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we need you to get trump elected so you can lead the way and save Europe once again from the left

Their governments pump their citizens full of propaganda just like we do

Main stream media here only talks about evil Trump. People are missinformed.
BTW, glad to see that my country is not scared


I hope you all get gang raped by Ahmeds.

have you looked at our media?

Here, in Portugal, people just assume Trump is evil. All the media outlets are like MSNBC on Trump, even the right wing ones.

Last time we had to save them we cucked them pretty good

they only fear getting cucked by white cocks

>All the media outlets are like MSNBC on Trump, even the right wing ones.

that is disgusting


funny how they never poll Eastern Europe so they can set this narative of Europe loving Hillary

I know that we are far less meaningful than the West but it's still a joke

>2/3 of (((germans))) are dumb cucks

not surprised desu

Fuck this gay Europe. I have to deal with eurocucks every fucking day.

You can't make this shit up

Eastern Europe doesn't count, and hasn't counted since the Schism of 1054

Who said we were based?

We're just a lot whiter than you

Really goes to show the level of propoganda over here.

That chart is bullshit

Im from Denmark, everyone here is a blue pilled faggot, our media here are worse than your worst, and most people get their news from there

wtf I hate europeans now

It's cause they would actually have to contribute to the defense of their continent.

It's called brainwashing.




this is more accurate you fat cunt check it and slap yourself for doubting us right now!

the weak should fear the strong

>Eurocucks terrified of anti-globalist winning the election

Good! Let the cucks die off as the God Emperor ushers in a new golden age.

Their propaganda is worse than ours, Germany and Scotland have been bombarding the citizenry with negative Trump stuff.


European media shows does nothing but parrot what CNN shits out. The majority don't know and don't care about Trump, they're just told he's an evil racist who wants to bomb everyone and hates foreigners.

Meanwhile there's nothing negative about Hillary in our media at all.

All the brave Europeans were shot between 1914-1945. Why do you think they're such pussies now? Breeding goes a long way

How is this remotely true?
Donnie is the only right choice

So goes America so goes the world. If Trump is elected, the age of cuckoldry is going to end. No surprised the most cucked nations in the West are terrified of Trump winning.

all the media here says trump is a monster and a lot of people believe it

Thank god I don't live in a westgerman liberal shithole like those people. Disgusting fucks.

just leave bro, let this socialist shithole rot
remember the only way to defeat the beast is to stop feeding it

Barely any of these uninformed people know about Hillary's foreign policy.
Hillary is the WW3 candidate.

british media is cringeworthy. the moment any news program starts "debating" the american election, i switch channel.

it's biased beyond insanity.

I didn't vote. so it's not a good survey bro

People have become unable to properly evaluate the danger in front of them. They only fear what they're told to fear.

>trump literally strikes fear in the heart of eurocucks

top kek

As an American, this is what we want to see. The reasons behind the birth of this nation was never to follow and or/imitate Euro nations.

When were we ever based?

it's the propaganda

exactly this

just heard an ""expert"" on our news talking about what a disaster trump would be and what a great person hillary is, there's no other point of view ever mentioned

>not your country so no one can claim bias,cause not ur country!

What the fuck are they afraid of, exactly? Is Trump going to cuck them like Ahmed does or something?

>trusting polls

Polling companies rig the results to show whatever result they want

In this case, it makes Trump seem unsupportable in Europe, so no Europeans will be brave enough to voice their support for him.

Yuropoors are terrified that they'll have to pay 2% of their GDP for NATO membership.

Pay denbts yuropoors

Also this.

Glad to see us leafs being decided, because it media is one sided

Btw, I wear my MAGA hat proudly.

Scotland here, voting for one of our sons.

Honestly, the opposite has become true. Western yurop has gone full cuck . Is Poland considered western?

These fucking Eurocucks don't know that Trump's gods chosen one.

Here the media has large a coverage of negative trump, but little coverage of clinton negative things
The only way to get informed is going to alternative media websites


Ah yes, remember when they predicted a remain vote and that the conservatives would be a minority government.

Real trustworthy statistics right there.

that's because fear hasn't knocked on their front door yet. Once it happens it will be quick to escalate

Well, I think their MSM is more cucked than ours, so it's not that surprising to me personally.

China at least has a good reason because if Trump gets his way their economy gets fucked up

Sweedes are just cucks

from here, the few opinions I heard from people came straight from the national TV propaganda
>trump is misogynie
>trump is hitler

I didn't saw someone actually knowing about his policy or something.

Remember this is the continent that invites shitskins to murder them and rape their women while being paid to do so.

90% of votes are from here... i can remember all the threads

The news has constant evil trump propaganda, almost everyone thinks that he is an idiot until you let them know his accomplishments and the side of Hillary they don't dare tell you.

me to, Kamerad.


Wet streets cause rain aspect too. We all think our own media are biased on our own politics? But enter foreign wars and US politics, suddenly everyone thinks we have 100% true and unbiased news on it.

>implying euros were ever based

They always go like this in italy:

Democrat: good goy
Republican: bad goy

That's because they fucking don't care about your politics and feed us off news from opinionists instead of journalists. That's the only explanation for this result.
That went this way for every election from 2000, as I remember.

All televised Trump coverage in Europe is negative.

We don't have any Fox News equivalents which can at least offer some pro-Trump stuff.

Literally no segment can be pro-Trump.
I just watched a segment on Channel 4 News in the UK:
Hillary's coverage was just Bernie shouting about being progressive.
Trump's coverage was interviews with Trump supporters, and the interviewer doing a voiceover disagreeing with what they say. E.g. someone says "Hillary is a criminal", then the smug voiceover says "Hillary hasn't been charged with any criminal offence."

German bro, anything to do in Munich? I want to trigger some people on new year's eve.

First hit on googling Donald Trump Denmark:

"Donald trump would nuclear bomb Denmark" (joke by cruz - as in - he would bomb Denmark! for no reason. he's so crazy!) click bait

The 10 worst Donald Trump quotes.

Then something about Donald Trump could hurt the economy.

Europe needed to be saved from the Nazi trash

Germany is the wokest.

All the cuck countries

>polls on trump
>ever valid

you mean far right

People pretty much believe everything the media tells them about Trump over here
Multiple people that I asked want Clinton to win because Trump will cause WW3 and wants to kill all non-white people
That`s the kind of shit they eat up. When you ask those people if they ever did some research about the elections they will always answer with no.

Okay, I'm confused now. I thought you guys wanted to watch the world burn in Keks honor, but some of you actually think Trump won't fuck up the economy? The guy has a proven track record of being a thin-skinned narcissist with massive delusions of grandeur.

Don't get me wrong, I've placed a bet in favor of Trump winning, but gais, you can't be serious.

>afraid of Trump
>asked most cucked countries in Europe
>countries filled with rapefugee

Anyone see the patern??

In Pooland most people don't give a fuck, they just want to drink vodka :/

Mate I have not seen a single positive news article about Trump over here even the BBC is shilling hard for Hillary.

The only people who support Trump over here are people who actively go online and learn about the candidates although as you can imagine the majority really aren't over interested in U.S politics aside from what they hear on the news.

This image proves one thing and one thing ONLY:

The whiter the county, the less it supports Trump.


MSM is still going strong in this poll

> however


To be fair, I would be very enthousiast but also a bit nervous.

Trump is like a parachute jump. Awesome, but scary moment.

>polling the most cucked countries in Europe

No german bros from Munich?

but don't worry USA-senpai my energy is with you.

Oh what a surprise! All the countries that have been leeching off of and taking advantage of the USA are scared Trump will take it back.!

I'm from Munich :^)

>france 52%

It's false, last time a big newspaper in France say 60% of french will be happy if Trump win

This. I know alot of redpilled people who think Trump is the devil.

>Be on bus yesterday
>Middle aged woman is trying to make conversation with people
>Starts saying she hope trump doesn't become president
>Ask whats wrong with trump
>He's an arrogant twit
>She shuts up

Fuck buses, cant wait to get a car soon

Nah, Eastern European countries have higher support for Trump.

You wouldn't believe the amount of propaganda our media spews out in regards to Trump. They also ignore all negative Clinton coverage.

I just don't understand why. It's not like we have the chance to vote for the guy.

My best answer would be that they just copy-paste whatever is reported in American MSM.

Well, I will be visiting from 29th dec to 2nd gen. Anything to do there?

that not true faggot, stop lying
everyone hate drumpf here

>not scared

low quality bait, hans


When will this meme ie

>Germany is most afraid of Clinton and Trump
>78% of Germans are terrified little cucklets
Top Kek

>terrified of trump winning
>less than 50%
Seems like it's better than 'murica

Pic related, poll after live debate on Trump vs Clinton on swedish gov owned propaganda channel yeaterday, the hosts were on suicide watch and could barely present the result live.