet. Uniate > (((Orthodoxy)))
Both are bullshit. Find me a pre-(((revolutionary))) map or scientific data with "Belorussian people". Only some """Polish"""(aka mix of lipkas and jews) pseudoscience is your best hope in that
I'd say so.
>Rus - Russia
Not surprised a Muscovite would type that.
You meant: Russalya is derived from Rus
That actually looks quite nice to be honest. Reminds me of Bohemia.
you can't disprove it. Do you deny transition of Homel, Mogilev and Vitebsk to BSSR by the (((Soviets))) in 1924-1926?)
you mean after they were lost by the same (((Soviets))) in 1920-1921?
Dictatorship. People "disappearing" for not agreeing with dictatorship. Crushing alcoholism and depression. Radiation from Chernobyl. That's about it.
50% Cyka
That's all I understand about Belarus
Literally the Cuba of Europe
Lost to whom sorry? What kind of pseudo untermenschen zmagar history is that? Everything past 1917 was not legitimate. Otherwise you are a literal commie.
Belarus is far ahead of Ukraine and "muh super power" Russia when it comes to infrastructure.
Even Prussia derived from Rus.
Rus is a ex-scandinavian tribe.
Russian Czardom, Russian Empire are the national states of Rus. Russia also should be like it, but due to korenization and depriving Russians from power, anglo implemented divide&conquer tactics. So every time you oppose Russians in national questions - you are playing for Soros. And the reprecussions for that will come in the fruit you will bear.
>in a dire need of linguistic reforms to become popular again.
How you mean? What's wrong with it?
Most of the White Russians live there after the revolution of 1929
Only Russians left in Russian are 3 things
Inbred slaves with fucked up legs (hence the squatting)
Brownish people who migrated from shitholes like Georgia
Hence white Russia = Belarus
Or for Putin. He made billions on destroying Russian ethnic group. Also, no unity can be brought back to Russian lands before subhuman menace known as Ukranians is sterilised
>before subhuman menace known as Ukranians is sterilised
You're all Talk, katsap, no action.
Put your money where your mouth is and come to Kiev — we're waiting.
You are a special kind of stupid
Russian calling someone subhuman is like Putin calling someone a dwarf.
>we're waiting.
To starve
They run the life extending research... short chain peptides and such...
Lukashenko cured castro of the cancer virus CIA infected him with...
Bela is literally white in Russian. You won't get it probably, because your language is simplified so that niggers can use it, so let me explain - "eta stena bela" = "eta stena belaya" = "this wall is white"
Belarus means White Rus, as in Kievan Rus'. Origin of all modern Eastern Slavic states. Mongoloid state of Muscovy (which later became Russia) was far from being a nation when this name was given a Belorussian territory.
They lost all their national identity in past 2 centuries and are no more than pawns of Russia.
Besides sucking Russian cock, their favorite activities are spouting "we wuz truuu lithuanians and shieet" crap, and using our Angry Horse™ coat of arms, which is direct copyright infringement.
Also, Poles always claim ownership of Belarus, while they never controlled any sizeable portion of it for more than 20 years.
Also, it's never brought up that Grand Duchy of Lithuania controlled Belarus longer than US has been a country, just because of how irrelevant we are.
How do I steal a girl form Belarus?
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was Polish dominated so both Lithuania and Belarus are Polish clay.
But Russians are genetically European, when more than half of Ukrainians are Crimean Tatar-Turkish mixsciencedirect.com
The American Journal ofHuman Genetics (Volume82, Issue1, 10January 2008, P. 236–250)
>world renowned literature
>biggest country in the world
>first man in space
>father of chemistry and pharmacy
>White half are Austrian, Polish and Russian mix of peasants
>non-white half are subhuman Russian, Turkish and Crimean Tatar mix of serfs