Apparently that will solve all the world's problems.
Lena Dunham wants straight white men to go extinct
saged, hidden
her dad is a fucking cuck loser who will gladly show up to the re-education camps to get his chemical castration
she'd be so pretty if she wasn't a fat pig
i even like the hairstyle
but she's just too disgusting
Yeah no-one cares what she thinks.
(((Lena Dunham)))
So pretty
Queen of Sup Forums
She want's straight white men to die because we are the greatest people on the planet. Beaners and niggers laugh now but they will be next.
>(((Lena Dunham)))
Fixed that for you. Don't ever allow the Jew to go un-named when mentioning the topic of white genocide.
>Apparently that will solve all the world's problems.
Well if her dad had been extinct, she would've never been born. So she does have a point.
Is it possible to book her for a night or a weekend of amore?
You have very awful taste in women. Her face isn't even close to attractive and that's a fucking photo shoot with high amount of shooping kek.
She is all yours nigger.
I've never seen a body like hers. Usually I like thick girls but her body is simply shaped like a lumpy potato. Very odd fat placement.
But she is hot user. Can't we make an exception for hot (((ones)))?
Yeah because the rest of the non white wold is so peaceful right.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
>vile pair shaped kike hates white men that aren't interested in her gargoyle face & body
I don't get it.
>those twitter replies
>"did your dad influence you to finger your sister?"
She's right tho
Thank goodness someone has finally had the courage to say this. We need to breed out the heinous white man. Fortunately cuckolding is really taking off as a lifestyle, so strong African seed should soon take hold across the white wrold.
She won't have that much of saggy tits and you call fat is mostly because of the shape of her breed friendly hips. This is a thick lady that will age like a good wine, not a potato.
That's sickening.
yes, the last productive, tax paying population in America to be worth a shit... needs to go extinct.
Who keeps telling her to keep taking nude photos!? At least put them where they belong, in the hippopotamus article of a ZooBooks issue.
She wants straight white men to die because they won't fuck her, she's been brushed off all the time because she's a fat ugly bitch so now she's jealous
Tastes are something about which it is hard to discuss, let alone find compromises.
Put it into your stereotypical view about Austrians and live with it
isnt this the lady that raped her little sister and forced her to shove stones up her cooch?
>>>gargoyle face & body
But yeah. George Carlin got it right.
People bitching about sexual matters that nobody wants to fuck in the first place.
Well she's not wrong. If civilization stops, there would be no civilization problems
yup lol
exactly what I thought when I saw the cringetastic video age she posted
also, Heil Hitler!
gas yourself kike
>please do not handle
You've got nothing to worry about, cupcake.
Remember when she claimed some conservative guy fucked her so good in College it was pretty much rape? Then they found the guy and he was like "I don't even know this bitch"
I wonder if she's ever fucked a real man. I bet she straddled some desperate numale at some point. Maybe a couple of Jamals.
I think we should go extinct too. This planet is shite.
She is seeking negative attention so she can be the victim.
Naw, the west is shit. If you can get past the crime some 3rd world nations aren't bad. I visited Brazil a few months ago and it was fun as hell. Just be prepared to be murdered.
> Fat as shit
> No tits
How is that even possible?
>Maybe a couple of Jamals.
From her own writing, it seems she is even too unattractive for black men, which must be very depressing for her.
You can thank the white menace for that
She's (((friends))) with Taylor Swift, I wonder if she ever wishes she can switch places with her and get pounded by some grade A dick? I mean seriously, she already looks like a troll, then comparatively standing next to Taylor, she looks like fucking Quazzie Motto.
feminism was historically known for womens strength, but modern "feminism" is more about hurt feelings and trigger warnings. It used to be about the pill and the right to be a female priest, now it’s about outrage and clickbait. like the writers at Jezebel, who need their readers to be mad so they can make money, basically a group of women who make their living by being tight-ass, humorless cunts.
these modern feminists believe that they are the self-appointed thought police & moral arbiters of society, whose intolerant brand of pseudo-feminism represented by tumblr and people like Lena Dunham, seem less interested in gender equality than vilifying people (white men), engaging in machiavellian style witch hunts and advocating for more censorship.
do these modern feminists take advantage of anything that feminism has actually given women the freedom to do? or do they just sit around pointing fingers and drumming up outrage for impressionable girls? if they had actually lived when women needed to earn the right to vote, they would still be at home gossiping with their next door neighbor.
modern feminism isn’t creating strong women, it’s creating victims.
That's gotta sting. Especially with how low of standards some black men have when it comes to pussy.
Lena Dunham is a fat ugly cunt.
Her bloodline is so cucked it will be extinguished from existence.
Good riddance.
>She's friends with
AHAHAHAHA, you know Swift just walks around with her to boost her own confidence because Dunham being next to you will make you look 10000x better
She is dating a nu-male. I agree that nu-males should go extinct.
how can she hate white men if she is one?
No, she means males in general and specifically autistic virginal males such as yourself.
>'Please do not handle'
Way ahead of yer, luv.
I like women who wear very little makeup and have clear skin. The reason Lena Hampig looks pretty to me (face-wise, obviously) is because of her big, almond shaped eyes, thick eyelashes and oral commissures that curl up in a cute, tantalising way.
I want tha kind of bichtes extinct, that will solve the REAL problem
She can't get a white man to fuck her so she blames us for her problems and date-rapes ugly niggers to feel special
Feed her to the chimp grinder!
Wouldn't that also make straight and gay women also extinct?
There are no straight white men in Raqqa, Mosul and Aleppo.
You have to admit she has a cute face. The body and the feminism are just putting you off.
Here she was prior to being Touched by Terry. No eating disorder, as you can see.
Literally an Ogre
Beaner here. True words however our collective idiotic iq level doesn't represent a threat and they still are going to need servants.
If it makes any difference, I prefer to serve whites but you guys are bending over backwards to take jooz cock
Make me laugh, cannon fodder!
Didnt she sexually molest her own sister? Why is she still famous?
Well I want fat lumpy white girls to go extinct. Looks like neither of us are gonna get our wish. Oh well, too bad.
>"please do not handle"
i wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole.
I want overweight, obnoxious jewesses to go extinct
You can say that again!
did you just fucking assume xir gender?
tell her to stop handling her sister's vagina
Only because we wouldn't fuck her.
You're the Humbert Humbert of fat ugly chicks.
So this video will not get her blacklisted but supporting Donald Trump for president will?
This is literally promoting genocide/eugenics.
She's amazingly retarded and doesn't even have a fundamental clue as to how genetics works. No one that says "muh white race is going down!" understands basic genetics. White people are fine and will be for the next thousand years at least.
The dude speaking in that video is Lena Dunham's father, Carroll Dunham.
He's an "artist" that makes "art" like this
why hasn't someone killed her yet
what does that mean
i like women before they become fat and ugly?
She also wants to be relevant but that isn't gonna happen either
He's the kind of human being who would say this rather than "paint on a canvas designed to look like something
how can one be that fat and have next to no tits?
Fat repulsive whore, and a ((())) btw
The revelations over the last few weeks really puts this person's career in perspective...
>media cancer
If somebody buys it or pays him to do it, why not.
Anyway, he has helped creating the sexiest women alive, taht's enough for me. Give that men a medal and some food stamps.
Let's play a game /paul/, which race had the most babbies in 2015?
>Sitting on a toilet eating a whole cake
Its funny because she actually lived Trump's advice, she wanted her sister's pussy so she reached out and grabbed it.
Carpe twat
You are disgusting if you think she has a cute face.
>Holocaustfags scream that kikes like her didn't deserve to be hated when they hate us infinitely more.
It's a skit you dingus
It means you have a bizarre and disturbingly articulate obsession with a very specific subset of females that normal men don't give a second thought.
Fuck SJW pedophiles who finger their sisters and fuck Hillary KKKlinton
She is angry because she got fucked by the gene pool (not men's fault). Just look at her absolutely disgusting body! No tits, fat fucking spare tire, pasty white skin, and as if she could get any less attractive she gets her haircut like a boy. Beasts like her need to be outlawed. My God! What a fat, disgusting specimen she is.
>The no-hispanic whites meme
let me guess includes every human like creature from the shores of Guinea Bissau to the highlands of the Hindu Kush.
Whites are waking up.
I'm going to have 4 kids myself.