Goku’s Social Impact

Is there any series in the entire history of TV & Cinema that brought the same level of hype to an entire nation?


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Los Goblinos...

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I don't get it, why are they happy goku got blasted?
Everyone hate him now?


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Didn't realize beaners were so based

I'm sorry for our existence, Sup Forums

>Vamos, Freezer!

do they gather to watch it in public because none of them have TVs?

>tfw the gubmint paid for this

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>why are spics so communal? Why aren't they individualist lonely virgins like me?
anime is our culture nigger, its like watching football.


you are aware only anglos know and watched that garbage show, right? that's less than 6% of the global poluation.

What happened to depower Goku at the end?

>this is how they used take peoples hearts out back in the day

His body couldn’t stand so much power

>to an entire nation

who you quoting? your mom?

la creaturas

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Fuckin' vive el Mexico.


Fuck beaners. Cocksuckers took over my state, they're no better than soulless chinks.
Fuck all you devil worshipping motherfuckers.

damn, OP looks like THAT?

we are replacing you

You live to be slaves to the white man.
We fucked up bringing niggers over here, it was you we should have put in chains.

I'm reminded why I stopped coming to Sup Forums.
See ya

Why does seeing happy Mexicans triggers Sup Forums so much

You tried to put us in chains, but we reveled because we were too prideful, so you brought the niggers here.

But don't worry, after we replace you, we will take care of that too. This world belongs to us and the Asian triumvirate(japan, china, korea).

Your days are numbered.

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Frieza saved him from being eliminated.

>the Asian triumvirate(japan, china, korea).
Please, they would rather die than join people who have similar DNA to dogs.
And you fucks are going to throw away your rosemaries and put your women in burkas because you are cowards.
The future is desolate, enjoy your scraps, used to be red man.

What an incredibly fucking fun episode.

It was the whole latin america tho

>Get threatened by the Japanese Goverment

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>first sentence begins with El Goblino
Have memes gone too far?

El gobierno...

>Chimps out for a kids tv show

This is the common thread among all immigrant and minority kids from the 90s in the US.

>watching super after zamasu arc
>being this excited about tournament arc
>state of mexico

future trunks arc was kino everything else about super has been shit.

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I agree, zamasu was great. Tournament is absolute garbage and I don't even care about it. But I like that people are still excited about it tho, I like knowing "oh well, its just me, that's fine" as long as people watch anime I'm happy.

>El Gobierno

>your product gets free publicity
>get mad
japs are retarded autists

How do people keep gobbling up the same shit after years and years
Super is just rehashed material from start to finish

brown people watching white people drawn by yellow people.

who cares

I drink milk every day, for over 2 decades now, never get bored of it, same with bread.

>beaners identifying with invincible aliens coming in and destroying everyone and everything

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I thought DBZ finished 20 years ago, and it's still going on


>future trunks arc was kino

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>Anime loving pedo beaners are people

lel sorry Pedro but no, you're not.

Difference is, nobodies in a rush to make new and improved bread and milk
Super's not even an improvement on DBZ, it's just more of the same. Why not look for something different?

Since when is Vegeta so tall?

>nobodies in a rush to make new and improved bread and milk
and nobody really is in a rush to improve anime, let alone dragon ball

> it's just more of the same
just like my bread and milk
>Why not look for something different?
I like bread and milk

also, you can eat lettuce every day, on top of eating bread and milk every day, there is no need for exclusivity.

Why do they like dragonball so much? I had no idea about this

same reason we like wrestling

fighting is manly

i can't get myself to watch it... it looks like some kids fanfiction flash animation

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Made me kek

I wouldn't watch it if it wasn't for my little sister. she doesn't even enjoy it either but she hates not understand what "everyone else" is talking about. She says even college professors sometimes go on side notes and go "how about that last episode of dragon ball super guys", so she wants to be aware at the internet memes and be able to participate in social gatherings, for this she needs to watch dragon ball super.

honestly, she isn't wrong, I have ended up talking about dragon ball on numeral social occasions to strangers and new people you met.

its all about keeping up with the kardashians, I mean dragon ball, over here.

>tfw you won’t ever watch DB with all of your friends, grandpas and parents in your central town square

kill me now

It's Gohan you nonce

I was the same for the first half of the tournament but gave up when conversations after episodes was always the same on Sup Forums

>muh female saiyan waifu
>muh gohan gonna be stronker then everyone
>muh jobbing characters
>muh endless manga vs anime shitposting

atleast future trunks arc was a little bit like old DBZ before they shit the bed with the zamasu death

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Yo te venceré JIREN

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It's like BP for negros or soap operas for old ladies, let them be.

>Be well!

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found a whole episode reaction. they actually sing a few lines of the theme song in japanese.

>No mames!

I love this guy.

>An entire nation

>Not an entire fucking continent

Everywhere south of the border they were showing this in public plazas and bars.

Burgers will never understand how this feels.

we /pajeets/ now
desu it looks pretty fun
>tfw no Coco village to watch Dragon Ball with

Yeah, Super looks like garbage.

>be a miserable fuck on Sup Forums
>see people enjoying life

lol stop getting so mad

>americans have to watch anime secluded in their rooms
>get bullied in school if they even mention Japan
>Mexicans have live streams of Dragon Ball Super episodes in a plaza for the entire city to watch with
Get jelly, burgers.

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Why the hell did Dragonball of all things become a cultural sensation in Latin America?

because mexicans are massive weebs

Surprisingly fun to watch

>goku deflects an attack

>Jiren makes a explosion and Goku can't be seen on screen for 10 seconds
top kek

Fucking kek nobody is jelly of Mexico. This sounds like some third world shit

>United States = Black Panther
>South America = Son Goku
which has better taste?

"Old" spic media and animu have more things in common than you'd think, the physicial humor for instance, how ey handle drama or what the consider manly or honorable. Now they are more less trying to copy murrica which is a fucking shame.

I hate spics, low iq goblin creatures

seems like a ton of fun desu
I love how into Goku these people are for some reason.

>>see people enjoying life
see low iq goblins enjoying shit

Im sure they dont understand the writer doesn't want you to hate jiren

I was into Jiren. It was his turn :(

The writers turned Jiren into a fucking asshole for goku's sake. They want you to hate Jiren.

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the writers literally made jiren attack civilians in the last episode, they want you to hate him

fuck, meant for

yeah in this episode they turned jiren into a meanie for the retarded audience (or maybe the writers were just retarded and didn't understand toriyams outline)
In any case im sure its toei fuckery and not what toriyama intended, but we'll have to wait for the manga to find out

How did they react when they realized it wasn't the last episode?

That’s because of his childhood trauma

>Burlington Bar but for brown weebs

yeah this episode the toei writers fucked things up
but the goblins hated him before that

Most people were rooting for Jiren and/vegeta around here

>toriyams outline
or Toriyama is retarded. he came up with all of this, including meme instinct which is a stupid "power up". the man is creatively bankrupt.

The ep was okay, but I seriously don't see how they can make a good ending with just one episode left.

... damn, what if the next episode ends in a fucking cliffhanger that will be resolved in a movie?

En la madre...

I'm betting the attack the audience moment wont be in the manga

Super is back next year, Toei is taking a break from super because they need the animators to work on the movie that will come out in December this year.

In case you didn't know, its about the origin of the saiyan race.

imagine your culture is so shit the whole country glorifies an anime show

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As an spic I agree with Sup Forums , I also think most "fellow" spics are ugly as sin and fucking retarded.
>anime is our culture nigger, its like watching football.
Yeah, watching Dragon Ball confirms you're as smart as a ghetto amerinigger, weeb!,also soccer is garbage go suck some effeminate faggot player like Ronaldo or Messi or some other retard that makes more money than doctors and engineers chasing a fucking ball.