We need to enter it
Kek wills it
We need to enter it
Kek wills it
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isn't some user going out there soon?
Possibly the most (((ish))) thing I've ever seen
Owls eat frogs, so I don't think it's safe to enter. Obviously it's just a play temple for rich people. It exists so that anons cannot enter.
The rabbit hole goes deep, it's not just a temple - but a tool of ascension
This pic is retarded:
1. the window claimed as "building elevator doors has too high a step to be used as an entrance.
2. the window claimed as being for the glass-walled elevator is too far into the building to match with the purported location of the elevator.
3. the building roof is not high enough to accommodate the machinery for an elevator.
4. it would not be safe to put an elevator and underground bunker in so close to an ocean cliff edge.
5. user knows nothing about building
lmao i put all my bunkers right up against ocean cliff edges whenever i can. step your game up
What is this about?
>when life is not what I think it is, it's a conspiracy. My little bubble brain is scared.
Is the Holy Grail or the Ark kept there?
nothing as good that, just a bunch of naked kids
Some temple on the Little St. James' Island that is owned by Jeffrey Epstein.
>Holy Grail
Yeah, something like that...
Muh fuggin illuminiggi!
Can someone give me the lat and long?
Pretty annoying.
Break in there then leaf.
I don't have a boat / helicopter
Why must people force the meme that it's an elevator? It's a fucking staircase. in there of course.
An elevator needs maintenance and to be fixed if broken. A staircase needs a fuckton of use before it's broken.
what is this place?
Epstein's Lolita Island
>blue and white stripes
I guarantee this Mosque like structure is full of booze and coke.
this..what does it matter if its a staircase or elevator?
The place fucking existing already is a major concern. These fucks are arguing rather it's an elevator or staircase.
I can do this if you guys help.
Probably FAQ
1.Can I get there by boat from other islands?
2.Does orgy island have security?
only if you're driving the boat. there's not scheduled trips to the island. yes it has security
I just had a genius idea:
Why not send O'Keefe on a boat?
Surely he will uncover something!
1.Can I get there by boat from other islands? >Boat
2.Does orgy island have security? > Minimal, you need to know when Epstein will be on the island, look for any public appearances he will make in the states, and plan to check it out then. I would suggest scuba gear to get to island and remain undetected rather than pulling up a boat.
You will go down in the history books if you go. You realize that your name will forever be known as a hero.
stop pretending.
let me pretend to take you seriously:
if you actually plan to do this, take a satellite phone/internet thing with you, and at least two cameras (one normal high res camera with zoom lens, and one action cam to stick to your forehead or something)
and of course, GPS, and some form of protection (weapons)
>O'Keefe convinces Epstein that he's a global elite
>Gets a full tour
bring a gun.
And a lot of extra memory for your phone.
Where did you learn that?
From government propaganda (school)?
Czechmate :^)
You know they're going to kill you right?
This isn't a game anymore. We're getting too close to the truth and they are starting to get nervous.
Ok, I can get there by boat. I imagine they have some high tech security that detects any arrival, but that's still not a problem. I don't see Epstein pouring money into such nonsense just for a kid fuck island.
I imagine security is private, so that means they probably have no back up, or it's at least a day away.
72 acres isn't that bad to explore undetected. That's actually perfect.
You're not a fucking ninja, you autist. They're going to catch you the second you step foot on the island.
That's easy. All I need to do is confirm through social media or legitimate source that he is in the states or wherever else upon my arrival.
The only thing Im worried about is eye witness accounts. There are surrounding islands with plenty of boat traffic. I cant be seen by anyone approaching the island, which makes me think I'll have to go at night.
Hello, I am the highest official of Queefistan republic and I would like to invest huge amount of money, cocaine and children to some pedophile circles.
Also this bitch
I used to do this shit for a living. It's not hard if you know what you're doing.
Just because you cant do it, doesnt mean somebody else cant.
The security on that island is probably a joke. Doesn't matter if they are armed or not. Im guessing there's no more than 20-50 personnel. If even that.
pics or it didnt happen
Night Scuba bro
You know what pedophiles do with their sensitive information? They attach a live grenade to it. Yes, it's a thing that average non-politician pedos actually do. If you go to Meme Island and it really is Pedo paradise then you can expect any of the following:
-->Guards with permanent residence on the island will shoot you in the head.
-->If you actually find a desk/binder/safe with sensitive information, it will blow up in your fucking face.
Just think about it for one second. If an island is holding the secrets of a shadow elite that controls a superpower country then no, you cannot just boat there and take pictures with your cellphone. How do you think these people got in this position of power in the first place? By being complete retards?
Shadilay, have a (you) and the blessing of Kek
>The security on that island is probably a joke
Yeah man, a house where the elites of the world go to to perform in occult rituals. I'm sure there's no security there whatsoever.
They probably have every contingency planned for. The second you set foot on the island it will probably set off a dozen alarms and they'll get you in 10 seconds.
You are an edgy role playing faggot, but if in the slight chance you're actually serious about going, make sure you stream it so we can watch you getting killed in real time.
This is the place of Fritzls wet dreams
give evidence that you're doing this you fuck
I don't know, Pedostas password was podesta2016.
role playing here, what if you got 500 anons to go check it out, from a safe distance? Would that work?
Sounds like B list movie.
You know it's possible they have that stuff, but a trained person knows how to get around this stuff.
The security on Orgy Island (Little St. James) is most likely a joke.
My least favorite of all training.
Anyone here been connecting the dots for the past 4 days?
The dentist equipment and the chair..
Name the Jew who is a dentist in Brooklyn, and owns dental equipment businesses, who had a pic of the "Lolita Express" on his Linkdin, who sells "Pizza Spice"?
You must realize that we are closing, rapidly, to a point of no return in this nation. It should not surprise you that single, childless, 20 and 30 year old males are willing to risk their lives for what they believe in. In fact, that's all we have going for us. To become the victors in a game without rules you must first free yourself from rules and societal norms such as "it's crazy to sneak into a private island using scuba gear". Because you know what? It's a fucking easy to accomplish.
Tell some people where you are going and ask them to call a police if you don't come back in X days no matter what.
It'd be great if they were just doing some gay ass magicking bullshit in there and we could spend the next few years laughing at everyone involved.Just imagine Obama doing some super serious ceremony for the moon god or whatever the fuck.
One nation, united in bullying against the elites. The DREAM
>run into island
>oh shit an electronically locked door
>reach for my breaching charge
>realize all I brought was a pistol to blow my brains out with if I got caught
>get spooked by a security camera and live in fear of being assassinated for the next year
woa dude.... holy shit
In theory, sure. They can't kill all of us.
But what are we going to do once we get on the island?
Why is there not some rich user with private plane + license to take a few burgers with guns to the temple and actually fucking raid that shit? They most def dont have security. It would be easy raid.
its a fucking tourist island people go there everyday.
You fools. The Dome is there so the can raise the defiled child bodies to 'heaven' as they collect the blood for consumption below.
It's to mock God by corrupting his creation and send beautiful children to the afterlife in sin.
Turn it upside down for clues, check out the pedo/moloch temple
I'm not going within 100 miles of that fucking thing
>I cant do it, so how could someone else do it?
This doesnt work like planning a trip to Vegas. It will be at least another 6 months before Im done planning. All my resources, contacts, and people need to be in the right place before this is pulled off.
I cant say or show too much in the event im exposed. As of now, im just shooting the shit with a bunch of anons. Plausible deniability.
Bring guns.
Bring friends.
Bring cameras.
Make sure somebody back home knows who to call if you don't come back.
>camera cut to leaf's Friday night
>beer, poutine and porn
You tell me which satisfies you more. Which makes you feel ALIVE.
Top kek, what an edgelord.
Take pictures, uncover sensitive information, get recordings if possible.
Catching Bill Clinton and Jeffery Epstein in the act itself would be a Godsend of treasure. Forever ruined and damned.
>my life isnt like this, so how could anyone else's be?
Good luck user!
That building probably has some staircase that leads underground. And at the end of that staircase is probably some great ancient door containing some Lovecraftian horror that they are summoning.
Know what I'm saying nigga?
Could it be he was Epstein's mansion dentist?
Probably fixed all the fkd up teeth of little girls from Eastern Europe and other 3rd world areas
It also wipes out their dental records as evidence
I don't know what kind of "skills" you think you have, but I can promise you that they have every security contingency planned for. And you will be caught within 10 seconds of setting foot on the island.
It doesn't matter that you see yourself as a secret agent / ninja hybrid who can sneak around in the dark without getting caught.
None of that matters when you set off alarms in the most advanced security system in the world.
Things to bring:
Ski mask for cameras
Burner smart phone and SD cards for photos and emergency phone calls
A gun
Multiple loaded magazines for said gun
Protein bars (for you or kids you find)
Kek vult. check 'em
coordinates ?
no its not
What if the island has a safe or a magnetic door. Obviously if someone's actually going to do this they're going to need heavier equipment
I used to do this shit for a living. You'd be surprised with what the common person could even get away with.
Nowhere did I say that this is going to work 100% because it might not. Alarms could be sounded as soon as Im within a mile of the shoreline, or it could not. I'm just saying Im up to the challenge to at least try.
I've done stuff like this before. I was in the military, did some work for G4S and Custer Battles, now I work for private detective agency.
blow it up
>tfw you don't have to worry about the fbi because they hate pedos too
I volunteer to go into the pedocave and Lucifer worshipping temple
It's on an Island, you can get killed and no one will ever know. It's best not to go if you don't wanna get killed goys.
guy asks for help getting an old lady on a DC visit (nothing unusual)
only he refers to the favor as a "thelema"...
how did they even get a picture of that place?
Someone send a drone
That the Comet pizza place?
Real restaurants try not to look like shitholes.
>Real restaurants try not to look like shitholes.
blank concrete walls and stained wood picnic tables? Iced coffee?
hipster paradise
Good luck Mr Marcinko
We are all counting on you.
May Keks chaos help you in your endeavor.
someone put a fucking crepe in her mouth!
Have the blessings of Kek
Save the children
Save the country
Save the world
I don't think he understand that US military is designed to make trained killers.
There's only so much one person can take. If there are kids in there, they take priority over a vault.
oh fuck this is real????? even judipedia says this god fucking dammed
Little Saint James is an island of the United States Virgin Islands, located off the east end of St. Thomas.
The island is privately owned by American financier and convicted sex offender[1] Jeffrey Epstein. There is a luxury estate on the Island and it is often used for conferences held by the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation which sponsors cutting edge science and medical research. Recent conferences have included topics such as gravity, language evolution and global threats to the earth. Many notable scientists have attended the conferences including Marvin Minsky, Gerard 't Hooft and Stephen Hawking.[citation needed]
An interesting item there is a life-sized cow statue that is regularly moved to different places on the island, as well as what may possibly be a pagan temple[2].
The island hosts a helipad, a lagoon and cabanas. It also has a library, a Japanese bathhouse and cinema.[3]
you seem to know a lot about this shit. Fbianons? check this nigga out./