Muslim here. I hope you are aware that your meme president Trump can't do shit to stop islam. The true word of Allah will always win.
Muslim here. I hope you are aware that your meme president Trump can't do shit to stop islam...
We will see that when he makes it impossible to employ muslims.
>German flag
Everything checks out.
You'll get your punishment when you're judged
tell that to the 5 million dead muslims in iraq
>Younger than 4 months
What the fuck, does Islam allows postnatal abortions?
>what is gestation?
Muzzies are cowards, always have been, always will be. You know it, your father knows it.
qt3.14159 loli. Moar
>hadnt had an empire cucked by christianity
>didnt get cucked in the crusades
agreed, tho first one was just shameful(for mooslems)
>currently not getting cucked
You are fucking trash you people smell so bad.
Checks out. But what does Allah say about nuclear blasts?
But my AR-15 can.
Now go detonate your suicide vest, Machmud.
>hating on Jesus
Deist here.
Happy to sell drugs to your children.
Fuck Allah, cunt.
True Muslims in the holy land support Trump.
The problem with Islam is polygamy. It turns most Muslim men into violent childless goat fuckers
You dont even understand Christianity m8
Allahu akbar brother. Islam will always prevail.
Tell that to your Muslim president
Muhammed live with jews when he was young.
no trump wont
hillary will
hope allah has some def spells protects from nuke blast.
The fucked gender ratios caused by polygamy can be solved by having more baby girls. It's not really much of a problem in the modern age.
>not founded by a Jew
>Didn't participate in a golden age of science.
Tell that to your drug-addicted family, Rashim.
Allahu 2 u 2
Sell drugs to Muslims.
Get em hooked on heroin.
Sip a drink as they crawl to my feet for a hit.
>call him in and out of nowhere
>said if you won't save me please don't waste my time
That's it Muhammad. Suck my opium tits. Good boy. Fuck allah.
Get off the fucking internet Cenk
But I prefer her sister Bashar
Aren't Muslim women incredibly easy too?
Shit b8 m8y 88
Oh yeah, especially when the needlework sets in.
Don't you got some daughers to kill ahmed? fucking degenerate pig fucker
The golden age of Science is now.
Obligatory charity: This results in less charity. It removes compassion from the act of giving and creates a culture where elites don't feel the need to give because they already gave the required amount
Empire cucked by Christianity: How's al Andalus doing? How are the Ottomans doing? How about the Mughals?
Got cucked in crusades: Way more muslims died than christians in the middle east during crusades.
Currently getting cucked: ever heard of Israel?
You just stole everything from those before you. There was no islamic golden age, the scientific discoveries were made in spite of it not because of it.
>The golden age of Science is now.
the fuck
No, we're creating things based on what Greeks and Moors discovered.
How do you get them in the sack?
Conquering them by the dick.
Naw, were pulling all aid and going to open the sale of fracked oil outside the united states.
I know prices will rise but I really fucking hate OPEC.
what do you mean by got cucked by arabs nigger ?
Inshallah brother, the profit's (pbuh) words will be heard all across Europe and they will learn to accept his word as truth.
A cunt will do anything for a point.
Even a durka jihadi cunt.
Hadith Number 16245, Volume Title: “The Sayings of the Syrians,” Chapter Title: “Hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan”:
“I saw the prophet – pbuh – sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)
He (the Prophet) lift up his (al Hassan’s) shirt and kissed his (little) penis..”
روى أنه صلى الله عليه و سلم قبل زبيبة الحسن أو الحسين
He (the prophet) kissed the (little) penis of al Hassan or al Husein
رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
He (the prophet) put Husein’s legs apart and kissed his (little) penis
Another Hadith. Majma al-Zawa’id, Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, 299/9 مجمع الزوائد لعلي بن أبى بكر الهيثمي
رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
رواه الطبراني و إسناده حسن
translated into English: “I saw the Messenger of Allah pbuh putting Husein’s legs apart and kissing his (little) penis.”
Related by Al-Tabarani and it’s authentication is fully validated by Islamic scholars.
>gestation counting as a baby
Italy pls, you're not born nine months old
>that flag
>that post
Let me fix that word of allah for you op-chan
>enslave and treat like dog to woman
>muhammed literally pedo
>all muslims are pedo
>dont allow any science, art etc
>the ones who discovered new things was not muslims they were christian arabs and jews
>allow people to suicide bomb to fuck out children, innocent people
>would kill a woman even if she is the one gets raped
>modern muslims literally puppets to russia, united states etc.
Some people call fetuses "Babies", get over it.
what a jew face
Hold up! Hold Up! Blow up!
Aw gawd I'm so ashamed of my country.
So the true word of allah is: Have a sip of camel piss ;)
The "camel piss haddiths" end with Mohammed being peaceful again and burning out the eyes of two men with red-hot irons
>enslave and treat like dog to woman
>implying they should be treated any other way
Cunts are little better than animals, they are property to be used and own by men.
>all muslims are pedo
>implying that's a bad thing
Little girls are hot.
You haven't presented any truth-claims. All you have presented are pragmatic reasons to believe something.
You can't determine truth by how pragmatic it is.
Christianity is greater than Islam in the same way that truth is greater than a lie.
Islam is a distortion of Christianity.
Jesus is God. He's by no means a moral teacher, moral teacher don't go around claiming to be God. They also aren't crucified.
i love poland so much.
Inventing water filters doesn't qualify as golden age of science, kebab. Now remove yourself from the glorious German land.
>water filters
a camels kidney is not technically a water filter
They are very quick to take it up the ass and still act uppity and noble about being a virgin.
Pretty much. There's a reason monogamy was set in place.
We still don't have the power to change a fetus's gender and if muslims have their way that won't change. Unless you are talking about transexualism.
All religion is cancer
>Trump can't do shit to stop islam.
stopping Islam is simple, first you have to cut into all their markets so you have to hand out free korans and free burkas until all the imams go broke
then you explain how Islam was created by the Vatican to take over the African slave trade
Look up the battle of tours.
A muslim you are a german you are not.
>Makes charity obligatory
If charity is obligatory, it's not charity, it's taxation.
there is poetry in that, shame we have all those new german doctors and engineers right outside our border :/
You got cucked pretty hard during the colonial era
Kys muhhammed.
You realize that the Christians won the first crusade, correct? The slaughtered all the unarmed people in Jerusalem at the time, before Muslims had the chance to even make an army.
Christians definitely got cucked the next 2-4, but meh.
I don't care whether you or your grandparents were born in Germany. You will never be German, your kids will never be German. Go home you ugly cunt.
Catholic Faith >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHITSLAM
>can't do shit to stop islam
Yes, we can, islam kills itself, sunni and shia murderfuck each other for hundreds of years.
When all whites will abandon Germanistan, you'll have one unfunctional country like Afghanistan only this time, there will be 5+ meter tall walls protecting White Europe with gatlings and flame throwers keeping your hordes out.
Enjoy bringing germany, france and other western states down to your level, cz that will be the last you'll get.
hold up lads
Checked. Kek vult
Great argument you got there. Really showed me.
Send your brothers. The day will come to conflict and I will lay them dead in the street
Here. I made it accurate.
not an ancient history buff but we cucked the ottomans pretty hard at least, so hard in fact that the middle east is still fucked up because of it
Jesus was technically a Jew traitor.
That is why (((they))) hate him so much.
top kek, the last time you where important in science was over 500 years ago. And you got the knowledge from the Greeks
They make charity because their desert god said do to it. That's not sincere
Fuck off Achmad
Shut the fuck up
Jesus wasn't even technically a Jew by today's standard. The Talmud hadn't yet been written, you didn't have rabbis and the fucking Temple still stood.
I do love me some profit, all that surplus money.
>The true word of Allah will always win.
Yeea, sure.
she looks like a discount anne frank
Fuck your religion, any religion that makes you a fucking sheep to bullshit. Just do your thing the fuck away from common sense people, keep it to yourself.
Atheism - invented the thing you're using to shitpost right now.
Sorry, I don't worship the black cube of saturn or the moon or take child brides
>Jesus wasn't a Jew
As someone who views Christianity in a positive light I have to say that you're wrong.
with the scientific error?
Try again faggot
I'd recognize that bomb-turban anywhere.
Glad you're using danish exports, much obliged.
Go figure.
Enjoy it while you can mate, your end is already certain.
There's no reason to be scared of Islam. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.
In the simplest terms. Boss-man is back, it is time for you to take what you could steal and go back, before it is too late.
I sincerely believe that every single muslim on the surface of this planet should be hunted down and executed. Every mosque should demolished every koran burned until its nothing but a fading memory.
Wow this made me like Islam even less. Good job Turkroach.
>allows abortion if the baby is younger than 4 months
Not true, even the most lenient of Muslims condemn all abortion outright, whereas Christians are getting more and more pro-choice.
Okay, I'll bite.
>Golden age of science
Muslims had some advancement in the Middle Ages, while Christians made 99% of inventiens in the last 500 years.
>implying abortion is a good thing
And I'm sure, Islamic countries have more strict abortion laws then Christion ones, which is a point for Muslims, actually.
>Founded by a jew
Don't know if you coud really count Jesus as a jew, he doesn't follow a religion, he is core oart of one.
Making charity and praying obligatory defies their goodness.
>Makes you travel
Well, you can always travel on your own.
>Had an empire cucked
Christian Anglos cucked the entire world.
Yep, Islam "won".
>Currently cucked
Christianity may be cucked, but a requirement for being cucked is having something others desire, like a wife or a country that isn't complete shit.