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Other urls found in this thread:


>The summer wind

What's the point of this thread?


>the summer wind
>came blowin in
>from across the sneed

They're gonna fuck and suck each other.

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how sneedesque

>bullies are self-loathing homosexuals
I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Pure kino. One of the best end credit scenes



>That's nice work with the bag-zooka

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Fucking hell, you retards have really latched onto this horribly unfunny shit

I got banned for 3 days just for posting the name of that farmer who inherited a certain business from a man whose surname rhymes with fuck

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Using the s word gets you a 3 day, meanwhile off topic /shitlo/ #73 is totally fine.


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Modern day Americans are the lowest form of human life. They need to be exterminated.

Deserved you garbage piece of reddit trash.

t. Redditor Chuckhead

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>they need to be exterminated

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t. Chuck


Happened to me too but on the school computer fortunetly

Mods are sneething

Can we get a mod in here please? These assholes need to get banned for ruining comfy Simpsons threads.

Those threads are garbage.
>omg I said le funnany line from le almost 30 yo show xD
We don't need this multiple times a day. Simpsons threads are and always have been shit. This is why Sneedposting arose in the first place, and you know it.

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Why the hell was pulling down or tearing people pants off considered a prank back then? It's super gay. You're making it so you can see another person's penis. Just kick his ass or something if you want to humiliate him.

Dude, go fuck yourself.

Simpsons is Sup Forums tier television.
Eat shit nigger.

chuckhead absolutely SNEETHING

Simpsons belongs on Sup Forums
Fuck off capeshitter. Rick and Morty dicksucker.