Whose fault was it?
Whose fault was it?
Flanders, he should have protected his wife as it is written in the bible
Maude for being a pussy-ass bitch who can't even take a t-shirt to the face without dying
I wonder what kind of soil pH can be found in bottom right girl's panties
the person that designed a stadium where the back row of seats has a sheer drop behind it that can easily be fell over
the shirt didn't kill her. falling off the stands and breaking her neck did
liberal media
The stadium builder's, what was he thinking putting a waist-height wall there with no guardrail
The mustard
if Flander would've let Maude get him a footlong, she'd come back earlier or later and she'd still be alive
The producers to continue the zombie simpsons
I actually had nightmares when I was a kid after seeing this episode, even in high school I would avoid sitting at the top of bleachers because I was afraid something would hit me and I would fall off the back and die
loss reference?
Literally Ian Maxtone Graham or whatever the fuck his name is, is to blame. He wrote both the Maude dying episode and fucking Sneed.
The writers'.
Was ruining The Simpsons part of his master plan?
theres a timeline where you'd be dead right now because you never watched the simpsons or they never made this scene
Sneed Sneed is the key to all of this.
>Worked with Babu
Killing the faggotry that is "comfy threads"
You're comparing benign autism to virulent autism. I get it, that's the joke, but acting like you're some kind of meme freedom fighter is retarded, you are the aggressor
Simpsons generals in the past only got 10 unique ips. It was just 2 people spamming random screenshots until the thread reached 150 images then they died
Sneed unironically is saving the simpsons
So instead of random screenshots it's different variations of "city slicker", "Gucci loafers", "seed and feed", "Fuck and suck", "Sneed and Chuck" over and over? How is your autism any better?
Because its funny and actively creating oc whereas spamming random screenshots without any text is dull and only sayisfying for the 2 autists who flood it
And judging from the ip counts the vast majority of tv agrees
Sneed threads regularly cap out around 100-150ips
Well you've convinced me, I'm a #SeedAndFeed now. #FormerlyFuckAndSuck
Do you find something comical about his appearance when he's writing his episodic programs?