Is Gus Sorola /ourguy/?
Is Gus Sorola /ourguy/?
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Judging by how they talk and act, I doubt there is a single Trump supporter at Rooster Teeth. They're all Bernie supporters or Hillary Supporters.
The only exception I can think of is maybe Michael.
Nah he's #WithHer look at his twitter during the debates
They're all Hillary and some of them are crazy enough for Stein
IDK about Burnie tho he's been mum about it
In RT podcast #400 he mentions reading about that Korean cult story, so there's a chance he's a regular here.
I've got a very gay friend who works for RT
They are all fucking max level cucks
>rooster teeth in anno domini 2016
I feel like Bernie probably won't vote, he seems to dislike all the candidates.
why the fuck would he be, is there something i've missed? Last I checked they were just a bunch of berniebots except from joel (and maybe geoff?) who was a republican
What about Matt. I think its likely hes a Trump supporter.
Michael whined about Brexit not too long ago. They're not annoying cunts about it, but they're all blue-pilled as fuck.
Geoff is pretty hard for HIllary
Yeah he mentioned he read on Sup Forums.
Makes me wonder,how mainstream is Sup Forums?
He's the worst kind of Jew, a useless one.
wtf why? is it his wife i guarantee it
I remember a story that Barbara told about Joel prepping for 2012 or some shit, talking about mowing down pedestrians in his hummer.
It's so/so it's been mainstream for almost a decade, but absolute normies know it as "that bad hacker site" half normies know of it and possibly browse but "are too scared to post" and a lot also hide their power level cause they aren't autismos
Michael and Gavin are both megacucks. Jack is the worst, though. Fucking outbackaboo.
They're in Austin, though, so it's not surprising that all the employees are super liberal.
I think if anyone is red over there, it's Aaron, but then he's dating a Canadian so that's probably wrong.
Just release the video of Michael singing nigger Claus song and SJWs will tear him to bits
Ryan is the only cool guy at RT.
If I had to bet I'd say its his wife and daughter and the whole "THINK OF WHAT TRUMP SAID ABOUT WOMYN" got to him
lel, didn't know about this
i think its either:
In a podcast he talked about how he listens to CNN while falling asleep. He's gone, man.
>anyone from roosterteeth
>fucking anyone from austin
>"our" guy
what the fuck do you think you stupid shit
they are hipster cucks that dont even interact with minorities
they ARE these people
Looking at Aarons Twitter has removed any possibility of him being. He's not vocally blue, maybe gray at best, but definitely but red.
Ryan is still a good contender.
Ryan is the best
Jack is definitely a trump supporter
Remember that one time where he didn't know whether the elephant stands for dnc or rnc? Good times
Real talk, they're all Fucking idiots, Geoff gets fucked in the ass by his wife
I was surprised to hear he browsed Sup Forums considering how dismissive RT has been to Sup Forums in the past.
Makes me wonder how he can support Hillary after reading the shit on here. I mean you don't have to even like Trump to realize Hillary is corrupt as fuck.
Hey guys, wanna rage? Listen to this tumblrina bitch
She made me lose all respect I had for RT, why the fuck would they hire her
Geoff gets pegged
Jack gets cucked
Also I think Jack is my first time I can remember seeing a numale
Jesus fucking christ you manchildren still watching roosterteeth? Their channel is shit and they make weeb shit. Michael Luna has a mexican girl friend and mocks the blonde staff members. Bernie Burns is a mexican shill. The whole fucking company shills for both america and mexico, their logo is a fucking ROOSTER.
>anyone from Austin TX.
What the fuck, did you forget about Ghost?
I don't watch them but I followed a lot of them on twitter in like 2010 and never bothered to unfollow
that channel is awful
only reason it's bigger than ETC is the fact they have that blonde 6
Well I do like Red V Blue and RWBY
They were funny when ray was there
Ray is one of those cool ass spics
The indisputable point where it started to go downhill was when they changed the name from drunk tank to rt podcast
I used to watch them a few years ago, I took a look at them now and I cant recognize a single fucking person except from the 10 or so old ones
wtf i hate roosters now
>our guy
>check flag
oh it's definitely yours
I miss when they put random fan songs at the start of every podcast. Now they're trying to be an actual production studio and it's fucking garbage.
He once admitted purposefully sleeping at the wheel while driving in a highway and having his passenger hold the wheel
He should be in jail
what are some right wing youtube gaming channels?
TheGoldenOne, but only sort of
What about Funhaus?
They tend not to care if anyone gets offended by their humour, and they seem to be slightly anti SJW.
I'm gonna say no
>grown men playing video games
They probably all vote Hillary too except Lawrence who seems to be too woke, but yeah, at least they aren't SJWs
Joel is a zerohedge guy and his twitter is hilarious.
The rest are probably cucks. Gus not sure because half of the stuff he says normally sounds pretty redpilled, but then he's half mexican or something..
The channel stopped to be funny years ago anyway. When it was fringe it had its original jokes and RvB was good. Then they expanded and watered down everything. Most of the new kids are total cucks.
Lawrence is woke as fuck, Bruce also seems like he might vote Trump. I genuinely think James might also be a closet Trump supporter too.
when did RT get bought out by some jew company?
also fuck those jews for starting a kickstarter for making a movie, when they own all the equipment to do it and just hired their own people
how fucking cucked are their fans
>I am going to give them money to make something that I have to then pay to watch
from my understanding the movie is shit and exactly like everything else bernie does, they are literally paying RT to make something they normally make for free
I think Bruce Adam and James don't give a fuck, hear the negatives about Trump and then vote Hillary like yeah whatever
Lawrence though, he's so cynic I would bet that he votes trump too
At the end of the day there is only one who is truly /ourguy/
And it is Alexander Gordon Jahans
I had long stopped watching before they made that movie.
Since they became mainstream, the quality of their content dropped drastically. Most videos are generic mediocre stuff.
>Not SJW
The blondes don't hurt but hell if that's the only reason. RT got big because they already had a large audience and good equipment thanks to RvB, putting them in a perfect position to rake in shitloads of youtube money. Then they accidentally struck gold by helping Monty with his dream project.
Man I loved RoosterTeeth's stuff, but I just kind of fell off watching them after Ray left. Couldn't find the time. Haven't seen any RvB stuff past S13 and haven't seen any RWBY past S2.
It sucks that they are Austinite chucks, but honestly they're the one company that I'll give a pass despite being blue pulled sellouts. They made my car rides to work and my long nights in college all the easier, GOAT podcast but I haven't listened for over a year.
I'll have to binge watch their stuff sometime, find out who all these new faggots are.
I've gotta ask: What would Spoole do?
Vote for the stoner candidate of course, A Leppo
I miss spoole ;_;
I listen to their podcasts when I'm going to work. I commute like 2 hours a day.
Same, Spoole was /ourguy/
>the reddit in this thread
RvB was fucking funny 10 years ago. They were always a load of bluepilled faggots.
Only Mike Kroon is fairly based.
>Kush King Kroon
Reddit came after this company. It was founded in 2005, RT is from 2003
Yeah Burnie is totally voting
Who was Spoole?
Joel's pretty great. Not sure what the fuck he's on about when he starts mentioning why everything would be better if he was gay.
quiet shy guy at Funhaus who always appeared stoned. He left either earlier this year or sometime last year.
Watch the newest always open podcast and all of them for that matter some of the shit they talk about especially in the most recent one is a mixture of down right degeneracy and red pill theories come true
you mean today or the one that came out last Friday?
RT was bought by Fullscreen Inc. Like 3 years ago, so yes, they did get ruined by jews.
Getting kinky #6