Daily reminder that if you don't have blue eyes you do NOT belong on Sup Forums
Daily reminder that if you don't have blue eyes you do NOT belong on Sup Forums
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What about grey?
I'm not a cuck so no I don't have blue eyes.
go suck off a poodle faggot i googled 'moose in the wild' & found your mother sucking two dicks at once last time i asked about maple candy it turned out to be your sisters stripper name are you chinese too or just the guy fucking your girlfriend were you born a faggot or was it being buttfucked by your PM that turned you are you learning chinese at school or from the guys at the gay bar do you all use maple syrup as lube or just when your dad was fucking you is it time for ramadan or to put your dick in some poutine bitch
what are doing first after this, apologizing to people you dont know or pretending hockey is an actual fucking sport
whats the difference between my uncle & the average canadian my uncle stopped fucking dogs when the meth wore off
I'm a sandnigger with blue eyes.
You can't make me leave, haha.
Settle down boy, green eyes are the rarest and not for niggers
lower than the low
Fuckin leaf.
Fucking Jew fuck off
As long as your white you're alright. Stop trying to divide us you Jewish bastard
I'd settle for just white skin at this point
Is one blue eye enough?
Can you please explain the relationship between blue eyes and Sup Forums's state mission of being politically incorrect?
There are enough niggers with blue eyes that I have seen one myself. Green eyes are certainly the rarest and not for nigs
>tfw half Anglo half Hispanic
>6 foot
>blue eyes
>better genetics then half of pol
how does it feel to be inferior to a mongrel?
"not for niggers"
sauce twitter.com
>You need to be a snownigger to poast n Sup Forums
How hard can it be?
> Scandinavian
> Fuck off
> inb4 my grandparents were from (insert white ish country) Too bad, you're just as shit coloured as the rest of the world.
I don't have blue eyes, but I've had an affair with a married german woman with blue eyes.
Does that count?
sister and father have blue eyes. can i still join?
>its another kike made "x is white, y isn't trust me goy" divide and conquer thread.
Remember to sage.
suck my superior dick, ling ling
So, even if you have green eyes... which are even more rare than blue eyes, you're not welcome on pol lol
yeah get the fuck off my board, normal faggot
How about you fucking LARP your nigger tier faggotry elsewhere
No such thing as half Anglo if you're a shitskin. Blue eyes don't make a diff in your case. Just go kill yourself.
>a leaf
Try and stop me, fag
ftw blue eyed Jewish guy on Sup Forums
blue eyed people are literal untermensch and have a significantly higher chance of eye diseases
brown eyes brown hair 4/10 neet masterrace reporting
>t.brown eyed niggers
Reminder that you will never get laid
>daily reminder that if you don't have a specific mutation of the lack of melanin in your eyes caused by the cold you're not from Northern Europe
how are hispanics shitskin?
I consider myself Afro-Saxon i'll have u know
You're a Slav.
Sorry mudeye, your projections have little sway in the realm of reality
>caused by the cold
>Albanian doesn't understand what mutations and natural selection are
Not surprising, we're pretty much sandniggers.
oh no i'll never let a controlling psychotic bitch use me
feels good man
antimgtow are just jelly they can't resist the pooci and reach enlightenment.
Calling yourself 'hispanic' as if it is genetic is like calling yourself muslim. "hispanic" is implicit of culture, ok? If you're from fucking spain, how about you say you're from fucking spain.
If you're from mexico, then how about you say you're fucking mexican? If you're a mixed faggot with nigger genetics, then say you are as such; hispanic does not and cannot describe your faggotry accurately at all otherwise
>implying we haven't already been laid
>projecting your virginity this hard
worse than a nigger desu
Hazel masterrace
When did you realize that antimgtowers were just blue pilled zionists trying to ruin your NEETdom and get you to pay taxes for the ZOG machine?
>Not understanding that green eyes are best
>being this salty about superiour genetics
I was in Canada last year for a couple of weeks and have still not gotten over what an unremarkable country it was. Zero culture and really terrible quality food.
Canacucks wished they lived on the emerald isle.
riveting post
canada somehow has less culture than america
don't be so upset lad
I bet you have brown eyes
I have brown eyes but both my grandparents have gotten a clean aryan certificate back in the day.
Can I stay here?
I bet you have a small dick too, shiteyes
daily reminder thats fine, i have the same eye color Hitler had.
I have brown eyes and post on Sup Forums, and guess what?
There is nothing you can do about it.
just know that you don't belong