The most pathetic fictional janitor in TV or movies

is Willie from the simpsons. He's a gross single friendless faggot who spends his days cleaning up after people who look down on him. In fact, the only thing that could make Willie more cucked is if the school found a way to make him work without being paid.

discuss fictional janitors from tv and movies

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You sound pretty insecure in your own life, OP.

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Kek. Janitors btfo

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imagine if he did it for free. imagine.

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user cmon this is a rule abiding on topic thread about TV and movie characters. Please don't get my thread shoah'd by off-topic shitposting.

t. reylo

The Janitor from Scrubs is just kind of a petty douchebag. Dunno if he's pathetic really, I guess holding a grudge that long is kind of lame.

They do it 4 free

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beautiful quads

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He's fucking ripped

scot free

He's fat as fuck and only knows how to make hotpockets i mean haggis pockets

>cleaning up shit for free
Lmao nobody is that dumb
Plus with the opportunity cost (time the janitor could use for leisure or paid work) would mean that this guy would practically be paying to clean things up!

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The Hotpocketta Man

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Why the homophobia?


God damn lol the autism is at peak performance today.

I wonder what could possibly motivate a person to do such a thing?

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>way to make him work without being paid.
nah, that's impossible, not even the biggest cuck would allow that

You know, it really is sad when an ACTUAL decent Sup Forums thread gets fucking deleted because it contains memes and humor. But fairly frequently blacked threads, a thing that violates the very core rules of a blue board, reach 399 replies

no sane man would work for free though, even slaves get paid with food and housing. I can't even imagine actually working on a daily basis and not being compensated for it in some way shape or form.

don't you have some garbage to clean up? Back to work, wagie!

Oh wait...

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Maybe he does it to feel some sense, however small, that he is in charge of something for once in his life. I imagine that would be a very satisfying feeling for a particular kind of nerd.

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nice trip idiot